.” At least in terms of modus operandi , clever . ”

.It is rare for him to rate the murderer this way .

.Jiang Ying just wanted to speak , but Wang Ze continued : ” But no matter how smart people are , there are also negligence and weaknesses . ”

.” I need to be closer to him . ”

.” Now then …”

.” It’s a little farther . ”

.In fact, he had the outline of the murderer in his mind .

.It’s just blurry .

.In the future investigation process , he needs to make this vague outline more and more clear .

.Until , lock the identity of the other party .

.Jiang Ying nodded , didn’t ask more , smiled : ” It’s the first time I’ve heard of taking the bus to investigate the case . ”

.” Isn’t the murderer a bus driver ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head with a smile and did not answer the question .

.Don’t say it yet .

.She was half right .

.The killer was not the bus driver .

.The victim is .

.”� ” What about you ? What are you doing today ?”

.” Where do you drive to during the day ?”

.He changed the subject and asked .

.Speaking of this , Jiang Ying sighed : ” Forget it , it ‘s all tears . ”

.” I found a serious problem . ”

.” There is still a big gap between theory and practice . ”

.Wang Ze laughed : “I hit a wall . ”

.” Aren’t you talking nonsense ? ”

.” Of course there is a big gap between theory and practice . ”

.When I was in the police academy, there were not a few people with excellent grades .

.There are many people with good grades in criminal psychology .

.But it turns out .

.There are very few outstanding criminal police officers after graduation .

.Real criminal investigation requires more than theoretical knowledge .

.Jiang Ying was helpless : ” The economy of Xicheng is actually very general . ”

.” I think these few days , I’m afraid I have nothing to gain . ”

.Wang Zedao : ” Xicheng has a good cultural heritage , and the surrounding environment is also very good , suitable for tourism . ”

.” But the development of the industry should not be as good as imagined . ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Ying was surprised : ” Do you still understand this ?”

.Wang Ze laughed : ” Anyone who asks anyone on the street knows about the obvious things , right ?”

.Jiang Ying shrugged and said, ” It’s true , I didn’t know until I came here . ”

.” But have you noticed that Xicheng lacks a tourist demonstration area ?”

.” Huh ?” Wang Ze was taken aback and said , ” It’s really a scholar . ”

.” You don’t want to enter the tourism industry , do you?”

.” How much does it cost to open a tourist demonstration area ?”

.Jiang Ying was lost in thought , and said casually : ” It’s not bad money . ”

.Wang Ze : “…”

.Your uncle’s !

.Showing off your wealth again, isn’t it ?

.” It’s your fault . ”

.Wang Ze said in a low voice , got up and went to wash up .

Chapter 194 _ Fire Brigade , Pei Donglei ? 3 ?

.the next day .

.Wang Ze came to Xicheng Bureau early .

.There are very few people in the case handling hall .

.Most of the police officers are still conducting extensive investigations according to the directions given by Wang Ze .

.This process takes time .

.Investigating a case is not something that can be done overnight .

.Especially this kind of complicated serial murder case .

.” Morning , Captain Pang . ”

.Wang Ze said while walking .

.Pang Qun was sitting there drinking water , when he heard the words, he turned around and said with a smile , ” It’s so early . ”

.Wang Ze rubbed his forehead : “I didn’t get enough sleep , so my girlfriend got tossed . ”

.As soon as these words came out , the case handling hall fell silent .

.Pang Qun didn’t come back to his senses for a while .

.I don’t know how to answer this sentence .

.Seeing the reactions of several people , Wang Ze was stunned for a moment , and quickly said : ” I mean my girlfriend woke up early and called me up . ”

.Pang Qun laughed dumbly and said , ” Your girlfriend is in Xicheng , and she still has business . ”

.Wang Ze was helpless : ” Last night , an idea came up on a whim . ”

.”I can’t wait to investigate today . ”

.Pang Qun was curious : ” What’s the idea ?”

.Wang Zedao : ” If she didn’t change her mind halfway through , it should be a tourism demonstration area . ”

.” Tourism demonstration area ?” Pang Qun was surprised , ” This is not something ordinary people can do . ”

.” Don’t say it, our Xicheng really needs a Brigade 030 tour demonstration area now . ”

.” And it’s not a question of need , it’s in short supply . ”

.” Your girlfriend’s family is very rich, right ?”

.It is not as simple as having money to have the confidence to investigate the tourism demonstration area .

.Add the word ” special ” in front of it

.The required assets are followed by ” billion ” .

.” It’s okay . ”

.Wang Ze’s answer was vague .

.Pang Qun got up and said with a smile , ” Isn’t it modest ?”

.” Jiang Ying …”

.” I remember Yuncheng , there was a Jiang Group . ”

.As soon as these words came out , other people were shocked and looked over .

.Jiang’s Group .

.That’s nationally ranked .

.And very forward .

.won’t it ?

.Is it possible that Captain Wang’s girlfriend is the daughter of the Jiang Group ?

.Wang Ze waved his hands again and again : ” Stop talking nonsense , how is it possible . ”

.” It’s just that the surname is Jiang . ”

.Pang Qun was suspicious : ” Really ?”

.He felt that the other party was lying .

.But there is no evidence .

.Wang Ze squeezed his throat and said , “A little thirsty . ”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun turned his head and said , ” Who , pour a glass of water for Captain Wang . ”

?(chfe)?” Okay . ”

.A police officer got up and poured Wang Ze a cup of warm water with a disposable cup .

.Wang Ze took it : ” Thank you . ”

.Police officer : ” Captain Wang is very polite . ”

.After taking a sip of water , Wang Ze said, ” How are other people’s investigations ?”

.Pang Qun said: ” In -depth investigation will take time , I guess , why won’t there be results tomorrow ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Well , don’t worry , just don’t make any omissions . ”

.For investigation .

.Speed and quality , obviously the latter is more important .

.Pang Qun : ” Then let’s go to the fire department ?”

.Wang Ze sat down and said , ” Don’t be in a hurry . ”

.” I was thinking about a question when I went to bed last night . ”

.”The suspect’s occupation . ”

.” Based on the assumption of revenge killing, what do you think this suspect will do ?”

.Pang Qun thought for a while and said , ” Now … there shouldn’t be any basis to judge, right ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” Yes , of course there is . ”

.” If the killer is revenge for killing , he has been looking for someone for more than five years . ”

.” That’s what we assumed and extrapolated from yesterday , right ?”

.Pang Qun nodded .

.Wang Ze continued : ” Since he is looking for someone , his choices in terms of work are limited . ”

.” You can’t find someone like Jiujiu Liu who is busy from morning to night, right ?”

.” So there are two possibilities . ”

.” First , his work is relatively leisurely . ”

.” Second , his work is conducive to investigating people . ”

.” Or , both possibilities are satisfied at the same time . ”

.After listening to Wang Ze’s words , Pang Qun thought for a while and said , ” Yes , that ‘s right . ”

.” If he’s very busy , he really doesn’t have time to do his own thing . ”

.” And people who are full of revenge don’t have the heart to do those complicated jobs . ”

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