.Wang Ze raised his brows : ” Doesn’t this number sound familiar ?”

.”The fire was also fifteen years ago . ”

.Pang Qun was stunned : ” That’s right . ”

.Wang Ze : “A coincidence ?”

.Pang Qun hesitated : ” This …”

.Wang Zedao : ” Have you checked the details of the car accident that year ? Who hit it ?”

…. wide .

Chapter 201 _ right direction ? 3 ?

.meeting room .

.Pang Qun nodded . _ _ _

.” There was no surveillance around the incident and no witnesses , so the perpetrator was not found . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Escape ?”

.” Did Yuan Shengqiang walk , ride a bicycle , or drive ?”

.Pang Qun said: ” Walk . ”

.Wang Ze continued to ask : ” What did the traffic police who dealt with back then say , what happened to the brake marks at the scene ?”

.Pang Qun said, ” This … it’s not that deep . ”

.” Since the perpetrator fled , it is impossible to investigate now . ”

.After so many years .

.Re-examine the car accident , unrealistic .

.” Wang Ze , do you suspect that the perpetrator back then was the murderer of this serial murder case ?”

.Listening to Wang Ze’s meaning , it seems that he is leaning more and more in this direction .

.Wang Ze pondered slightly and said , ” I mean ” zero forty ” , is it possible that this car accident did not exist ?”

.” Ah ?” Pang Qun was taken aback , ” Is it impossible ?”

.” There is a police record at the traffic control, and the hospital also has Yuan Shengqiang’s patient file . His wife also said it was a car accident . ”

.” It doesn’t look like a fake . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” I can report to the police now that I was hit by someone . ”

.”The location is where there is no surveillance and no witnesses . ”

.” But did I really get hit ?”

.” So the police record is not convincing . ”

.” As for the hospital files . ”

.” Yuan Shengqiang was indeed injured , but not necessarily by a car . ”

.” And her wife . ”

.” One-sided words can not be trusted . ”

.” Therefore , there is no substantial evidence at all that this crash actually occurred . ”

.” Isn’t it ?”

.Pang Qun opened his mouth , unable to refute the other party .

.That’s right .

.There is indeed no substantive evidence that Yuan Shengqiang had a car accident .

.He has basically adapted to Wang Ze’s investigation rhythm .

.Doubt everything .

.Then go to the test .

.He said, ” Why do you say that there may not be this accident ?”

.Wang Ze replied : ” It’s just a guess , a possibility . ”

.” Fifteen years ago , a small fire broke out in the forest near Nanhe Village . ”

.” Fifteen years ago , Yuan Shengqiang broke his leg and then lost his job as a bus driver . ”

.” I really had to connect the two . ”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun’s eyes narrowed slightly : ” What do you mean , Yuan Shengqiang’s legs were related to the fire ?”

.Wang Ze : ” It’s hard to say , I’ll find out after checking it . ”

.” If the crash doesn’t exist , then the odds are high . ”

.” Invite Yuan Shengqiang’s wife here . ”

.” I want to ask . ”

.Pang Qun nodded : ” If ‘: water !.; capital ?.? source . group ; 6!:5:”6,6′.:1″.8:””8!::9″?:6;’ ; Prepare “‘? Use “‘ in :; Turn , group ;”7″!6:6.?0″!”1″;”8″3’2?..0 Okay , no problem . ”


.an hour later .

.Inquiry room .

.Yuan Shengqiang’s wife Lin Yufang has arrived .

.She didn’t have much resistance or impatience to the fact that the police suddenly called her over .

.Appears to be very cooperative .

.It can be seen that this is a woman with general knowledge .

.If it wasn’t for camouflage .

.” Hello . ”

.Wang Ze handed Lin Yufang a glass of water and smiled .

.Lin Yufang took it and said , ” Thank you . ”

.Afterwards , Wang Ze moved a chair and sat opposite Lin Yufang .

.Pang Qun and others are also there .

.Wang Ze got straight to the point : ” Ms. Lin , I’m sorry to call you over suddenly today . ”

.” We mainly want to know about your husband Yuan Shengqiang’s car accident . ”

.Lin Yufang glanced at him and said , “The murderer hasn’t been caught , has he ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Not yet . ”

.” But don’t worry , this time wo n’t be too long . ”

.Lin Yufang said : ” Five years ago , you also said the same . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” This time is different . ”

.” We are a joint investigation , which is very efficient . ”

.” I hope you can put more trust in us . ”

.” Most importantly , I hope you will cooperate . ”

.Lin Yufang was silent for a while and said , ” Okay , you ask . ”

.” What happened to the car accident ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Are you sure that Yuan Shengqiang was involved in a car accident ?”

.This sentence surprised Lin Yufang : ” Of course I’m sure , I was with him in the hospital the whole time . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” Don’t talk about the hospital . ”

.” Did you see Yuan Shengqiang being hit ?”

.Lin Yufang shook her head : ” That’s not true . ”

.” I was at home when he suddenly called me and said I was hit by a car and asked me to go to the hospital quickly . ”

.Wang Ze said, ” Who called the police ?”

.Lin Yufang : ” I called the police …”

.Wang Ze : ” Why didn’t Yuan Shengqiang call the police ?”

.Lin Yufang said : ” I don’t know what happened , he doesn’t want to call the police . ”

.” It’s useless to say that the place is not very desolate , and it’s useless to call the police . You can only admit that you are unlucky . ”

.Wang Ze’s eyes moved slightly : ” He didn’t see the license plate number ?”

.Lin Yufang shook her head : ” He said he didn’t see it, and the other side was driving very fast . ”

.Wang Ze : ” How is Yuan Shengqiang’s eyesight ? ”

.Lin Yufang : ” It ‘s good, I ‘m not nearsighted or farsighted . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Since his eyesight is very good , did he not see the license plate number clearly ?”

.Lin Yufang was helpless : ” Didn’t I say , the speed is too fast . ”

.Wang Ze said : ” Ms. Lin , with all due respect . ”

.” If the other party reaches the speed that he can’t read the license plate number clearly , then your husband is not as simple as breaking his leg . ”

.” The whole person has to be knocked out . ”

.” Don’t talk about comminuted fractures , it’s good to be alive . ”

.Lin Yufang was stunned for a moment and asked in doubt, ” Really ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Yes . ”

.Lin Yufang frowned and said , ” Then I don’t know , that’s what he said . ”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun and the others looked at each other in dismay .

.Obviously did not expect Wang Ze and Lin Yufang to meet for the first time and ask such a big doubt .

.Mainly because they didn’t think about it before .

.car accident .

.And it was an escape accident .

.There’s no need to fake it .

.And there are records on the 5.4 side of the traffic control .

.It was a distant past ten years ago .

.It’s hard to doubt .

.Wang Ze rubbed his fingers and said , ” Ms. Lin , what was Yuan Shengqiang doing the day he had a car accident ? ”

.Lin Yufang was quite impressed by this incident and said without recollection : ” He said he had a few friends and went out to play . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Where to play ?”

.Lin Yufang : ” I don’t know , he didn’t say it . ”

.” It seems …”

.” Is it mountain climbing ?”

.Wang Ze : ” How do you say it ?”

.Lin Yufang said : ” I remember that he packed a lot of things and was carrying a big bag . ”

.” The clothes and shoes are also like going to the wild . ”

.Wang Ze’s eyes became brighter .

.” With whom ?”

.He felt that the investigation of the case was going in the right direction .

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