.Especially ten years ago .

.Secondary nurses , college nurses , undergraduate nurses .

.All have .

.It ‘s just that the future development path of secondary school nurses will be more difficult .

.Academic advantage .

.is an important advantage .

.It’s the same everywhere .

.” Doctor Geng , have you explained the situation- ? ”

.Wang Ze asked .

.The nurse nodded : ” I said it . ”

.” Is it a patient named Yuan Shengqiang fifteen years ago ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Yes . ”

.” Are you still impressed ?”

.The nurse said: ” Probably have an impression . ”

.” But very detailed , I’m sure I can’t remember . ”

.She seemed to know that the detective asked questions , and she would definitely ask very detailed questions .

.So say it in advance .

.Wang Ze nodded to show his understanding .

.fifteen years .

.It’s already a distant number .

.Blurred memory is normal .

.Moreover, a nurse has to contact many patients every day .

.If you can still have an impression of the previous number , it is already very good .

.” Did Yuan Shengqiang come alone at that time ? ”

.The nurse said: ” No , there is one more , but it will be gone soon . ”

.Hearing this answer , Wang Ze and Pang Qun looked at each other , the former said, ” What kind of person is accompanying him ?”

.The nurse said, ” Male . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Is there any more ?”

.The nurse shook her head : ” I forgot everything else , just remembered that it was a man . ”

.Wang Ze looked at Zhang Chao and said , ” Zhang Chao , show her the photo . ”

.” Good . ”

.Zhang Chao nodded , took out his phone and pulled out Wu Gui’s photo .

.” Is it him ?”

.The nurse approached , looked at it carefully for a while, and said hesitantly, ” It seems … not . ”

.” I can’t remember , it’s been too long . ”

.” And he didn’t stay for much time , basically he left in a face-to-face . ”

.” Then the patient was calling his family . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Does it mean that you can’t match the photos when you see them ?”

.The nurse didn’t know how to answer , and could only say : ” I … I’m not sure either . ”

.” Should I look at other pictures ?”

.She thought the police had pictures of other people .

.Wang Ze took a light breath and said , ” Are there any more prominent features ?”

.” It’s the external features that impress you more deeply . ”

.” Like the way you walk, how tall you are , how you speak , the way you speak , etc. ”

.The nurse fell silent , becoming more reserved .

.Seeing this , Wang Ze sighed secretly and said , ” Okay , thank you for your cooperation , you can go back to work . ”

.The nurse got up and left as if she had been granted amnesty .

.Not even a hello .

.can see .

.She was really nervous .

.Watching the nurse leave , Pang Qu said helplessly : ” Her memory is too vague . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” I can understand , after all, fifteen years have passed . ”

.” And it’s not a very impressive thing , and it’s normal not to remember . ”

.Pang Qun said : ” Just like this , a very important clue is cut off like this . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” At least we know . ”

.” It was not two people who sent Yuan Shengqiang to the hospital , but one . ”

.” Although at the moment … it doesn’t help . ”

.After saying this , he also smiled helplessly .

.Pang Qun : ” Then let’s go to Xingyue Shoe Factory ?”

.Wang Ze got up : ” OK , let’s go . ”

.Pang Qun looked at the dean and said , ” President Wu , thank you . ”

.” Then let’s go first . ”

.Dean Wu said quickly : ” It’s okay , I’ll send off the two captains . ”


.on the way .

.The driver was Zhang Chao .

.Pang Qun chatted : ” Wang Ze , what the hell are Yuan Shengqiang and Wu Gui doing ?”

.” How come there are so many things involved . ”

.” More than ten years have passed , and it is not over yet . Instead, such a big case has occurred . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Actually , there are not so many complicated things in this world . ”

.” We find it complicated because of the unknown . ”

.” Maybe Yuan Shengqiang and several others , just like his wife said , went out for mountaineering adventures . ”

.” Only halfway , a little accident happened . ”

.” Or , a few people went into the mountains to poach to earn extra money , and an accident happened in the middle . ”

.” Looking at the general direction , there are only a few possibilities . ”

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � …..

.Pang Qun pondered slightly and said , ” What about the fire ?”

.” What do you think of the fire ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” It’s nothing more than man-made and accidental . ”

.” If it’s man-made, it ‘s intentional murder , but it left behind troubles , causing them to be retaliated to death many years later . ”

.” Accidentally …”

.” Then it’s hard to say , maybe it’s … an accident caused by death or three people ?”

.” So the murderer put this matter directly on Yuan Shengqiang’s head . ”

.Pang Qun said: ” According to your analysis , I think it is more likely to be artificial . ”

.” You see if that’s the way it is . ”

.” The three of Yuan Shengqiang and the fourth person have agreed to go into the mountains for poaching and poaching . ”

.” Then , a fourth person accidentally found a very precious treasure . ”

0 …. 0

.” Yuan Shengqiang and the three of them decided to get rich together , and they discussed grabbing the things . ”

.” So , when the cabin was camping at night , things were snatched and the cabin was set on fire . ”

.”The fourth man was burned alive . ”

.” Years later , his relatives got their revenge . ”

.After listening to Pang Qun’s words , Wang Ze said , ” But Yuan Shengqiang’s assets have not changed much . ”

.” Where’s baby ? Didn’t you sell it ?”

.Pang Qun was silent .

.Indeed .

.When investigating Yuan Shengqiang’s family , no suspicious property sources were found .

.” That’s … the unknown contradiction was aroused in the middle , and the impulsive murder ?”

.This is a more reliable inference .

.Wang Ze nodded : ” It’s possible . ”

.” But we can’t rule out the possibility that the fourth person didn’t die . ”

.” When you go back , check it out . ”

.Zhang Chao, who was driving, said, ” Don’t worry, Team Wang , I will thoroughly investigate the major hospitals . ”

.” There should not be many cases of severe burns . ”

.” Check it out . ”

.chatting .

.Xingyue Shoe Factory has arrived .

.Coincidentally .

.It was the second time that Wang Ze saw the uncle guard .

.Don’t the guards of this factory bring substitutions ?

.Like last time , Wang Ze handed a cigarette .

.” Sir , we meet again . ”

.Wang Zedao .

.The uncle took the cigarette with a smile and said , ” Young man , are you here to investigate the case again ?”

.” Is the case you are investigating related to our shoe factory ? ”

…. wide .

Chapter 206 _ misunderstanding , misunderstanding [ 4 ]

.Wang Ze lit a cigarette and said with a smile , ” I do n’t know if it matters . ”

.The uncle smiled , smoked a cigarette and said nothing .

.Wang Ze said, ” Master , I’m afraid I have to ask about Yuan Shengqiang . ”

.The uncle was surprised : ” It’s Lao Yuan again . ”

.” What the hell happened to him ? ”

.” Criminal ?”

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