I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 206: Excited Dekla, Klaqi’S Arrangement (Please Subscribe~)

Decla and Clara just chatted about each other, but they mainly asked about what happened yesterday.

"Oh! I feel it's delicious just listening to your description, but if Mr. Ye orders it this way, just wait..."

"What's wrong?"

Dekla took the computer and pressed it for a while before nodding and saying: "As expected of Mr. Ye, I can confirm now that Mr. Ye is definitely a very good cook, and he is definitely knowledgeable in nutrition."

"Did you read the nutritional label?"

"Absolutely. After a quick glance, I found that the common ingredients such as protein, dietary fiber, sugar, vitamins, carotene, calcium, fat, etc. are all well arranged and the nutrition is absolutely balanced.

"It seems so, but then again... the daughter's red I drank yesterday was really delicious! It just has a bit of a strong stamina."

Dekla nodded and said: "If one cup only has this effect, it is indeed quite powerful. I haven't drunk it yet. I will try it when I have time, but I guess I can't buy a bar with such a good effect. After all, this is aged wine. .”

"Yes, let's talk about it when we have time! Let's talk again! When I take down Mr. Ye, then I will be Mrs. Ye! I'm coming to Tianchao during the holiday, are you afraid that I won't be able to drink?"

"Ke 397 La Qi...."

Kraqi waved her hand and said: "Don't worry, I will never forget you. We are good sisters. This time, there is important information."

"what? What?"

"Ahem...well...that new bag recently released by LV is pretty good-looking, Dekla, what do you think?"

Dekra rolled her eyes and said, "Okay, okay! Just get off the plane and the bag will be delivered to you!"

"This is what you said, I didn't force you."

"Say it quickly!"

Kraqi smiled and said: "I originally planned to ask about Nakamura Ji this time. Although I knew a little about it, I still wanted to ask Mr. Ye when I told Mr. Ye that I would take time to go on a business trip to Japan. When, do you know what Mr. Ye told me?"


"Mr. Ye said that he will be on a business trip for some time. Where can you guess the location?"

"Hey, tell me where it is quickly!"

"It's in our country! It's in the city where the headquarters is located! That's right! It's super close to our home!"

Dekra was stunned for two seconds. The next moment, her beautiful eyes suddenly opened wide, and she stood up immediately and said with disbelief: "Kla Qi! Are you telling the truth?! You are not kidding me. Come on! Mr. Ye himself is coming to our place?! And not long after?!"

"That's right! And the good news is that although Mr. Ye didn't come alone this time, none of the women came! There are only two secretaries. Although they are said to be secretaries, how can any girl be really stupid in Ye? Sir, he just acts as a secretary, do you believe it?"

"I do not believe!"

"So! We can have a lot of room for development! And this is our territory! Dekla, you have to thank me properly. I specifically told Mr. Ye that I would introduce some friends then. Get to know Mr. Ye.

Dekla immediately cheered and said, "I love you so much! This is what a good bestie is! But... did you say it directly?"

"Yes, and, Dekra, I need you to do something."


"That is to say, you should investigate Nakamura Ji's matter under the standards of the rules, because although it is certain that Mr. Ye is the person who targeted him, but... it seems that he deliberately let me know something, so I said , Dekla, you'd better do some research, don't worry about whether the information is useful or not, you can use it to find the topic when the time comes."

Decla nodded and said (cgbd): "Okay, I understand, but having said that...Claqi, it sounds like you have some thoughts, and what news do you know?"

Kraqi said with a serious face: "Don't tell anyone, Mr. Ye is targeting this person, Nakamura Ji. Although there is no accurate evidence, I can personally confirm it. In addition, Yumura Ji has definitely offended Mr. Ye."

"In addition... there is one very important thing. Mr. Ye definitely has no intention of letting Nakamura Thisi go. It seems that Mr. Ye intends to make Nakamura Thistle very, very, very, very miserable before it ends."

Dekla swallowed her saliva and said: "What on earth did this Nakamura Thistle do? A person with such a good temper like Mr. Ye would retaliate like this. What did this guy do...

"I don't know, I guess, even if I become Mrs. Ye, I won't know it, because Mr. Ye seems to be deliberately protecting those women from being exposed to these things. Sure enough, it has to be Mr. Ye, It’s really a sense of security.”

"Tell me everything you talked about."

After Clara talked about it, Decla was a little confused as to what kind of death this Nakamura Jiu had done.

"Let's not talk about this...but Mr. Ye sent you back and you were still drunk. You didn't seize such a good opportunity at all?"

"Oh, I fell asleep immediately. Mr. Ye put the room card away for me and left without doing anything."

"That's a really good character, but you're wasting your opportunity!"

"Stop talking, I regret it so much. I shouldn't have drank so much rice wine because I thought it was sweet and fragrant yesterday. I'm so angry."

"Okay, okay, then we can discuss it together. By the way, I'll ask that girl Lantabi to follow us then.

Kraqi nodded and said, "That's what I thought. If Anna has time, just bring her over for a meal. It's okay if Aisol keeps an eye on her."

"Okay, these two girls are not worried about their life-long affairs at all. I really convinced them. Okay, I have to go to a meeting. You can tell me when you get on the plane."

"Oh...by the way, Bao..."

"Can't forget!"

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