.Jiang Ying was indignant : ” Brother , are you and Shimu ?”

.Jiang Hongtian coughed lightly : ” How can it be . ”

.At this moment , Wang Ze’s phone rang .

.” I’m sorry . ”

.He took out his phone and glanced at the caller ID .

.” Master ?”

Chapter 245 _ Let you go on a blind date ? ? 2 ?

.Calculate the time .

.He really hadn’t seen Zhou Weiyan for a long time .

.Especially after a promotion .

.Although Zhou Weiyan was his teacher in the police academy, he always took good care of him .

.Whether it’s in school or in life .

.He used to go to each other’s house for dinner often .

.Over time , he and Zhou Weiyan’s wife Gong Huilan became very familiar with each other .

.After Wang Ze apologized, he got up and walked aside to answer the phone .

.” Hello ? Mistress . ”

.Gong Huilan : ” Ozawa , why haven’t you come to eat at home recently ?”

.” I asked your teacher to call you – and he didn’t call either . ”

.” Said it would disturb your work . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” I’m sorry, Mistress , I’ve been busy recently . ”

.” When I have time , I will definitely go . ”

.Gong Huilan : “That ‘s right , he’s already a captain , so he must be busy at ordinary times . ”

.” By the way , your master said you might have a girlfriend , is that true ?”

.” Whether there is or not . ”

.” If not , a girl from my friend’s house …”

.Wang Ze said quickly : ” Master , I have a girlfriend . ”

.Gong Huilan was silent for two seconds , then said , ” Oh , yes . ”

.” When you come next time , remember to bring her with you . ”

.” Let Mistress see it . ”

.” The girl you like must be very good . ”

.” It just so happens that Zhou Qi is coming back from abroad . You two brothers haven’t seen each other for so long. You can have a good drink . ”

.Wang Ze was taken aback : ” Zhou Qi ?”

.” Is he coming back ?”

.Gong Huilan : ” Yes , it’s just two months . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Well , let him contact me when he comes back . ”

.Zhou Qi, the son of Zhou Weiyan , has been studying abroad for a Ph.D.

.The relationship between the two is still good .

.Gong Huilan : ” Okay , I’ll be waiting for you at home then . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay , definitely . ”

.Gong Huilan : ” Then I won’t bother you , remember this . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Well . ”

.The phone hangs up .

.He turned and sat back .

.Jiang Ying stared at him for a while and said , ” Let you go on a blind date ?”

.Wang Ze was surprised : ” Blind date ? How is that possible . ”

.Jiang Ying doubted : ” Really ? I heard about my girlfriend or something . ”

.Wang Ze chuckled : ” It was my wife who called . ”

.” When I was in school , the teacher’s family took great care of me , and they were both teachers and fathers . ”

.” I have a girlfriend , she probably doesn’t know yet , so call to make sure . ”

.” By the way , let me go to dinner when I have time . ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Ying snorted and didn’t say more .

.She has met Wang Ze’s teacher .

.It was the first time I was in a mental hospital .

.Li Xiangbin from the Municipal Bureau and Wang Ze’s teacher were both there .

.Jiang Hongtian was curious : ” Wang Ze , who is your teacher ?”

.Wang Zedao : ” Professor of Criminal Psychology at Yuncheng Police Academy . ”

.” Oh oh . ”

.Jiang Hongtian nodded .

.Professor of Criminal Psychology at the Police Academy .

.That’s not a simple character either .

.Wang Ze looked at Jiang Ying and said , ” By the way , my wife said , let me take you with me . ”

.” How are you going ?”

.Jiang Ying said indifferently : ” Okay , you can call me in advance , so I can buy gifts . ”

.Jiang Hongtian said: ” The first time I went there , the gift was a little heavier . ”

.Jiang Ying nodded and said , ” I know . ”

.” That’s Wang Ze’s mentor , of course he can’t be casual . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” It’s not that exaggerated , it’s good to be simple . ”

.” Bringing too much stuff can backfire . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” Do n’t worry , I have the numbers . ”

.At this moment , Ruan Shuzhen greeted at the door, ” Stop talking , let ‘s have dinner . ”

.Seeing this , Jiang Hongtian got up and said, ” Let’s go Wang Ze , let’s go in . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Okay . ”

.In the huge restaurant , several people were seated .

.Just in case , Jiang Hongtian brought a driver here today .

.He picked up the liquor and asked, ” Wang Ze , I don’t know much about your work , this …”

.” Can you drink ?”

.Without waiting for Wang Ze to answer , Jiang Jianye said with a smile, ” What’s wrong with the big weekend . ”

.”The police can’t drink anymore ?”

.” Fall up down . ”

.Jiang Hongtian didn’t move , looked at Wang Ze with questioning in his eyes .

.Wang Ze hesitated a little and said , ” Yes . ”

.Today is his sabbatical , there is no need to go to the city bureau .

.Unless , there is a very urgent case .

.In general , Li Xiangbin can handle it himself .

.Hearing this , Jiang Hongtian filled Wang Ze with wine .

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.Jiang Jianye glanced at a few people and said with a smile, ” Is this the second time Wang Ze has come here ?”

.” It’s hard for a family to get together like this . ”

.” Come , come, toast together . ”

.Jiang Hongtian interjected : ” Come here , thank Wang Ze for taking in our little Ying . ”

.Jiang Ying stared : ” Brother , what are you talking about ?”

.” It’s like I can’t find a match . ”

.Jiang Hongtian asked back : ” Before Wang Ze , wasn’t it impossible to find it ?”

.Jiang Ying : ” Uh …”

.” That’s what I don’t want to look for. ”

.” The people chasing me can go abroad from the city bureau . ”

.Wang Ze was stunned : ” If you are ranked abroad , you will be ranked abroad. Why do you have to start from the Municipal Bureau ?”

.good guy .

.This is the target of Chi Guoguo .

0 …… 0

.Jiang Ying coughed lightly and said , ” You know . ”

.Wang Ze : ” I don’t understand , you have to be more clear . ”

.Jiang Ying : ” You are a criminal investigation genius , a master of reasoning , think for yourself . ”

.Wang Ze : ” Unexpectedly , I need to rest my brain after work . ”

.Seeing several juniors bickering , Jiang Jianye and Ruan Shuzhen met and smiled .

.This kind of warm scene , they like it very much .

.Jiang Jianye said: ” Okay , can you drink the wine first ?”

.Several people quickly shut up and drank their first cup .

.Jiang Ying said : ” I don’t drink anymore , I have to drive Wang Ze . ”

.When Jiang Jianye heard the car , he remembered one thing and said , ” Xiaoying , I asked you to buy a car for Wang Ze , did you buy it ?”

.” Why didn’t I see you?”

.Jiang Ying said : “I bought it . ”

.Jiang Jianye : ” Where .”

.Jiang Ying said helplessly : “That car is too difficult to determine , it will take time . ”

.Jiang Jianye : ” You have to buy this kind of car ? What kind of car can’t do ?”

.Jiang Ying said, ” Wang Ze likes that one . ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Jianye looked at Wang Ze subconsciously .

.Wang Ze said quickly : ” Uncle , it ‘s not what you think . ”

.” I just took a second look when I was shopping. I didn’t let her decide . ”

.Jiang Hongtian smiled and said , ” Xiaoying is quite caring . ”

.” If you look at it twice , you will remember it . ”

.” Why haven’t you been so nice to me ? ”

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