Chapter 200 _ Coincidence ? ? 2 ?

.Jiang Ying urged her at the door of the bathroom .

.After Wang Ze packed up , he dragged him away .

.Wang Ze was still a little confused , letting Jiang Ying drag him .

.It was not until he reached the cafeteria and smelled the aroma of the food that he was completely awake .

.Jiang Ying took Wang Ze’s hand and turned around and said, ” Why do you act like staying up late all day ? ”

.” I see you go to bed – quite early . ”

.”I can’t sleep every day . ”

.” Are you all right ?”

.Wang Ze rubbed his forehead and said , ” It’s okay , it ‘s too much of a brain . ”

.” It smells so good . ”

.” Have crab yellow buns today !”

.After speaking , he broke free of Jiang Ying and walked quickly towards the place where the smell came from .

.This hotel has free breakfast .

.And the specs are high .

.Certainly not particularly outrageous .

.It ‘s almost like a mid-range cafeteria outside .

.Jiang Ying looked at the back of Wang Ze leaving quickly , shook her head and laughed .

.Sometimes , Wang Ze is much more mature than him .

.Especially when investigating a case .

.Even Jiang Ying could feel the oppression from Wang Ze , let alone the suspect .

.But in the little things in life , it’s like a child .

.She likes his character .

.How tiring would it be if Wang Ze was still as serious as when he was investigating a case ?

.tired of each other .

.” The decision at that time was really correct . ”

.Jiang Ying came over , thinking like this .

.If she hadn’t wanted to use mental illness to avoid blind dates , she would never have met Wang Ze .

.Sure enough .

.Fate is really amazing .

.” Do you eat ?”

.Wang Ze turned his head and asked .

.Jiang Ying smiled : ” Yes , let’s eat one . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Thanks for eating one , I will come for five . ”

.” This hotel is so expensive , I’ll help you eat it back . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Uh …”

.The staff inside looked at Wang Ze strangely .

.Then he looked at Jiang Ying .

.Stay in hotels for thousands of nights .

.Do you still care about how many crab yellow buns ?

.Jiang Ying covered her forehead and instantly felt ashamed .


.at the table .

.The two sat opposite each other and ate breakfast .

.Wang Ze had two mouthfuls of one steamed bun , and ate it with relish .

.” Hey , it would be nice to have a rich girlfriend . ”

.” It takes years to fight . ”

.He said while eating .

.Jiang Ying glared at him .

.Done .

.The pattern is down again .

.Well said tall figure .

.Of course .

.She knew that the other party liked to be rude .

.got used to it .

.” I remembered something . ” Wang Ze said , ” How did your brother deal with the Everbright Group ?”

.Jiang Ying said: ” It seems that the cooperation is terminated, right ?”

.Wang Ze said: “The loss is very big ?”

.Jiang Ying said: ” It’s okay , after all, there is no contract . ”

.Wang Ze wondered : ” their chairman went in , isn’t there someone else ?”

.” Why must the cooperation be terminated . ”

.Jiang Ying said: ” Two reasons . ”

.” One is that my brother thinks that their chairman is not a good thing , and the people below are not strong enough , and they are unwilling to deal with them . ”

.” Secondly, the accident of their chairman has a great impact on the company . ”

.” In the next few years , it will not necessarily slow down . ”

.Wang Ze nodded and didn’t say much .

.Jiang Ying : ” By the way , I didn’t ask last night . How’s the investigation going ?”

.Wang Ze took a mouthful of porridge and said , ” There has been progress , but it’s still not enough . ”

.” Today , I can almost finish all the places that should be checked . ”

.Jiang Ying hesitated : ” What if there are still no clues after the investigation ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” That would be a bit difficult . ”

.”You can only find another way , but it will not be exhausted . ”

.” Besides, there must be traces of crimes , whether physical or interpersonal , especially in such a large case . ”

.” Can’t find it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t . ”

.Jiang Ying nodded .

.Seeing that Wang Ze was still not worried , she felt relieved .

.In this case , the other party should be confident .

.After eating , Jiang Ying sent Wang Ze to the Xicheng City Bureau , and went back to work on research .

.This cannot be done in a day or two .

.It ‘s ten o’clock in the morning .

.The criminal investigation team of Xicheng City Bureau is basically full .

.All that should be checked has been checked .

.Now is the reporting stage .

.conference room .

.A police officer said: ” Wang team , Pang team , our team is responsible for investigating , it is Yuan Shengqiang’s child . ”

.” According to what Team Wang said , we have gone through everything from pregnancy to birth hospital to now . ”

.” The process was normal and no problems were found . ”

.” No trace of a third person’s involvement was found either . ”

.” After visiting and inquiring , Yuan Shengqiang was very good to his children , and the conflict with his wife did not affect the father-son relationship . ”

.” In general, it ‘s an ordinary family . ”

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.Wang Ze and Pang Qun listened quietly .

.Another police officer said : ” We are in charge of investigating Yuan Shengqiang’s wife . ”

.”On the side of the maiden’s family , no suspicious points were found . ”

.” Fund exchanges with the outside world are also within the normal range . ”

.” The reason for the separation is because Yuan Shengqiang has become a lot irritable after losing his job as a bus driver, and he often quarrels . ”

.” According to the reaction of the neighbors , the two would have a heated argument almost every few days . ”

.” Over time , they separated within the marriage . ”


.The third police officer said : ” Yuan Shengqiang’s fruit business is because of the convenience of the shop . ”

.” When he bought a house, he bought a shop downstairs down the street . ”

.” It was originally leased to someone else . ”

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.” Then I did it myself . ”

.” As for why you sell fruit . ”

.” It’s because there are more orchards in his hometown , he is more familiar with them , and it is easy to get fruits . ”

.”I ‘ve checked it out , it’s true . ”


.The fourth police officer said : ” Yuan Shengqiang’s hobby is outdoor fishing . We have visited all the friends who know Yuan Shengqiang . ”

.” At present , no suspicious persons who may be related to the case have been found . ”


.After listening to the reports of several groups , Pang Qun turned to look at Wang Ze .

.At this time, Wang Ze was thinking , and his brain was running fast .

.The only thing worth scrutinizing is that after Yuan Shengqiang lost his job , his temper became grumpy .

.” What kind of person is Yuan Shengqiang’s wife ?”

.” Is it that kind of mean woman ?”

.Wang Ze asked .

.Pang Qun said, ” No , I’ve seen it many times . ”

.” She is still very nice and has a relatively gentle personality . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze pondered a little and said , ” Then why is the relationship between the two deteriorating? It shouldn’t be that they lost their jobs . ”

.” Is it related to the leg injury ?”

.” By the way , I remember Yuan Shengqiang , he left fifteen years ago, right ?”

.Pang Qun nodded and said , ” Yes , it was the same year as his leg injury . ”

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