I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 205: Kraqi’S Determination, The Task Arranged By Ye Mu (Please Subscribe~)

Kobayashi Ringtong and others were also stunned for a moment. As for Igarashi on the side, his face turned red after being stunned for two seconds.

"Will the meeting be long?!"

"Ah, Ah Hua looks very happy too, so, Xiao Mu, you are making a profit, right, Mengzi."

"Indeed, Igarashi-senpai is also very excited."

"I...I didn't...I..."

Naturally, Lilixiang would not tease people like this. She could just be happy in her heart now. After all, she would be very happy to go out on a date with Ye Mu. "Anyone who cares about others would be sorry for her loyal love."

Qi Luoli chuckled and said: "Very good, then everyone is happy, then... the day after tomorrow will be fine, Xiao Mu, you have time."

"I have time until I go back."

“That’s great, I’m really looking forward to it.”

Before Ye Mu could say anything, he saw Alice coughing slightly and saying, "Um, Senior Ye!"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Um... I want to prepare that curry dish recently. Can you try it for me and give me a review? I suggest you just watch it and give it. It's mainly a review. How about it?"

Ye Mu nodded and said: "Of course there is no problem. To be honest, you girl will bring the food directly to me to taste. If nothing else, you should have thought about it several times."

"Of course! Although it's still molecular cuisine, I've prepared a very special method. It's half and half!"

"When is it interesting? What machine do you need?"

Alice shook her head and said: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just the two instruments at home are enough. After all, it's not pure molecular cuisine, so this is more than enough.

"Okay, Ryoko."

"Hey! What's wrong?"

"This time we go to the Four Seasons Hotel. You and Miyoko will go with you. At the same time, I need you two to help me with something."

"You look so serious all of a sudden...What's going on? Don't worry, leave it to Miyoko and me."

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said: "When the time comes, one of you will help me deliver a courier to a place, and the other will help me find the people on the list.

"List? Oh! Is that the list that Senior Ye gave me at that time?!"

"That's right, look for it. If you find it, you don't have to do anything. Just say hello politely. You don't need to do anything else. You two can just discuss who to hand over these two tasks. Of course, After the performance, you two can go together to deliver a package or something."

Ryoko Sakaki nodded and said, "I understand, so after arriving at the Four Seasons Hotel, the two of us can read the document."

"Of course, you can start researching on the plane. Before the performance starts, you need to remember the appearance of the people inside. You don't need to remember other things. Just remember the appearance and name. It should be fine. Yes.

Ryoko Sakaki shook her head and said: "Although the number of people on the list will not be small, it should be no problem. If it is just names and photos, it will be no problem. There will be time after the plane arrives. It is enough. The two of us can each remember half of it. Then if there is time, we can exchange memories, which will reduce a lot of errors."

Himuro Iris also nodded, this is indeed true, it seems very scientific.

"Okay, it's getting late. If you want to watch a movie, go ahead. But don't stay up too late. I'll go back first."


In the end, Kobayashi Rgentan and others chose to continue watching the movie. After being frightened by Ye Mu, everyone became sober. Ye Mu really went back to rest. Recently, he was not only responsible for construction, but also responsible for managing foreign countries. The process is not tiring, but it is somewhat nerve-wracking.

When a ray of sunlight shone into the hotel room, Keboqi sat up in a daze, combed his messy hair with sleepy eyes, and said in a daze: "Huh? Where is this?"



Clara suddenly woke up as soon as she came back to her senses. She quickly checked herself and found that her clothes were fine and there was nothing strange about her. The air conditioner was not turned on, the lights were turned off, and there was no one in the room. This also made Clara I'm relieved, it doesn't look like the bloody plot in novels and movies.

Otherwise, she would definitely collapse if she opened her eyes in the hotel after being hungover and there was a strange man next to her. Kelaqi thought about it in her mind before she came back to her senses. She had dinner with Ye Mu yesterday, and then she drank too much Ye Mu. Mu sent it back to him.

""I remember... Mr. Ye said... he put the room card in my bag..."

After rummaging around and making sure it was in the bag, Kraqi also breathed a sigh of relief. It was indeed the case. It seemed that Ye Mu had also removed the room card for safety reasons before leaving yesterday. In this case, it could only be done from the inside. Open the door or use a spare room card to open the door.

Kela Qi smiled naively and said: "Hey... Mr. Ye is indeed the most considerate, but... why! Am I not beautiful?! Or do I have a bad figure?! That's what Mr. Ye is like Gone?!"

"However, this also shows that Mr. Ye's character is really very good..."

"Hmph! I don't believe that I can't take you down! I'll keep my eye on you!"

While Clara was struggling, the cell phone on the side also rang. Clara glanced at it and was stunned. There were more than 20 missed calls, all of which were from Decla.

"Hello? What's going on? What happened?"

Dekla on the other side of the phone also breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I'm scared to death of you. It's almost ten o'clock. I thought you had an accident. It seems to be fine. You went to dinner with Mr. Ye yesterday, and then you said If you answer the phone so late, you won't be... Clara! Don't run away!"

Clara's face turned red and she said angrily: "What are you thinking about! I am that kind of person! Didn't I wake up after drinking too much..."

"It's really useless..."

"Do you still want to get to know Mr. Ye? Do you want to know the information?!"

"Um...please tell me."

"Hmph~ a fickle woman~"

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