I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 208: Minezaki Yaeko’S Speculation, HōJō Miyoko Has A Headache (Please Subscribe~)

Hōjō Miyoko has a headache just thinking about it now. It's so outrageous. She now knows a lot of things she shouldn't know.

For example, the bottle that Shinomiya Kaguya found, the books written by Hayasaka Ai, Fuyumi Mizuhara's plan to trick Tsunozaki Taki, Hiratsuka Shizuka's plan, Alice and Sakaki Ryoko's determination, and Himuro Iris' determination My own thoughts, Zi Anyan's thoughts.

In addition, what else is about to be known about the list and arrangements for the second half of the year, Kobayashi Ritsou and the others' wedding plans, Hisako's strange hobbies, Hayasaka Ai's various strange ideas, and now there is another Kawashima Rei. She suddenly felt as if she was going further and further down the road of no return.


"Miyoko, what's wrong with you? Why did you sigh suddenly?" "867"

"Eh?! Sister Yaeko?! When did you come back?!"

Minezaki Yaeko threw her sunglasses aside and said casually: "I just came back. I was planning to get some snacks, but then I saw you. What's wrong with you?"

Hōjō Miyoko sighed and said: "Nothing, Sister Yaeko, you said that in a certain organization, if you know too much, will the organization silence you one day?"

Yaeko Minesaki thought for a while and said: "Yes...but it was because she felt that she was going to rebel, run away, or be caught, so she silenced her in advance. Otherwise, it would be absolutely okay to know so much. He is a trusted core member and will not suddenly silence him."

Hōjō Miyoko nodded thoughtfully, and sure enough... there was no turning back! (Everyone: Why are you so tragic...

"Speaking of which, where are Kaguya and Ai-chan? Doesn't Kaguya usually stay at home?"

"Oh... Kaguya-sensei and Xiaoai-sensei, one of them is studying a major in college, and the other is washing clothes in the laundry room.

Minesaki Yaeko nodded and said: "Sure enough, it is more comfortable when there are people at home. Hey, Miyoko, you are in the restaurant..."

"Oh, I was studying the Tianchao recipe just now, and by the way, I called Kawashima-san according to what Senior Ye said."

"Judging from this, it seems that Rei Kawashima is very popular in your school?"

"Yes, it can be said that he is a school idol, but it is only for boys. If Kawashima-san looks at it from a normal perspective... he is a very weak-looking person with a lively personality and pretty good strength, but he is not outstanding. It's not weak, it's average, maybe not a little bit above.

"Then she looks like those Internet celebrities or idols. She has a pure and cute look that boys like. She is also good at stirring up the atmosphere and has a good figure. Well... that's about it. of.

Minezaki Yaeko nodded and said, "That's okay, but why is she not so popular among girls?"

"It's not that she's not popular, she's not popular at ordinary times, but every time she's in a meeting or announcing something, it's her, so as soon as she appears, a lot of boys will be...she's a very fanatical fan anyway. ....you understand.

Minesaki Yaeko suddenly said: "Oh! I know, it probably feels like she attracts all the boys' attention away, which makes her look very unattractive, and she also feels that she will be so attractive to boys, right?"

"That's right, but she's fine when she's not in meetings, so there aren't many people in the school who really have a bad impression of her. "She handles interpersonal relationships pretty well.

Minesaki Yaeko nodded and said: "It makes sense... Such people are definitely good at handling their interpersonal relationships, eh? Miyoko, are you very prestigious and popular among girls?"

Hōjō Miyoko nodded and said, "Yes, if I'm not being self-effacing, I still have a lot of friends in school, and they are all girls."


"Sister Yaeko, what's wrong?"

Minezaki Yaeko shook his head. If nothing else happened, one of Ye Mu's remaining two secretary candidates would definitely be Kawashima Rei.

In terms of strength, he is justified. With his special status and role in the school, good interpersonal relationships, ability to do things, and Hōjō Miyoko's popularity among different groups of students, he is also a character that is very suitable for cooperation... …

After all, in school, boys are not considered. Apart from Erina and Kobayashi Ritsou, the girls who are suitable to be secretaries are Yu Ryoko, Mito Ikumi, Hōjō Miyoko and Kawashima Rei. They are the first few choices.

Among the girls in the lower row, the only ones who have heard about it in their families and have some ability are the fan leader Shoko Kabutoki, Tadokoro Megumi and Yoshino Yuuki.

But the problem is that she is not familiar with this Yoshino Yuuki, but it is impossible to think about it. Yoshino Yuuki is weaker in all aspects, except for his liveliness. His personality is definitely not suitable for being a secretary. As for Tadokoro Megumi, maybe he will be calm in a year or two. Somewhat possible, but for now

He has no self-confidence, his social circle is not wide, he is easily nervous, and he is a poor student who is not recognized by everyone, so it is absolutely impossible. Even if he really chooses it, the students will not accept it. Although he cannot eat halberds, Tadokoro Megumi can also be self-confident. suspicious.

To sum up, there is a high probability that this Rei Kawashima will be the one. After all, there are still two places. The probability that this Rei Kawashima will be one of them is very high.

"Sister Yaeko, what are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing, Miyoko... I hope your tomboyish side can be put to good use."

"Ah? What do you mean? Where is it used?"

"It can only be understood but not expressed, do you understand? Okay, "Have you fed the chocolate cat food?"

"Hey, I don't know where I went to sleep. By the way, Sister Yaeko, you haven't said why you came back so early. You came back two or three hours earlier than usual. And what's in this bag?"

"It's okay, you happen to be here, take this and take a look, and then you have to start getting serious about it.

Hōjō Miyoko glanced at the book cover for a moment and said softly: "Learning Chinese from scratch..."

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