.The stop time at the terminal is still relatively long .

.So long ago .

.A nearby ranger knew him , very likely .

.Beside him , Zhang Chao also stared blankly at Wang Ze , he was dumbfounded .

.Just because there is no corresponding missing person , plus yesterday’s investigation and visit , can it be inferred that the victim is a forest ranger ?

.I go .

.True or false .

.If the result is correct , he really wants to re-study criminal investigation .

.I’ve learned a thread by myself .

.Better to reshape it .

.After a while , Pang Qun hurriedly said, ” Wang Ze , is there a way to be sure ?”

.Inference is inference .

.No matter how likely it is , it is only an inference .

.However , it is enough as an investigation direction .

.If we can find a way to determine it , it will be a major breakthrough for the case .

.Wang Ze pondered slightly and said , ” You call someone to ask . ”

.” Look at those forest rangers back then , which unit appointed them . ”

Chapter 198 _ It can’t always be settled after the fall, right ? ? 3 ?

.There was another word that Wang Ze didn’t say .

.That is, when investigating the corresponding missing persons , Pang Qun neglected .

.That is to say, among the missing persons , there are people who have contact with Yuan Shengqiang .

.But not found .

.He thinks this possibility is unlikely .

.Pang Qun’s professional ability is absolutely passable .

.Otherwise , it is impossible to achieve the position of the criminal investigation captain .

.Such a simple thing should not go wrong .

.maximum possible .

.That is, among the missing persons , there are no victims at all .

.Accordingly .

.The most factual results can be inferred .

.Pang Qun took out his mobile phone : ” Then let me ask someone . ”

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.The investigation into the situation of the forest rangers lasted until eight o’clock in the evening .

.The rangers here in Nanhe Village are very mobile .

.However , the overall number is not much .

.Even though they can’t get everyone’s information , but there are several people’s names , they got it .

.And after investigation .

.Just among these people .

.There is one person that cannot be found .

.City Bureau case handling hall .

.After a busy day, Pang Qun poured a glass of water and drank it .

.After putting down the cup , he turned to look at Wang Ze and said , ” This Wu Gui is not really a victim , is he ?”

.” Just lying in the bureau ?”

.Wu Gui , the forest ranger who was not found .

.Now in his sixties .

.Both parents died .

.Didn’t even have a family .

.This is basically consistent with Wang Ze’s previous inference .

.More than ten years ago , Wu Gui was almost fifty years old .

.There are many people in the city named Wu Gui .

.After accurate comparison of basic information , this person was locked .

.However , can’t find it at all .

.Nationwide , there is no sign of Wu Gui’s activities .

.His ID card and mobile phone number seemed to be silent .

.No trace of use .

.Completely evaporated .

.Combined with Wang Ze’s inference .

.It is entirely possible that this man was one of the dead in this serial murder case .

.Wang Ze habitually rubbed his fingers and said , ” If you can’t find it … ? ~…”

.” It should be him . ”

.”What a coincidence . ”

.Pang Qun took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth , and said , ” Yuan Shengqiang and Wu Gui …”

.” Even if these two people know each other , they can have a deep intersection . ”

.” Also killed . ”

.” It’s not really poaching, is it ?”

.Wang Ze : ” Guard against theft ?”

.Wu Gui was a forest ranger, and no one knew the forest better than him .

.If you see rare plants or cherish animals , it is not impossible to make money in partnership .

.Pang Qun said : ” The relationship between Yuan Shengqiang and Wu Gui is not complicated . ”

.” Especially Wu Gui , it would be nice to have one or two relatives and friends . ”

.” What kind of hatred can make the murderer be so cruel . ”

.” I think it’s more likely for money . ”

.Wang Ze pondered slightly and said , ” What do you mean , four or more people poached illegally back then . ”

.” Afterwards, due to the uneven distribution of the spoils , one of them held a grudge and took revenge ?”

.Pang Qun hummed .

.Wang Ze said: “The possibility is still relatively large . ”

.” But there are a few doubts here . ”

.” First , the way of killing . ”

.”The murderer brutally killed three people with fire , just because of money ?”

.” It’s a bit of an exaggeration . ”

.” Second , the killer’s anti-reconnaissance capabilities . ”

.” Whether it’s Yuan Shengqiang or Wu Gui , the education level is very low, and I don’t expect them to be smart . ”

.” Dating friends is about equality to some extent . ”

.” Equality in all respects . ”

.” As the saying goes, fish find fish , and shrimp find shrimp . ”

.” Then , I don’t think the person who can get together with Yuan Shengqiang and Wu Gui is the kind of person with high IQ and high education, right ? ”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun said, ” This is not necessarily true, right ?”

.” Maybe they need talents in a certain area to cooperate with each other ?”

.Wang Ze shook his head : ” It’s not right either . ”

.” If the murderer is really such a person , how can he be forced to divide the spoils unevenly ?”

.” So smart , being played by a few people with zero education or elementary school education ?”

.” If this is the case , the murderer is not necessarily smart , let alone complete such a perfect killing process . ”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun said embarrassedly : ” That’s true , I think too much . ”

.” You go on talking . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Third , the time interval between killings . ”

.” It took three years to kill the second person . ”

.” It took two years to kill the third person . ”

.” If the murderer is one of the poaching gangs , why did it take so long to kill because of the uneven distribution of stolen goods . ”

.” Usually speaking , it should be done at that time, right ?”

.Pang Qun said: “� ” Is it possible that he was hiding , the murderer is looking for it . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Impossible . ”

.” Yuan Shengqiang didn’t hide at all . ”

.Pang Qun : ” That is … Poaching happened five years ago , Yuan Shengqiang didn’t have time to hide ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” It’s unlikely . ”

.”The mountain was closed eight years ago . The forest management is very formal and the risks are too great . ”

.Pang Qun said: “I almost forgot about closing the mountain . ”

.” According to what you said, it’s really unlikely to be poaching . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” I mean poaching is possible , but the motive for killing should not be because of uneven distribution of stolen goods . ”

.” Poaching or not . ”

.” Anyway, Yuan Shengqiang and Wu Gui , as well as the third deceased and the murderer , must have been involved in something together . ”

.” In the middle , there was an accident . ”

.” It was this accident that caused the death of Yuan Shengqiang and the three of them . ”

.Pang Qun was silent for a while and said , ” Is it possible that there is still a fifth person . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Of course it is possible . ”

.” Perhaps the murderer is investigating now , just like us . ”

.” But now there’s a strange point . ”

.” Whether the four were involved in poaching or something else , the timing of the killing , it doesn’t make sense . ”

.” Yuan Shengqiang stopped being a bus driver ten years ago . ”

.” And the village staff who knew Wu Gui also mentioned that Wu Gui quit his job more than ten years ago . ”

.” When you checked Yuan Shengqiang’s relationship before , you didn’t find Wu Gui . ”

.” This shows that the two have long since cut off contact . ”

.” However , Yuan Shengqiang died five years ago . ”

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