.South River Community .

.That is Nanhe Village .

.existed for so many years .

.If anything has happened nearby before , be sure to ask .

.It’s up to you to ask the right person .

.Soon , the three came to the head of Nanhe Village .

.There are several old people sitting on the big rocks basking in the sun .

.The cigarette stick in his hand is filled with smoke .

.This kind of cigarette rod is not as simple as ten or eight years , it is an old object from decades ago .

.” Master , where are you resting ?”

.Wang Ze said while walking .

.Several people turned their heads .

.” Visit relatives, little doll ?”

.The old man’s voice was hoarse and his hair was white .

.Wang Ze smiled and said , “I ‘m not visiting relatives . ”

.” Master , do I need to ask you something ?”

.The old man smiled and said , ” Ask, ask , what’s the matter ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Ten years ago , did anything special happen here ?”

.” Or rather , strange things . ”

.The old man said: ” With the forest , anything can happen . ”

.” Which thing are you referring to ?”

.The old man is estimated to be seventy or eighty years old .

.Having experienced too many things , big and small, in a lifetime, it is really difficult to answer Wang Ze’s question .

.Wang Ze thought for a while and said , ” Has anything happened on this mountain ?”

.The old man said : ” No , what can happen on the mountain ?”

.Another old man said : ” Who said no ? Wasn’t there smoke more than ten years ago ?”

.Wang Ze raised his brows : ” Smoke ? What do you mean , fire ?”

.The old man waved his hand : ” It’s not a fire . If the fire is still alive , then the whole forest must not be burned down ?”

.” It ‘s just … smoke . ”

.” Maybe there was a fire somewhere , but it didn’t spread . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Where exactly ?”

.The old 027 person recalled for a while , raised his hand and said, ” There , it ‘s quite far, and we have to climb over a hill . ”

.”The exact location is unclear . ”

.Wang Ze looked over .

.” Did you call the police at that time ?”

.The old man said : ” It must have been reported . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and said , ” Is there anything else ?”

.The old man said : ” Other things …”

.” There are many more . ”

.” Come , come, I’ll tell you . ”

.Next .

.Wang Ze spent more than an hour listening to almost all the ” legendary ” experiences of these old people .

.Just ten minutes later , Wang Ze was already helpless and wanted to slip away .

.But seeing the enthusiasm of these old people , I really couldn’t bear it .

.Just listen and listen .

.for them .

.It is very difficult to have someone willing to listen to them .

.Empty nesters do need care .

.Since they are not in a hurry , let them do it .

.” Come again next time, little doll . ”

.Several old people waved their hands .

.Wang Ze smiled bitterly : ” Sure , definitely . ”

.The three of them came to the stop sign , ready to return .

.Pang Qun smiled and said , “I didn’t see it , you are quite patient . ”

.Just now , he almost heard Mao .

Chapter 193 _ I lost you ? 2 ?

.Wang Ze rubbed his ears and said , ” I can almost hear calluses . ”

.” These old men are really full of energy . ”

.” I was miserable , stupefied , almost fell asleep . ”

.Pang Qun smiled .

.Even things like stealing dogs were divided into two episodes for a long time .

.Can you be confused .

.I guess .

.It was hard to catch someone , and he had to tell everything he had accumulated before .

.It’s also a good thing .

.At least they have a clear and intuitive understanding of Nanhe Village and its surroundings .

.”I feel that the smoking incident is a bit strange . ”

.Pang Qun Road .

.Wang Ze handed him a cigarette and said , ” Yes , it ‘s a bit strange . ”

.After he finished speaking , he lit a cigarette and continued : ” Seeing smoke over the forest at such a long distance shows that the fire is not small . ”

.” However , it didn’t start a fire . ”

.Pang Qun said: ” Maybe , there are few combustibles around ?”

.” Even a house can be built here , which means that there is a flat area . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” It’s possible . ”

.” If possible, it would be best to find out . ”

.” It’s so close to Nanhe Village Station , it can be regarded as having a certain connection with the victim . ”

.Pang Qun said: ” Then you need to ask the fire department . ”

.” Although time has passed for a long time , the firefighters who made the fire were always there . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” Let’s talk about it tomorrow . ”

.” One more night ride on this bus . ”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun was stunned for a moment , then nodded and said, ” Okay . ”

.He did not expect Wang Ze’s investigation to be so rigorous .

.Same bus , same route .

.Also distinguish between day and night .

.Also right .

.There are still differences .

.As Wang Ze said , the investigation should be comprehensive .

.A comprehensive investigation will allow clues to emerge inadvertently .


.ten o’clock at night .

.Wang Ze dragged his slightly tired body to a five-star hotel .

.The address given by Jiang Ying is here .

.to the sixth floor .

.He knocked on the door .

.Soon , the room door opened .

.Jiang Ying has changed into pajamas .

.Wang Ze was stunned for a moment, and walked in .

.” You seem very tired? ~ . ”

.Jiang Ying closed the door and said .

.She could see the tiredness on Wang Ze’s face .

.Wang Ze fell on his back on the bed and said , ” It’s alright , I ‘ve been taking the bus and visited various stops by the way . ”

.Jiang Ying was astonished : “The workload is so heavy that the investigation is completed in one day ?”

.A public route is not short .

.If you want to visit the sites one by one , it cannot be done in a day .

.Wang Ze looked at the ceiling and said , ” I asked selectively . ”

.Jiang Ying turned around and poured a glass of water for Wang Ze , ” Is the harvest big ?”

.Saying that, she handed over the water glass .

.Wang Ze sat up , took a sip from the water glass , and said, ” It’s okay . ”

.” At least better than when I first came here . ”

.” But overall , not much to gain . ”

.Jiang Ying smiled : ” Then what you said is the same as what you didn’t say . ”

.” Why is the case so complicated ?”

.She knew that the case that Wang Ze could investigate from across the city was definitely not a trivial matter .

.Whether it’s Bai Zhenghao’s case or Xie Jiarui’s case , Wang Ze has always been very relaxed .

.This time , there seems to be a problem .

.Wang Ze drank all the water in the glass and said , “The case itself is not complicated . ”

.”The difficulty lies in the breakthrough . ”

.” There is no viable breakthrough that would allow the case as a whole to move forward . ”

.Jiang Ying didn’t quite understand the meaning of this sentence and asked , ” Is it a murder case ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Yes . ”

.Jiang Ying hesitated : “The murderer is very smart ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Very smart . ”

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