.” Is there a direction ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” Not yet . ”

.” There’s a lot of idle work , and it ‘s impossible to keep narrowing down . ”

.” As for the condition that is conducive to investigating people …”

.Having said this , he paused slightly and said , ” If we find this step , it means that the murderer is basically standing in front of us . ”

.Pang Qun : ” Of course . ”

.What is helpful for checking people ?

.This is directly linked to the identity of the victim .

.Find this out , and you’re very close to solving the case .

.But this is precisely the hardest to check .

.” Come on, let’s go to the fire . ”

.After chatting for a while , Wang Ze spoke .

.Pang Qun : ” Okay . ”


.an hour later .

.Wang Zeruo :;? Water :”? Resources , Group ,, 6,5:”6?’!6.!’1′,8!.8.9?6″?” Backup , Use : ?, Middle :,. Turn ; Group ?7.;”6..,6’0?1:;”8:!”3′;!2″0 met the main person in charge of Xicheng Fire .

.It was a tall, burly middle-aged man with dark skin .

.His eyes were bright and full of energy .

.Wang Ze can be sure at first glance .

.This is a former veteran .

.” Captain Pei , I’m sorry to disturb you . ”

.Pang Qun shook hands with each other and said with a smile .

.The middle-aged man is called Pei Donglei .

.Xicheng Fire Brigade , detachment leader .

.The level of firefighting , from top to bottom is the corps , detachment , brigade , and squadron .

.Detachment , above the brigade .

.The team is in Yuncheng .

.Pei Donglei smiled slightly : ” Captain Pang is very polite , I haven’t seen each other for a while . ”

.Pang Qun said : ” Yes , I ‘ve been busy recently . ”

.” If you have time , let’s have a drink together . ”

.Pei Donglei : ” Okay . ”

.After he finished speaking , he turned to look at Wang Ze beside him .

.this young man .

.Not quite like Pang Qun’s subordinates .

.” Who is this ?”

.Pang Qun quickly introduced : ” Oh , this is the deputy captain of the criminal investigation team of Yuncheng Bureau , Wang Ze . ”

.Hearing this , Pei Donglei was obviously taken aback for a moment , and then he was surprised : ” Vice captain ? So young ?”

.Pang Qun smiled and said , ” The provincial government has always valued the geniuses of the Yuncheng Police Academy . ”

.” I solved a lot of cases when I was in college , so I got promoted faster . ”

.Pei Donglei nodded slowly and said , ” No wonder . ”

.” It’s the first time I’ve seen such a young deputy chief of criminal investigation . ”

.” We, Dongzhou , are going to make a great character . ”

.Now the vice-captain .

.What about later ?

.Hard to imagine .

.Wang Ze smiled and stretched out his hand : ” Captain Pei has won the prize , hello . ”

.” Hello . ”

.The two shake hands .

.After being seated , Pei Donglei asked directly , ” Tell me , what are you looking for ?”

.He’s not one to beat around the bush .

Chapter 195 _ Nameless Fire ? 4 ?

.People who are vigorous and resolute will not be weak in execution .

.This should be a character habit developed by military experience and firefighting .

.Whether doing things or chatting , it will not grind .

.Wang Ze quite appreciates this kind of character .

.” Wang Ze , you can ask . ”

.Pang Qun opened his mouth .

.Pei Donglei looked over .

.He won’t ask about any case , it’s a secret .

.However …

.It seems that Captain Wang is in charge .

.The provincial department sent over to investigate the case ?

.He is very smart .

.Guess exactly .

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Okay . ”

.” Captain Pei , we want to check the police records – records from more than ten years ago . ”

.Hearing this , Pei Donglei was surprised : ” Ten years ago ? So long ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Yes . ”

.Pei Donglei pondered a little and said , ” Which year ? Where ?”

.Wang Ze : ” I don’t know what year . ”

.” Location , in the mountain forest near Nanhe Village . ”

.Pei Donglei nodded slightly : ” Okay , then you wait a while , there is no guarantee that you will find it . ”

.After speaking , he got up and left the office .

.Pang Qun said: ” After so many years , I don’t know if there are any records . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” There should be . ”

.” After all, it is related to forest safety , I think it will be preserved, right ?”

.” It doesn’t matter . ”

.” If there is really no record , we can go to the fireman who called the police back then . ”

.” It’s all the same . ”

.Pang Qun nodded : ” Yes . ”

.Wait for half an hour .

.The room door opens .

.Pei Donglei walked in with a piece of paper .

.was just printed .

.” There’s only this . ”

.While talking , Pei Donglei handed it to Wang Ze .

.Wang Ze took it .

.The three looked together .

.Pei Donglei said, ” It was a fire in a wooden house in the forest , fifteen years ago . ”

.” Because the location is unknown and the mountain road is rough , when the firefighters arrived , the fire was almost out . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Unfortunately, there are no photos . ”

.Pei Donglei smiled and said , ” We’re not a criminal investigation team . What are you doing taking pictures ?”

.Wang Ze : ” That’s true . ”

.” Is this the one named Liang Zhi who led the team back then ?”

.Pei Donglei : ” That’s right . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Where is he now ?”

.Pei Donglei said, ” I’m in the logistics after retiring , do you want to call him here ?”

.Wang Ze smiled : ” It’s troublesome . ”

.Pei Donglei waved his hand : ” It’s okay , you wait for me to make a call . ”

.After speaking , he stepped aside .

.When Pei Donglei called , Pang Qun said , ” Is there a problem with this small fire ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” I don’t know . ”

.” Since you’re here , ask me . ”

.” Look what caused the fire . ”

.” It can’t catch fire by itself, can it ?”

.Pang Qun said: “The sky is dry and the things are dry , and the maintenance is uneven . ”

.” It’s normal that there are often inexplicable fires in the wild . ”

.Wang Ze did not speak .

.At this time, Pei Donglei put away his mobile phone , sat back , and said , ” Come here in a while, wait a moment . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Okay . ”

.Pei Donglei asked : ” Captain Wang , Captain Pang , is it an old case that you have been investigating for so long ?”

.Pang Qun replied, ” It doesn’t count, it ‘s the case in recent years . ”

.” Oh . ”

.Pei Donglei nodded and didn’t ask more .

.Click till .

.” Captain Wang , when the case is over , let’s have a drink ?”

.Such a young deputy chief of criminal investigation , he really wanted to get to know him .

.Not for relationship .

.Purely because of Wang Ze .

.He was curious .

.What kind of person is a guy who can become a captain at this age .

.Of course Wang Ze wouldn’t refuse , and said with a chuckle , ” Okay . ”

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