.” Don’t you think it’s a little strange ?”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun pondered for a long time , and said , ” It’s true … that it does n’t make sense . ”

.” It can’t be after the autumn to settle accounts, right ?”

.” It’s been several autumns . ”

Chapter 199 _ Some things always have to be done by someone [ 1 ]

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” I think there are three possibilities . ”

.” First . ”

.”The murderer did not conflict with the three at the time . ”

.”The contradiction comes from the following years . ”

.” What is the specific situation , I do n’t know . ”

.” Second . ”

.”The murderer suffered a serious accident at the time , which made him unable to take revenge . ”

.” Like being seriously injured or something . ”

.” After a few years of repairs , the murder unfolds . ”

.” Third . ”

.”The killer and the three victims didn’t know each other at all , and it was all about revenge for others . ”

.” The length of the crime cycle is due to the need to investigate the identity and address of the victim . ”

.” Furthermore , it cannot be ruled out that the murderer was incapable of committing crimes at the time . ”

.Hearing the end , Pang Qun said, ” No ability to commit crimes ? What do you mean ?”

.Wang Ze said: “You are young . ”

.Pang Qun was startled and said , ” What do you mean , what did the three victims do to the murderer’s relatives more than ten years ago . ”

.” Then , when the murderer grows up, he will take revenge ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” This is also a possibility , a more reasonable explanation . ”

.Pang Qun was silent for a while, then said , ” Which is more likely ?”

.Wang Ze spread his hands : ” I don’t know , they each account for the same proportion . ”

.” We still need more clues . ”

.Pang Qun nodded slightly .

.After two days of investigation , the case can be said to be moving forward gradually .

.Being able to identify the second victim was a major breakthrough .

.The first collaboration with Wang Ze .

.It made him understand why the other party was promoted so quickly .

.Breaking through the cocoon , accurate inference , plus the theory of omnipotence .

.Such people are often very efficient in solving cases .

.He even thought that Li Xiangbin of Yuncheng was usually fine , right ?

.When a case occurs , Wang Ze handles it all by himself .

.ten o’clock at night .

.Wang Ze returned to the hotel .

.Jiang Ying was very quiet for the first time , sitting there and looking at a document seriously .

.Wang Ze came over curiously and said , ” What are you looking at ? ”

.Jiang Ying said without looking up : ” Xicheng’s future tourism development plan . ”

.” Huh ?”

.Wang Ze was surprised : ” Where did you get it ?”

.Can you get this thing about development planning ?

.Could it be the same as the flyers , distributed all over the street ?

.Jiang Ying smiled and said , ” Of course I asked someone for it . ”

.Wang Ze : ” You used your family relationship . ”

.Jiang Ying said : ” Didn’t you say that , I was born with this thing . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Do you really want to set up a tourism demonstration area in Xicheng ?”

.” Really ?”

.” Are you sure it’s true ?”

.” Is it true . ”

.Jiang Ying raised her head and said speechlessly : ” You said four real words , is it that exaggerated ?”

.Wang Ze coughed lightly : ” Tourism demonstration areas have high costs and high risks , so we must be careful . ”

.Jiang Ying thought for a while , then straightened up and said, ” What about your opinion ?”

.Wang Ze : ” I don’t have any opinion , it’s your own business . ”

.Jiang Ying said : ” What is my own business , I want to wipe my mouth and run after eating ?”

.Wang Ze was stunned : ” What have I eaten ?”

.Jiang Ying blinked and waved, ” Come here . ”

.Wang Ze wondered : ” Why ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” Come here . ”

.Wang Ze didn’t know why , so he bent down and approached .

.Jiang Ying raised her head and kissed him , and said with a smile, ” Is it delicious ?”

.Wang Ze smacked his lips and said , ” It’s okay , it would be nice if we could change the place . ”

.Jiang Ying was stunned , and subconsciously looked at the bed .

.Immediately , she pointed at Wang Ze and said angrily, ” Be honest , calm down , calm down . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” How’s the investigation going ?”

.Mentioning this matter , Jiang Ying picked up the information on the table and waved it, and said , ” It’s a good idea to borrow words from the movie . ”

.” What’s your opinion ?”

.” We have to unite . ”

.Wang Ze stared at Jiang Ying for a while .

.This sentence shows that the other party has completely regarded him as a long-term boyfriend .

.And , take yourself seriously .

.Wang Ze’s eyes softened a lot , and said , ” It’s fine , let’s see you . ”

.” If you lose , I don’t know if my salary is enough to support you . ”

.Jiang Ying gave him a white look and said , ” Crow’s mouth . ”

.However , she thought about it seriously and said , ” I think enough is enough . ”

.” Just let me eat . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Is it that simple ?”

.” I can’t afford your expenses . ”

.Jiang Ying chuckled : ” That’s because of the support of my family . ”

.” If one day my family can’t support it , I can accept it . ”

.” You’re so smart , you shouldn’t be starving me, right ?”

.Wang Ze smiled slightly and said , ” Of course . ”

.Jiang Ying said : ” I think if you come to the business world , you should be very good . ”

.”The police are still a little dangerous . ”

.Wang Ze raised his brows : ” Are you worried about me ?”

.Jiang Ying hummed softly .

.Wang Ze said slowly : ” Do n’t worry , the criminal who can hurt me hasn’t been born yet . ”

.” And …”

.Having said this , he paused slightly and said , ” And there are some things that have to be done by someone . ”

.Jiang Ying looked at Wang Ze’s clear and determined eyes .

.This sentence touched her .

.At this moment she suddenly found out .

.Her boyfriend , whom she picked up in vain , is bigger than she imagined .

.” I support you , sorry . ”

.” That sentence just now , when I didn’t say it . ”

.After a while , Jiang Ying spoke .

.She felt that her realm was much lower than Wang Ze ‘s .

.Even a little ashamed .

.Wang Ze reached out and touched Jiang Ying’s head , and said with a smile , ” Apologize for what , the police are all like this . ”

.” Who doesn’t think about their relatives ? ”

.” How cold-blooded that is . ”

.Support is one thing .

.Worry is another aspect .

.The two do not conflict .

.Jiang Ying can support herself unconditionally in this matter, and her three views are still very positive .

.” Don’t touch my head !”

.Jiang Ying opened Wang Ze’s hand and said , ” I’m older than you , so I should touch your head !”

.” Come on, let my sister touch her head . ”

.After she finished speaking, she stood up and chased after Wang Ze .

.”The man’s head can’t move !!”

.Wang Ze’s voice echoed in the room .

.Silent all night .

.The next morning .

.Like yesterday, Jiang Ying pulled Wang Ze out of bed early .

.Wang Ze got up a little angry , with a face of reluctance .

.He often doesn’t get enough sleep .

.Maybe it’s because I use my brain too much .

.” Go quickly . ”

.Jiang Ying patted Wang Ze’s face .

.Wang Ze regained his spirits , went to the bathroom like sleepwalking , and started to wash .

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