.” When the case is over , I’ll be the host , let’s have a good drink . ”

.Pang Qun was unhappy and said , ” Why do you call me east? This is in Xicheng , not Yuncheng . ”

.Wang Ze glanced at Pang Qun and said , ” That’s good . ”

.” I treat you , you pay . ”

.Pang Qun : ” Huh ?”

.Pei Donglei laughed .

.Young people are young people , and they do speak differently .

.Interesting .

.Soon , there was a knock on the door .

.” Come in . ”

.Pei Donglei said .

.The room door opens .

.A man walked in and said as he walked, ” Captain Pei , look for me . ”

.Pei Donglei pointed at the three and said, ” My friend from the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau , I have some questions to ask you , sit down . ”

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.” Good . ”

.Liang Zhi moved a chair and sat near a few people .

.It’s still the standard military posture .

.Wang Ze glanced at it and wanted to say , ” You can relax . ”

.But I think it’s too stupid .

.People have become accustomed to it .

.” Hello , I’m Wang Ze . ”

.Wang Ze spoke .

.Liang Zhi looked over and said , ” Hello . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Fifteen years ago, there was a small fire in the forest near Nanhe Village . Did you lead the team ?”

.” Fifteen years ago ?”

.Liang Zhi thought for a while, then nodded and said, ” Oh, I remembered it , it was me . ”

.Wang Ze : ” What’s the specific situation ?”

.Liang Zhidao : ” After we received the police , we rushed to the vicinity of Nanhe Village as soon as possible . ”

0 … 0

.” When we arrived , the smoke was still blowing in the distance . ”

.” In order to prevent the fire from spreading and causing forest fires , we quickly entered the mountains and rushed to the scene of the incident . ”

.” But it’s too far . It took five or six hours to cut corners . ”

.” Fortunately, when we arrived , the fire in the wooden house had basically been extinguished by itself , and it did not spread to the jungle . ”

.” It’s the luck of the misfortune . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” What’s the reason for the fire ?”

.Liang Zhi : “I don’t know . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Didn’t you check the fire scene ?”

.Liang Zhidao : “I checked and found no trace of arson . ”

.” That place is difficult to walk , so no one should go there , right ?”

.Wang Ze : ” That’s not necessarily true . ”

.Liang Zhi did not speak .

.Whether it is or not is judged by the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau .

.All he had to do was answer the question .

.After pondering for a while , Wang Ze said, ” Are you sure you didn’t find anyone else , or what they left behind ?”

.” Like mineral water bottles , snack bags or something . ”

.Liang Zhidao : ” I don’t remember anything . ”

.Wang Ze was silent .

.Firefighting and criminal investigation are different .

.They are only responsible for putting out fires .

.Even if there is , I probably didn’t notice it .

.Is there a direct or indirect connection between this fire and Yuan Shengqiang’s death ?

.It’s hard to pin down the issue right now .

.It would be great if we could find the ranger of the year .

…. wide .

Chapter 196 _ Maybe related , maybe not [ 1 ]

.In other words , to know the cause of the fire

.Generally speaking , firefighters have methods and experience to determine the cause of a fire .

.Fire has a unique spreading law .

.Based on the wreckage at the scene and the direction of the smoke at the fire scene after the combustion, the fire location can be roughly determined .

.Only when the fire site is found can we continue to investigate the cause of the fire .

.No more than two .

.artificial .

.Or accidentally .

.And now this fire …

.After a little pondering , Wang Ze said , ” Did you find the location of the fire when you were investigating the fire scene ?”

.Liang Zhi hesitated : “The wind direction was chaotic at that time . ”

.”The point of fire can only be roughly judged based on the combustion situation . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” That’s not very accurate . ”

.” Although in many cases, the cleanest place to burn is the ” zero-three-zero ” side where the fire started , but that was in the urban area . ”

.” In the case of a lot of combustibles , it is difficult to judge this . ”

.Liang Zhi nodded : ” Yes . ”

.At this time, Pei Donglei said , ” Does Captain Wang know anything about firefighting ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” When I was in school , I learned a little bit . ”

.” Hey , it ‘s really hard to judge the cause of this kind of small-scale forest fire . ”

.” Not like a city . ”

.” In general urban fires , the starting point is relatively easy to find . ”

.” After finding the fire point , according to on-site burning traces , video surveillance data , insider inquiries , on-site material composition analysis , electrical circuit testing and other means . ”

.” Basically , the cause of the fire can be analyzed . ”

.Hearing this , Pei Donglei was surprised : ” professional !”

.Liang Zhi also looked at Wang Ze a few more times .

.It is really rare for the criminal police to know so much about firefighting .

.Wang Ze said with a smile : ” Captain Pei has won the award , it’s just a derivative discipline of trace detection . ”

.” It ‘s always right to know something more . ”

.Pei Donglei nodded .

.At this moment , he suddenly understood .

.Why was the other party so young to become a criminal investigation captain ?

.With just the theoretical knowledge at hand , he can surpass the vast majority of criminal police .

.Later , Wang Ze looked at Liang Zhi and said , ” Is it possible that it is caused by smoking . ”

.” How was the temperature and humidity at the time ?”

.” Don’t worry about whether there are outsiders or not , just talk about the possibility . ”

.Liang Zhi thought for a while and replied, ” It’s possible . ”

.”The site has high temperature and low humidity . ”

.” If someone smokes there is a fire potential . ”

.” But I don’t recall some sort of combustible character at the time that supports the inference of smoking fires . ”

.” Generally , there are many cases of fires caused by smoking , which are confirmed by the surrounding population . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” That’s true . ”

.The leftover cigarette butts can generally continue to burn for one to four minutes .

.During this time , many flammable items can be ignited .

.This is also the reason why fireworks are strictly prohibited in the forest .

.A trivial cigarette butt is enough to cause a huge disaster .

.Wang Ze continued to ask : ” I heard from the forestry station yesterday that the forest was once inhabited . ”

.” Where is the fire , where ?”

.Liang Zhidao : ” Yes . ”

.” In addition to the burnt-out wooden house , there are traces of demolition of other houses nearby , including combustible materials . ”

.” Because the distance is not particularly close , it didn’t spread . ”

.” Otherwise , the consequences will be serious . ”

.When it came to this , he was still afraid for a while .

.Once a fire starts in the deep mountains , the consequences are immeasurable .

.I’m afraid .

.It will be a huge fire that cannot be extinguished for days, nights , or even months .

.Wang Ze asked tentatively, ” Should the ruins be gone ?”

.Liang Zhi said: ” It’s long gone , it ‘s cleaned up . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Okay , thank you , I’ll answer these questions . ”

.Liang Zhi smiled : ” You’re welcome . ”

.After speaking , he looked at Pei Donglei .

.Pei Donglei said : ” You go back first , I’ll call you later . ”

.” Okay . ”

.Liang Zhi nodded and got up and left the office .

.After Liang Zhi left , Pang Qun asked , ” How often do fires like this happen inexplicably outside the city ? ”

.Pei Donglei said : ” Not much . ”

.” You said yes to a natural fire . ”

.” The probability of natural fires is still relatively low . ”

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