.Jiang Ying said: ” Then I will order two . ”

.Jiang Hongtian : ” No , I don’t want it . ”

…. wide .

Chapter 246 _ Qin Weibo is here ? 3 ?

.Inside the restaurant .

.Jiang Jianye said : ” What kind of car is so difficult to determine , ca n’t you increase the price ?”

.” One hundred thousand is not two hundred thousand , two hundred thousand is not three hundred thousand . ”

.Jiang Yingdao : ” I bought a limited edition , and many details were handcrafted . ”

.” So it will be longer . ”

.” It’s not about money . ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Jianye nodded slightly and said , ” Okay then . ”

.” As long as the car is good , that’s fine . ”

.This topic made Wang Ze smile helplessly , and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable .

.Although it is a man’s dream to eat soft rice , but when it comes to himself , it really feels weird .

.Of course .

.For Jiang Ying and the others , this should just be a trivial matter .

.It’s like buying a toy car for ordinary people .

.Is this a time-travel benefit ?

.After three rounds of drinking , Jiang Jianye looked at Jiang Ying and said ” Zero Seven Zero “: ” Xiaoying , listen to your brother , you want to enter the tourism industry in Xicheng ?”

.Jiang Ying took a mouthful of grapes and said , ” Yes . ”

.”The place is looking good , just wait for the demolition to be negotiated . ”

.Jiang Jianye nodded : ” Not bad . ”

.With his eyes , it is natural to see that the tourism industry of Xicheng is a big cake .

.Only in recent years , no one has done it .

.First, it is difficult for all parties to coordinate .

.Second, it requires huge funds .

.And there are risks .

.Jiang Ying’s courage is still relatively large .

.As a father , he appreciates it .

.Speaking of this , Ruan Shuzhen was a little worried , looked at Jiang Hongtian and said, ” Hongtian , you need to help my sister more in this matter . ”

.Jiang Hongtian said: ” Don’t worry Mom , I know . ”

.Jiang Ying said , “I suddenly think of that old lady . It ‘s easy to have nightmares . ”

.” You said yes, Wang Ze ?”

.Wang Ze took a sip of tea and said , ” Is n’t it ?”

.Jiang Jianye and the others were puzzled .

.” What old lady ?”

.It was Ruan Shuzhen who spoke .

.Jiang Ying said: ” When I was in Xicheng , Wang Ze and I went to that village to have a look . ”

.” I met an old lady during this period . ”

.” Mom , you don’t know . ”

.” That old lady is weird , like …”

.She paused , thinking about adjectives .

.” like an old witch in a fairy tale . ”

.Ruan Shuzhen criticized : ” What are you saying , it’s rude . ”

.” Old lady , I didn’t mess with you again . ”

.Jiang Ying said: ” It’s very strange anyway . If you don’t believe me, you can ask Wang Ze . ”

.Hearing this , several people looked at Wang Ze .

.The other party is a criminal policeman , so it’s natural to see people very accurately .

.At least more accurate than Jiang Ying .

.Wang Ze scratched his forehead and said , ” If you use two strange words to describe it …”

.” It’s not an exaggeration . ”

.”The old lady must have experienced something or done something that made her feel more disgusted with the police profession . ”

.Hearing this , Jiang Jianye and Ruan Shuzhen looked at each other .

.Jiang Hongtian said , ” Is it possible that she has committed a crime ?”

.Wang Ze waved his hand and said, ” You can’t talk nonsense like that . ”

.Jiang Hongtian smiled and said , ” I’m sorry , I just guessed . ”

.Jiang Jianye said : ” Is that village very biased ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Yes . ”

.Jiang Jianye nodded and said , ” No wonder . ”

.” In remote villages , the popularization of laws is generally not in place , which leads to the lack of the concept of the rule of law among the people in the villages . ”

.” In a big village , over time , all kinds of things will inevitably happen . ”

.” If the police come to the door , they will naturally not understand . ”

.” It’s normal to be resistant to you . ”

.Wang Ze smiled and said , ” Uncle’s words are in the words . ”

.A businessman is a businessman .

.Look at the problem , hit the nail on the head .

.In remote villages , many of the things they think are normal are not allowed by law .

.Like hitting someone .

.For example, the cultivation of prohibited plants .

.Conflicts of ideas are bound to exist .

.Jiang Ying didn’t care about this and said , ” As long as she doesn’t stop us from developing the village . ”

.Wang Ze said: ” Then it depends on your ability . ”

.” But she should have descendants . ”

.” Fixed her juniors and solved all problems . ”

.Jiang Ying wondered : ” How do you know she has a junior ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” The silver ring on her finger is new . ”

.” It should have been given by someone else . ”

.” Also , there are supermarket bags thrown away on the vegetable floor at the door . ”

.” This kind of bag is only available in the big supermarkets in the city . ”

.” It’s impossible for an old lady to walk dozens of kilometers by herself and go to the supermarket in the city …”

.” It’s impossible , buy yourself a ring . ”

.Jiang Ying was surprised : ” Eh ? Why didn’t I notice ?”

.Jiang Jianye and others also looked at Wang Ze in surprise .

.Although it’s just a simple little thing .

.But this kind of observational and analytical power that has become a habit is not something that ordinary people can have .

.No wonder people can be promoted to captain .

.Jiang Hongtian smiled and said , ” If you can notice , you can be a policeman too . ”

.Jiang Ying did not refute this time , saying : ” That’s true . ”

.” The question is really simple . ”

.” She can’t help but listen to her son and grandson, right ?”

.Wang Ze said: ” Come on . ”

.At this moment , the phone rang , it was Wang Ze .

.He quickly took out his cell phone .

.” Sorry . ”

.Jiang Jianye smiled and said, ” You can take it , it doesn’t matter . ”

.He knew that the other party must be very busy .

.Wang Ze answered the phone .

.” Hello ?”

.The call was from Ma Haoyu .

.” I’m eating out , what ‘s wrong ? Is there a case ?”


.” Oh , it’s not a case, that’s fine , what’s the situation ?”

.After listening to Ma Haoyu’s words , Wang Ze was obviously taken aback and said , ” What ? Who is looking for me ? Say it again , which lawyer in Xicheng ?”

.” Qin Weibo ?”

.Hearing this name , Jiang Ying, who was chatting with her parents , turned her head and looked over .

.Wang Ze was silent for a while, then said , “What is he doing with me ? 5.4″


.” Oh okay , I see , I’m not free now . ”


.” Let’s talk later , let him go back first . ”


.” Well , okay , hang up . ”

.The phone hangs up .

.Jiang Ying asked : ” Qin Weibo came to Yuncheng ?”

.Wang Ze nodded : ” Well , here it is . ”

.Jiang Ying wondered : “What is he doing in Yuncheng ?”

.Wang Zedao : ” In the case of human traffickers , he was the suspect’s defense lawyer . ”

.Jiang Ying : “…”

.” I’m going !”

.”On purpose ? Why does he like defending murderers so much ?”

.Wang Zedao : ” This case is a public hearing , and there are not many lawyers willing to defend the suspect . ”

.” It’s really hard for him too . ”

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