.”The reason is nothing more than lightning strikes and spontaneous combustion of chemical reactions . ”

.” This , Captain Wang should know, right ?”

.Wang Ze was thinking about something when he heard the words and said , ” I know . ”

.” Poor ventilation of cotton , peat , coal piles, etc. , as well as nitrocellulose , ferrous sulfide , yellow phosphorus , phosphine, etc. , are prone to spontaneous combustion . ”

.” Also , some substances such as potassium , sodium , lithium , calcium, etc. are also prone to fire when they come into contact with water . ”

.” Cotton and straw are in contact with concentrated nitric acid , the same . ”

.” Certain chemical products , such as potassium permanganate mixed with glycerin , can catch fire instantly . ”

.” There are many situations . ”

.Pei Donglei looked at Wang Ze with admiration and said with a smile , ” That’s right . ”

.” Therefore , we have to take corresponding fire protection measures according to the properties of these substances . ”

.” Don’t think firefighting is easy , haha . ”

.Pang Qun also smiled and said , ” Listening to you, it’s really complicated . ”

.After he finished speaking , he glanced at Wang Ze and was surprised .

.The other party has too much theoretical knowledge .

.A bit beyond what he could accept .

.so young .

.Where did you learn from ?

.Is there enough time ?

.You can’t learn from birth .

.At this time, Pei Donglei asked , ” Captain Wang , is this matter related to the case ? Is it important ?”

.Wang Ze replied : ” I don’t know yet . ”

.” The case is now in the full investigation stage , and any related incidents cannot be let go . ”

.” Maybe it’s related . ”

5.4.” Maybe it doesn’t matter . ”

.Pei Donglei nodded with a smile : “I understand . ”

.He’s not a police officer though .

.But have never eaten pork , haven’t seen a pig run yet ?

.Check countless clues .

.Perhaps there is only one clue that is useful to the case .

.Very normal .

.And it’s not always possible to find out .

.Otherwise , there would be no unsolved cases in the world .

.But after getting to know Wang Ze gradually , he suddenly felt that .

.Others don’t know , but I am afraid that in the hands of this young man , it should be difficult to have unsolved cases, right ?

.” Then , shall we go first ?”

.Wang Ze looked at Pang Qun .

.Pang Qun nodded and said , ” Captain Pei , I ‘m sorry to disturb you . ”

.Pei Donglei : ” It’s all my own , so don’t be polite . ”

Chapter 197 _ Wang Ze’s inference [ 2 ]

.Fire brigade door .

.Pang Qun handed Wang Ze a cigarette .

.Wang Ze took the light and took a deep breath .

.”The bus line is basically finished . ”

.he opened his mouth .

.Pang Qun nodded : ” Yes , it has been checked very carefully . ”

.” It doesn’t make much sense to look further down . ”

.Wang Ze took a cigarette and said , ” It’s really difficult to find out if you only know the identity of one of the deceased . ”

.” I feel the need to add another line . ”

.” From the other two dead , work hard . ”

.Pang Qun turned his head : ” What do you mean ?”

.Wang Zedao : ” How was the process of investigating missing persons before ?”

.Pang Qun said: “The workload is quite large, and a lot of people have been transferred . ”

.” This place in Xicheng has a large number of permanent residents, a lot of floating population , and black households . ”

.” It is very difficult to determine the identity of the deceased through an inventory of missing persons . ”

.” And it also includes missing persons who have not been reported . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Didn’t you exclude some people ?”

.” It’s true that there are a lot of missing persons every 27 years , but it’s entirely possible to rule out most of them . ”

.” For example, people with intellectual disabilities , children . ”

.” I think the murderer committed such a deliberate crime , and the murder should not be a disabled person, right ?”

.Pang Qun was slightly silent and said , ” I couldn’t judge the murderer’s motive at that time , so I didn’t think about it so much . ”

.”I just wanted to quickly determine the identity of the deceased . ”

.” You know that too . ”

.” How important is the identity of the deceased to the case . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” I know . ”

.Pang Qun : ” You just said to rule out mental retardation and children . ”

.” What about old people and homeless people ?”

.Wang Ze : ” That cannot be ruled out . ”

.”The elderly and the homeless may also be one of the targets of the crime . ”

.” Captain Pang , when the missing persons were checked before , there was really no one who had contact with Yuan Shengqiang ?”

.Pang Qun nodded helplessly : ” Yes . ”

.” After the second deceased came out two years ago , I compared it . ”

.” This time recently , I also checked . ”

.” But I didn’t find anyone who knew or had an intersection with Yuan Shengqiang . ”

.” Do you say evil or not ?”

.” Therefore , the possibility of random killings cannot be ruled out . ”

.Wang Ze slowly exhaled a breath of smoke and said , “What if the missing person didn’t report to the police ?”

.Pang Qun was surprised : ” Didn’t report the case ? Shouldn’t it ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” In this world , there are many people who have no children, no daughters , no parents, no spouses . ”

.” And even if there are relatives , there is no guarantee that the crime will be reported 100% . ”

.” There is no possibility of reporting the case , but there is still a possibility . ”

.Pang Qun frowned : ” If that’s the case , wouldn’t it be more difficult to check ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Difficult to check is difficult to check . ”

.” But it’s good to have the corresponding missing person information , if not , we can analyze it, why not . ”

.” There is a premise before the analysis that the victim is a normal person with a normal job . ”

.” First of all, does the missing person have parents . ”

.”The children are missing , don’t they call the police ?”

.” Probably not . ”

.” As for the low probability , it ‘s like cutting off relations with parents , or not in contact for a long time , leave it alone . ”

.” Secondly , does the missing person have a spouse ?”

.” It’s hard to judge that . ”

.” Regardless of whether there is a spouse or not , missing for two years without reporting to the police is within the acceptable range . ”

.” Because it cannot be ruled out that there is a conflict in the long-term separation . ”

.” Finally , does the missing person have any children ?”

.” This is the same as having or not having parents, and there is a high probability of not having them . ”

.” Then , we can roughly speculate on the basic characteristics of the victim . ”

.”The first point is that if you have no father or mother , then you have to be older , at least forty or even fifty years old . ”

.” Young people who lost their fathers and mothers , let ‘s not talk about them . ”

.” Second point , spouse and children . ”

.” The occupation of the victim should be the kind of unpopular one that few people do . ”

.”The important thing is that relationships are poor and can be described as loneliness . ”

.” Then , a man in his forties and fifties is doing an unpopular and lonely career all the year round . ”

.” Also , this profession and Yuan Shengqiang may have a certain intersection . ”

.” So , what is this profession ?”

.Pang Qun listened carefully to Wang Ze’s words .

.After the other party asked , he couldn’t think of it for a while, so he shook his head .

.Wang Ze said: ” Think about it , where did we go yesterday . ”

.Pang Qun subconsciously said, ” Forestry Station …”

.After speaking , he was stunned for a moment , and then his eyes narrowed : ” What do you mean …”

.” Could the victim be a ranger ?!”

.Wang Ze asked back , ” Is it impossible ?”

.”A forest ranger is a very lonely profession . ”

.”The key protected areas are better , and the treatment is good . ”

.” But fifteen years ago , the mountain forest near Nanhe Village was nothing but wild land . ”

.” Who wants to go to that kind of place ?”

.”I ‘m afraid that only those who have no family concerns and are older are willing . ”

.” Guarding the mountains and guarding the forest is also a kind of consolation . ”

.Pang Qun was a little surprised .

.He originally wanted to hear how Wang Ze would proceed to investigate the other 030 deceased .

.But did not expect .

.The other party analyzed for a while , how did they analyze the occupation of the victim ?

.And it is well-founded , not far-fetched .

.The bus route that Yuan Shengqiang ran fifteen years ago ended at Nanhe Village .

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