I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 207 Rei Kawashima Is Furious, HōJō Miyoko Wants To Complain (Please Subscribe~)

Kraki left, leaving with the news she wanted as well as excitement and expectation. Life was still the same as before.

But if there is anything different, it is the situation in the garden villa at this time.

At this time, Hōjō Miyoko was still wearing a cheongsam. She was looking at the recipe and holding the phone and said: "Hello? Is this Kawashima?"

"I am, who are you? The voice sounds a bit familiar..."

"I, Hōjō Miyoko, you should-have heard of me."

On the other side of the phone, Rei Kawashima, who was wearing pajamas and watching a movie, was stunned for a moment and said: "Eh? Hōjō-san? I know you. You often help female students in school. You also have a good personality... But... How do you have my contact information? And you even contacted me?"

"It's nothing. I just have something to tell you, and it doesn't count as me... I'm just a messenger."

"Eh? Who is looking for me... If it's those boys... That's not right. Hōjō-san, don't you have no contact with boys? Who is that? Any news from the school? No, the school has mine. Contact information.”

"No, Senior Ye has something to arrange for you, so he asked me to find you."

"Oh...Who?! Say it again?! Who?! Senior Ye?! Is it Senior Ye?!"

Hōjō Miyoko sighed. She knew that the beautiful girl on the other side of the phone was also a fan, an old fan who had joined the fan club a long time ago.

Hōjō Miyoko also admired Ye Mu at that time, but she did not join the support group. Hōjō Miyoko nodded and said: "Yes, it was Senior Ye who asked me to tell you. I originally planned to tell you in a few days, but Senior Ye and the others It’s not necessarily when he will come back.”

"And I don't know where you are. If you are on vacation abroad or have something to do, you need to make sure. If you have time, if you don't have time, I will have to report back to Senior Ye. It will take time for you to come back, so I will tell you now. is you."

Rei Kawashima on the other side of the phone said quickly: "What arrangements and instructions does Senior Ye have? I can definitely do it! I have nothing to do, but I am currently on vacation in another country.

"If you are okay, then there is no need to worry. Just come back early and wait for a while. Senior Ye said that they will come back early when you come back, and they will ask you something about the special arrangements for the autumn election."

Rei Kawashima said seriously: "Don't worry! I will go back early! But if I am not in a hurry, I will go home next week, and then I won't have to go to school from home so much."

"Well, when you go home, you can just contact me directly. I haven't left yet. We will tell you whether you come to me or I come to you."

"Okay! Eh? That's not right... Mr. Hōjō, why are you helping Mr. Ye pass the message? Don't think too much about it. I just think there are many people in the school who are familiar with Mr. Ye. You come to me. It would be quite troublesome if I didn’t ask the school for my contact information.”

Hōjō Miyoko nodded and said: "It's not bad, I just checked the file and took a look."

"Oh...ha?! How could you transfer student files?!"

Hōjō Miyoko sighed and said: "Well... didn't Senior Ye say it during the school interview? We will find some other helpers to be secretaries. That second... I was appointed by Senior Ye some time ago. Become a secretary."


"Uh... don't get excited... I'm actually quite surprised..."

Rei Kawashima shouted on the other side of the phone: "How could I not be excited! I have been waiting for this secretary position for several months! How come the result was confirmed directly! No notice?!"


"I have already thought about how to serve Senior Ye after I am elected! Woo hoo hoo.... Is it because those who have not gone out to relax during the summer vacation are the criteria for selection?! 11

"Um...are you sure you want to be a secretary?"

Rei Kawashima shouted with a look of grief and anger: "No! Whoever worked for Mr. Ye as a secretary did it to be a secretary! It must be to be Mrs. Ye! I didn't expect that you, who had never had any contact with boys, would be selected. Oh! Woohoo...Does it have something to do with this?! Is it because I'm too popular?!"

………Please give me flowers….

Hōjō Miyoko suddenly wanted to complain, but she didn't know where to start. She didn't know why. Her newly resurrected girl's heart seemed to be reminding her of something intentionally or unintentionally, such as now.

Now she felt that Rei Kawashima would definitely stab her in the back in the future, but Hōjō Miyoko still couldn't figure out where this feeling came from.

Hōjō Miyoko coughed slightly and said: "No... In your eyes, secretary is a profession that you have a chance to get close to?"

"if not?!"


"Look at Sakaki-san! You and I can live in a world of two each other every day! We must be in love with each other! You must be the same, Hōjō-san!"

Se Yihong said quickly: "Who is flirting with Senior Ye?!"

"I don't believe in such a good opportunity! Besides, Mr. Hōjō, you are famous for not getting along with boys! You must have a crush on Senior Ye when you agree to be his secretary! Absolutely!"

Hōjō Miyoko didn't know what to say for a moment, because Rei Kawashima was right. Although she was not ready to go further with Ye Mu yet, didn't she know whether she could resist or not?

"Well...that's just the thing. I'll hang up first."

"Hōjō-san! Help me tell Senior Ye! I will definitely get this done this time! I must strive to become the next secretary!"

"Um...I understand, I will convey it.

"There is no need to tell Senior Ye the other things I said before!"

Hōjō Miyoko's eyes twitched. In the past few days, she had been tricked and the secrets she knew were enough to be shot dozens of times in a spy movie.

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