.Qin Weibo shook his head : ” No. ”

.” I’ll go . ”

Chapter 244 _ Brother , you and Mud ? ? 1 ?

.this day .

.Wang Ze came to Jiang Ying’s house .

.This is his second time here .

.It’s been a long time since the first time .

.Jiang Hongtian , who learned the news, turned off his job and rushed back from the company as soon as possible .

.At this moment , Wang Ze and Wang Ze are sitting and chatting in the yard .

.Jiang Ying rarely cooks and goes to help her parents .

.” Captain Wang . ”

.Jiang Hongtian took a sip of tea and was about to say something .

.Wang Ze raised his hand : ” Brother Jiang , just call me Wang Ze , we don’t have to be too outspoken . ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Hongtian smiled and nodded : ” Okay , we are all family in the future , so I’m welcome . ”

.” Wang Ze , I really got your light today . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Oh ? How do you say this ?”

.Jiang Hongtian looked back at the direction of the kitchen and said , ” It ‘s been a long time since I’ve eaten food made by my parents . ”

.”I remember the last time , when I was a kid . ”

.” After that, it’s all the nanny cooking . ”

.” As for this girl Xiaoying …”

.” I might as well expect a pig to climb a tree if I expect her to cook . ”

.” Isn’t this in your light ? Haha . ”

.Hearing this , Wang Ze shook his head and laughed : ” Maybe , because I’m a guest . ”

.Jiang Hongtian said: ” Guest , we will become 070 family members soon . ”

.” To be honest . ”

.” I didn’t expect that she actually found a real boyfriend in a mental hospital . ”

.” It fits her temperament , but I didn’t expect it . ”

.Wang Ze’s eyes moved slightly and said , ” When I was at the police academy , something went wrong . ”

.” I chose to go to a mental hospital , not only for my own good , but also for the good of the people around me . ”

.Jiang Hongtian said quickly : ” Don’t get me wrong , I have no other intentions . ”

.” Being able to enter the city bureau and being promoted to the deputy chief of criminal investigation in such a short period of time shows that you have passed the test both mentally and psychologically . ”

.” I’m not doubting you . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” I know , isn’t this a small talk ? ”

.Of course he knew what Jiang Hongtian meant .

.Jiang Ying is his only sister , and the word mental hospital is really hard to ignore .

.Even as a police officer .

.As a brother , it is understandable .

.Jiang Hongtian : ” Yes, yes , let’s chat . ”

.” I heard Xiaoying say , did you guys go to Xicheng some time ago ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Yes . ”

.” I’m going to investigate the case . ”

.” She said that (chfe) would go to Xicheng for research . ”

.Jiang Hongtian : ” She wants to develop a tourism demonstration area ?”

.Wang Ze : ” It seems so . ”

.Jiang Hongtian : ” I talked to her about this . ”

.” I don’t agree , but I support it . ”

.” Xicheng is a place with profound cultural heritage . ”

.” Although the economy is not particularly developed , it relies on mountains and rivers and is very suitable for developing tourism . ”

.”The premise is that the location must be chosen well , and the direction must be chosen well . ”

.” I’ve given her a lot of advice . ”

.Wang Zedao : ” The place she chooses should be more difficult to develop . ”

.” And the old man , who lives there . ”

.Jiang Hongtian said with a smile : ” It’s a matter of human effort , and these can be solved . ”

.” It’s hard to convince them, but easy to convince their children and grandchildren . ”

.” I don’t mean anything else , but money is everything when it comes to this . ”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” I agree . ”

.When it’s time to be realistic , be realistic .

.When it should be vulgar , be vulgar .

.What is the biggest topic of demolition ?

.Demolition payment .

.Except for the demolition money , everything else is nonsense .

.What about not talking about money ?

.Talk about ideals ?

.Talk about the future development of Xicheng ?

.Ordinary people do n’t care about that .

.They only look at money .

.This is the truth .

.As long as the money is enough , let alone moving , we can help you dismantle it together .

.The so-called nail households are actually not enough money .

.Listening to Jiang Hongtian’s meaning , this time it’s time to be generous .

.” Jiang Ying is really lucky to have your brother . ”

.Wang Ze said .

.For his sister , the other party did a lot .

.Before , they had sent people to follow .

.It was enough to see his concern for Jiang Ying .

.Jiang Hongtian sighed : ” There is no way , just this little sister , the jewel in the family’s palm . ”

.” Wang Ze , if I say something wrong in the future , I hope you can understand . ”

.” Don’t mind it . ”

.He got a shot .

.In the future, between Jiang Ying and Wang Ze , he will support Jiang Ying unconditionally .

.Wang Ze nodded with a smile : ” Of course . ”

.Anyone will be biased towards their relatives .

.If he had a sister , too .

.How can there be any help not to help the pro .

.It’s in the little things .

.When something really happens , family is always the most important thing .

.After chatting for a while , Jiang Ying came out .

.” Brother , Wang Ze , what are you talking about ?”

.She looks happy .

.Her brother and her boyfriend get along well , which is what she most likes to see .

.Jiang Hongtian turned around and said , ” What about you? ”

.Jiang Ying was curious : ” Talk about me ? What are you talking about ?”

.” Talk about how good I am ?”

.Jiang Hongtian was helpless : ” The thickness of your face really hasn’t changed at all . ”

.” Are you good at Wang Ze ?”

.He was still a little surprised that Wang Ze became the deputy captain of the criminal investigation .

.The speed of promotion is too fast .

.If it is used to compare the difficulty of doing business .

.It’s like a self-made man with over 100 million assets in a short period of time .

.It’s hard to imagine .

.He couldn’t do it anyway .

.Promotion has a process that requires accumulation .

.The same goes for doing business, of course .

.Jiang Ying stepped forward and sat next to Wang Ze , looked at him and said, ” Is he good ?”

.” I really didn’t see it . ”

.Jiang Hongtian : ” Then tell me , why did you like him ? Not because of his excellence ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” Isn’t this picked up for nothing !”

.While speaking , she pinched Wang Ze’s face .

.Feels good .

.Wang Ze said : ” You said the opposite , you are the one I picked up for nothing . ”

.” Staying well in a mental hospital , a girlfriend suddenly fell from the sky . ”

.”I don’t know if I’m lucky or unfortunate . ”

.Jiang Ying said: ” Of course it’s lucky !”

.” Really, brother ?”

.Jiang Hongtian : ” Uh …”

.He glanced at Wang Ze .

.He really didn’t know how to answer this question .

.lucky ?

.Jiang Ying’s character makes Wang Ze vomit blood a lot, right ?

.unfortunate ?

.My sister , don’t mess with her .

.” Also … maybe . ”

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