.” But exactly who is responsible , I don’t know . ”

.” Need to ask . ”

.” It’s been too long to remember . ”

.Seeing that the other party did not intend to pursue the case violation , he was slightly relieved .

.Wang Ze said: ” Go and ask . ”

.” Call over if you can ask . ”

.Geng Liang : ” Okay . ”

.” Then I went to the dean . ”

.After speaking , he stood up .

.Dean Wu’s face was a little unsightly , and he said it was 040 .

.Seeing this , Geng Liang smirked and left quickly .

.At this time , the dean looked at Wang Ze and Pang Qun , and said , ” I’m sorry, two captains , it’s my mismanagement . ”

.” It didn’t affect your investigation, did it ?”

.Pang Qun stared at President Wu and wanted to say , ” Can it not be affected ?” .

.But considering that even if it was mentioned in the medical records , he couldn’t think so far back then , so he didn’t speak .

.This is the conclusion that Wang Ze came to by stringing together every little clue he found .

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” It has some influence , but not much . ”

.” President Wu , you should pay more attention in the future. ”

.” If something goes wrong next time , it’s too late to regret it . ”

.President Wu nodded : “What Captain Wang said is that I will definitely strengthen the management of the doctors in our hospital . ”

.” Things like this won’t happen again . ”

.Hospitals are indeed very easy to be linked to crime .

.This is one of the reasons for strict hospital management .

.It is also one of the reasons why the hospital’s monitoring and storage time can reach half a year or more .

.I am afraid that one day, the case will be involved .

.Unexpectedly, today , still did not escape .

.Fortunately, no problem .

.Pang Qun looked at Wang Ze and said , ” It seems that (chfe) and Yuan Shengqiang have nothing to do with the fire fifteen years ago . ”

.Wang Ze nodded slightly : “The assumption can basically be established . ”

.” Then what we are going to investigate next will be clearer . ”

.” However . ”

.” But it’s the hardest point . ”

.Pang Qun agreed .

.Assuming that it is true , Wang Ze has given two directions .

.Well .

.How many people were present at the fire that year ?

.The murderer was one of several people back then .

.Or , a relative of one of several people ?

.It’s hard to judge , just check .

.” If the murderer is seriously injured , where will he go for treatment ?”

.According to Wang Ze’s first inference direction , Pang Qun raised key issues .

.Seeing that the two captains started talking about the case , the dean hurried to the other side to pour tea and drink water , pretending not to hear .

.Although the other party did not deliberately avoid him , it is not a good thing to know too much .

.Still pretend you didn’t hear it .

.At this time, Wang Ze said : ” It’s ten years apart . ”

.” Even if you need to find someone , it won’t take so long . ”

.” Besides, Yuan Shengqiang didn’t need to look for it at all, he just stayed at his home . ”

.” How serious is the injury , repaired for ten years ?”

.Hearing this , Pang Qun turned his head and said , ” President Wu . ”

.” Huh ?”

.The dean turned around .

.Pang Qun said, ” Can you help me to find out if anyone with severe burns came here for treatment fifteen years ago ? ”

.The dean nodded : ” Of course , wait a moment . ”

.After speaking , he came to the computer again and searched .

.At this moment , Zhang Chao had doubts and said: ” Pang team , Wang team , must it be burns ?”

.Pang Qun said: ” It is very possible . ”

.” The killing methods of serial killers are generally specific, and there are killing symbols . ”

.” As Wang Ze said , the murderer used fire to kill Yuan Shengqiang and the three . ”

.”The purpose of revenge , obviously . ”

.” This shows that some people should have been injured by the fire back then . ”

.” Take the way of the people , and treat the body of the people . ”

.” Right Wang Ze ?”

.Wang Ze : ” That’s right . ”

.Zhang Chao nodded .

.Soon , the dean in front of the computer raised his head and said , ” Two captains , no relevant cases have been found . ”

.Pang Qun said: ” Thank you . ”

.After speaking , he looked at Wang Ze : ” Then we need to start an investigation from other hospitals . ”

.Wang Ze snorted and said , ” There is one more question . ”

.” If the murderer is someone who was seriously injured that year . ”

.” So , how did he get out of the mountain . ”

.” Actually , it’s unlikely . ”

.” It takes hours for a battle-hardened firefighter to get to the scene , and it’s a short cut . ”

?If . Water ? Resource ‘ ‘ source ! ” Group ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !.7.6,?”6.0!1.’?8″?3!2,0?” How long will it take for someone seriously injured ?”

.” If you really come out alone , that’s a miracle of perseverance and survival . ”

.Pang Qun thought for a while and said , ” Or like Yuan Shengqiang , someone can help ?”

.Wang Ze said : ” This is a more reasonable explanation . ”

.” Then there were no more than four people at the fire scene back then . ”

.”The course of events is even more tortuous . ”

.Zhang Chao scratched his head .

.Under the leadership of Captain Wang’s investigation , the case has gradually become clear .

.But he had an increasingly complicated feeling .

.hey .

.Maybe he is too stupid .

.Pang Qun sighed and said , ” With so many people , I didn’t find the connection at that time . ”

.” What a waste !”

.He cursed himself .

.Wang Zedao : ” They have long since cut off contact , so it ‘s normal that they can’t find out . ”

.” In the blank period of ten years , there will be no trace left . ”

.Pang Qun wanted to say ” but you found it ” .

.embarrassed to say it .

.Especially when there are outsiders .

.” How to check next ?”

.he asked .

.Although the circumstances of the case are gradually becoming clear , the investigation is on track .

.But the challenges ahead are not small .

.The murderer is still difficult to identify .

.Wang Zedao : ” Ask the nurse from that year first , and then go to Xingyue Shoe Factory . ”

.” If it doesn’t work …”

.” Let’s take one step at a time . ”


.Twenty minutes later .

.A nurse has arrived .

.” Wu … President Wu . ”

.” Hello, officers . ”

.This is a woman in her thirties .

.Fifteen years ago , it was in the Mood for Love .

.She had already heard from Geng Liang , and probably knew what was going on .

.So it seems a little cautious and nervous .

.She had little contact with the police .

.Especially the police .

.The first time I was stared at by the criminal investigation team , I was a little nervous .

.Wang Ze smiled and said, ” Hello , sit down . ”

.” Don’t be nervous , we just ask a few random questions . ”

.Nurse : ” Okay … okay . ”


.ps: Suddenly I feel a little ink , is it too long ? .

Chapter 205 _ A more reliable inference [ 3 ]

.Dean’s Office .

.Wang Ze glanced at the other party a little and said , “You were very young when you joined the job , right ?”

.The nurse nodded lightly : ” I was young at the time , I graduated from technical secondary school . ”

.Wang Ze smiled : ” So it is . ”

.Nurses and doctors are different .

.Educational inclusiveness is still relatively strong .

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