.” Xiang Jie , go get some tea . ”

.Yu Xiangjie : ” Okay . ”

.Several people were seated .

.Liu Jitong said, ” Captain Pang , why did you come to the forestry station ?”

.” Is there a case ?”

.Pang Qun said: ” There is indeed a case that requires the cooperation of the forestry station to inquire . ”

.Hearing this , Liu Jitong nodded : ” Okay , Captain Pang, please speak . ”

.At this moment , Pang Qun turned to look at Wang Ze .

.Liu Jitong also looked over : ” Who is this ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Hello Mr. Liu , Wang Ze . ”

.Liu Jitong : ” Officer Wang , hello hello . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Mr. Liu , how many years has this forestry station been built ?”

.Liu Ji said, ” It’s been about six years . ”

.” After the forest reserve was closed , the construction of the station began . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Before the station was built , who were you ?”

.Liu Jitong smiled and said , ” I’m from the Forestry Bureau . ”

.” After the station was established , I was transferred to be the station manager . ”

.Wang Ze : ” It turned out to be Director Liu . ”

.Liu Jitong waved his hands quickly : ” I do n’t dare to be a forest protector , I’m not a stationmaster . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Have you been here before building the station ?”

.Liu Jitong nodded : ” Occasionally , but not a few times . ”

.Wang Ze : ” About a few years ago ?”

.Liu Jitong thought for a while and said , ” It’s been some years …”

.” I reckon it will take fifteen or sixteen years . ”

.” I remember that time , I had just graduated . ”

.”I didn’t expect time to go by so quickly , so fleetingly . ”

.” At the end of the day , I’m still here . ”

.Pang Qun smiled and said , ” It’s beautiful here , the environment is beautiful , and the air is fresh . ”

.” Some people can’t come if they want to . ”

.Liu Ji Tong said: ” It’s not bad , but there are fewer people , haha . ”

.At this moment , Yu Xiangjie came over with a tea set .

.Seeing this , Liu Ji said, ” Come here , drink tea, drink tea . ”

.Pang Qun : ” Thank you . ”

.Wang Ze politely took a sip of tea and said , ” Director Liu , when there was no forestry station more than ten years ago , who was in charge ?”

.Liu Ji said, ” No one manages it . ”

.” Oh yes , there are rangers . ”

.” It ‘s to prevent poaching and patrol the forest to detect fires in time . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Where are those people ?”

.Liu Ji said: ” After the protection zone was closed , they all changed careers . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Can I still find their information ?”

.Liu Jitong hesitated : ” I’m afraid it’s unlikely , it’s been too long . ”

.” Besides, the data isn’t with us either . ”

.” At that time, the forest rangers in this forest should have been temporary workers , and the mobility was relatively large , and the positions were not appointed by us . ”

.Wang Ze : ” What unit is that appointed by ?”

.Tong Liu Ji said, ” It should be … in the village or in the township ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Can you still remember the name of 5.4 ?”

.Liu Jitong shook his head : ” I’m afraid I can’t remember the name . ”

.”I haven’t met a few times before, and after so many years , it’s hard to remember . ”

.” Besides , it is true that there are frequent substitutions , and I can’t tell who is who . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly and said, ” Has stationmaster Liu heard that anything special happened near Nanhe Village Station more than ten years ago ?”

.” Something special ?”

.Liu Jitong was puzzled .

.” I think about it …”

.He pondered for a while , and finally shook his head and said, ” Probably not . ”

.” Even if there is, it’s a trivial matter, right ? Otherwise, I must have an impression . ”

.” Have you heard of Xiang Jie ?”

.He turned to ask .

.Yu Xiangjie spread his hands : ” You don’t know , how can I know where to go . ”

Chapter 192 _ The old man in the village ? 1 ?

.Wang Zedao : ” Do you know Yuan Shengqiang , stationmaster Liu ?”

.Liu Jitong shook his head : ” I don’t know . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Ten years ago , did you go out to drive or take a car ?”

.Tong Liu Ji said : ” Drive , I bought a car relatively early . ”

.Wang Ze turned his head : ” Show him the photo . ”

.Hearing this , Zhang Chao picked up the phone and called up Yuan Shengqiang’s photo .

.” Do you know this person ?”

.Liu Jitong approached , looked carefully for a while, and said, ” It looks familiar . ”

.” Xiang Jie , do you know him ?”

.Yu Xiangjie glanced at it and said , ” I do n’t know . ”

.Liu Ji said : ” Who is this ? I should have seen it, but I definitely don’t know it . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” This is the driver of the No. 11 bus in the past . ”

.Liu Jitong’s memories were aroused , and he suddenly said : ” Oh yes !”

.” That’s right , it’s him . ”

.” The driver of this bus line back then was him . ”

.” I said , how does it look familiar . ”

.” I have seen . ”

.” What happened to him ?”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” It’s okay , just a routine inquiry . ”

.” Oh . ”

.Liu Jitong nodded . 27

.Without asking anything , Wang Ze said casually, ” Here , just the two of you ?”

.Liu Jitong smiled and said , ” Yes , just the two of us . ”

.” In fact, there are not many things , and it is useless to have too many people . ”

.” There are surveillance cameras everywhere now , and no one dares to mess around . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly , looked at the green scenery outside , and said , ” Is this forest really inaccessible ?”

.Tong Liu Ji said, ” No, no , that’s a bit of an exaggeration . ”

.” It used to be on the mountainside of the forest , and people lived there . ”

.” But not anymore , the houses have all been demolished . ”

.Pang Qun was curious : ” Live in the forest ?”

.Liu Jitong nodded : ” Yes . ”

.Pang Qun : ” That’s a little dangerous . ”

.Liu Jitong smiled and said , ” It’s normal . ”

.” You see people living on steep cliffs everywhere else . ”

.” It ‘s not surprising to live in the forest . ”

.Wang Ze asked , ” How long has it been ?”

.Liu Ji Tong said: ” It’s been a long time , I also heard about it . ”

.” It’s going to take twenty years, no matter what?”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze nodded and said , ” That’s really a long time . ”

.” Left over from the last century ?”

.Liu Ji said, ” Yes . ”

.Wang Ze chatted : ” What kind of house ?”

.Liu Ji said, ” I don’t know either . ”

.”I guess it’s the kind of house made of wood, right ?”

.” Rely on the mountains to eat the mountains , rely on the sea to eat the sea , and rely on the forest to eat the forest . ”

.” Fixed in situ . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Who is responsible for the demolition ?”

.Liu Ji said, ” Just our Forestry Bureau . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Then the materials at that time should still be there, right ?”

.Liu Jitong nodded : ” This is there , but I don’t know if I can find it . ”

.” You can ask if you want . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay . ”

.After half an hour .

.The three left the forestry station .

.On the way back , Pang Qun said, ” Are the houses demolished in the forest also checked ?”

.He found that the coverage of Wang Ze’s investigation was indeed very broad .

.Even this kind of thing in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse is not spared .

.Anyway, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with this case .

.Wang Ze said: ” Check it out , it’s not a bad thing . ”

.” Maybe in the course of the investigation , we can find a breakthrough . ”

.Pang Qun nodded : ” Okay . ”

.” Nanhe Community , are you still going ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Of course . ”

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