.There are very few buildings , and they are almost in the mountains and forests .

.Pang Qun said: “The former Nanhe Village is gone , and it has been changed to Nanhe Community . ”

.” But the bus station in Nanhe Village is still there . ”

.” Oh . ”

.Wang Ze nodded .

.Apart from the three of them , there were only two passengers in the car .

.A pair of grandparents .

.It should be a resident of Nanhe community .

.soon .

.Nanhe Village has arrived .

.The horn sounded : the terminal has arrived , passengers who get off the bus, please bring your luggage and get off the bus at the back door , please pay attention to safety when you get off the bus , thank you for taking the No. 11 bus .

.The door is open .

.The driver took out a pack of cigarettes and got out of the car to rest .

.Wang Ze glanced at it .

.The driver was in his thirties .

.Ten years ago , it should be still in school .

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � …..

.Asked no results .

.After getting off .

.Wang Ze stretched his waist long and felt that the surrounding air was much fresher .

.He took out a cigarette and handed it to Pang Qun .

.The two came to the side of the road and chatted while smoking .

.” How do you feel ?”

.Pang Qun opened his mouth .

.Sitting all the way over , he didn’t feel anything anyway .

.Wang Ze took a cigarette , looked into the distance , and said , ” Where is that place ?”

.Pang Qun said: ” Forest reserve . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Not a tourist area ?”

.Pang Qun said: ” No , it is forbidden to enter , it has been sealed long ago . ”

.” There are many national protected animals in the forest . ”

.” Also , it ‘s dangerous . ”

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.” But I heard that part of it will be developed as a tourism demonstration area . ”

.” Who knows that the year of the monkey and the month of the horse can only be implemented . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” When was it sealed ?”

.Pang Qun thought for a while , then turned his head and said , ” Zhang Chao , when did you seal it ?”

.Zhang Chao : ” I’ll check it out . ”

.After speaking , he squatted down and turned on the computer .

.After searching for a while , he replied, ” About eight years ago . ”

.Hearing this number , Wang Ze said, ” That is to say , Yuan Shengqiang was not banned when he was a bus driver . ”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun smiled and said , ” Poaching ?”

.” Huh ?” Wang Ze looked at Pang Qun and said with satisfaction : ” Learn now and sell now , Captain Pang , you can do it . ”

.Just kidding about tomb robbing .

.Now outside the forest , the other party immediately thinks of poaching .

.Of course .

.It’s all a joke .

.It is too far-fetched for an ordinary bus driver to say that he goes tomb robbing or poaching .

.Pang Qun responded , ” That’s because Captain Wang taught me well . ”

.Before he knew it , he was also taken by Wang Ze .

.” Is there a forestry station in this place ?”

.Wang Ze brought up business .

.Pang Qun : ” Yes ? I don’t know very well . ”

.” But even if there is , it should have been built in recent years . ”

.Wang Ze looked at Zhang Chao .

.Zhang Chao stared at the map , nodded and said, ” There is a forestry station , less than one kilometer . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Go and see ?”

.Pang Qun : ” Yes . ”

…. wide .

Chapter 191 _ Forestry Station ? 4 ?

.From the road there is a trail that goes straight through the outskirts of the forest .

.It’s a cement road .

.Well repaired .

.It takes about ten minutes to walk to Forestry Station .

.A few people walked unhappily , and by the way, you can enjoy the scenery along the way .

.” Nice place . ”

.Wang Ze said .

.Pang Qun nodded : ” Yes . ”

.” The scenery here should be the best in Xicheng . ”

.” It’s a pity it wasn’t open . ”

.” Otherwise, when the case is over , I will definitely show you around . ”

.Wang Ze chuckled lightly : ” It’s very rare to be able to walk like this . ”

.” You said that Yuan Shengqiang was a bus driver at that time , making countless trips a year . ”

.” He should be familiar with this place , right ?”

.Referring to the case , Pang Qun pondered slightly and said , ” You suspect , what happened to Yuan Shengqiang here ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Now we can only doubt everything about ” Zero Twenty Seven ” . ”

.” Otherwise what else can be done . ”

.” From Xingyue Shoe Factory to this forest , we have to go through it first . ”

.” Even if there are no clues . ”

.” At the very least , make sure there are no investigation gaps . ”

.” In this case , the scope of the investigation will be narrowed and narrowed, and the truth will not be far away . ”

.Pang Qun agreed with Wang Ze’s remarks , nodded and said , ” Everything is up to you . ”

.While chatting , a building appeared ahead .

.Pretty new building .

.It should have just been repaired a few years ago .

.There are three big characters on it : Forestry Station .

.This is a subordinate unit of the Forestry Bureau .

.The working conditions are more difficult .

.Of course , it depends on how you understand it .

.If you like nature , you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city .

.here .

.It’s heaven .

.There is water, electricity and grid , what is not heaven ?

.It’s just sparsely populated .

.Some people do n’t like to deal with people .

.The door is open .

.The three went straight in .

.” Hello , what’s the matter ?”

.There was a young man near the door who was sorting documents .

.Seeing the three come in , he got up and asked .

.” You’re the only one at the forestry station ?”

.Pang Qun was surprised .

.The youth said : ” No , there is one more . ”

.” What are you doing ?”

.Pang Qun waved his hand lightly .

.Zhang Chao, who was behind him, stepped forward , took out his credentials and said, ” Hello , the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau . ”

.” There is a case that needs to be visited and investigated . ”

.Seeing that it was a criminal policeman , the young man was stunned for a moment and said , ” Oh , good . ”

.After speaking , he turned his head and shouted , ” Brother Liu !”

.” What ?! ”

.There is a voice .

.The youth continued to shout , ” Comrades from the Municipal Bureau are here !”

.The voice fell , and there was no movement there .

.After a while , with the sound of hurried footsteps , a middle-aged man walked out of the back room .

.” City Bureau ?”

.Seeing the three of them , the man stretched out his hand as he walked : ” Hello, hello . ”

.Pang Qun reached out and shook hands with him .

.” Hello , I’m Pang Qun , captain of the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau , what’s my name ?”

.The middle-aged man smiled and said , ” I’m Liu Jitong , and this is my colleague Yu Xiangjie . ”

.He pointed to the youth road .

.Pang Qunruo :;. Water resource ” source ” group ?!6? ” ;5,6!6″,1.8:!8,.9?:”6;,? Backup ‘ Use ‘. Middle “?, Turn ‘ Group .’:7;.6;6::0″1:.8.3:?2′.0 turned heads .

.Yu Xiangjie smiled and said , ” Hello Captain Pang . ”

.Pang Qun nodded .

.Liu Jitong greeted : ” Come , come, stop standing , sit . ”

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