I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 210: Nervous Snake Mengzi Prohibits The Behavior Of Heartless People (Please Subscribe~)

Hōjō Miyoko did not tell Ye Mu immediately. Shinomiya Kaguya and others were also working hard to improve themselves. Fujiwara Chika and Alice seemed to have enlightened themselves in the past few days, and they were getting closer to Ye Mu.

It might not be like this if there was no relationship, but now we can be said to be an unmarried couple, and I like them very much, so the closer we get, the happier I feel.

"Ah, President, why did you call me over so late? I still want to have a good beauty sleep, and I have a date with Ye Jun tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it."

Qi Luoli, wearing a nightgown and crossing her legs, said casually: "Mengzi, I want to be sure. When you say you are Xiao Mu's person, do you mean you are Xiao Mu's subordinate? Or what? ?"

Snake Ghoul Mengzi tilted her head and said: "Eh? Can this sentence have so many directions of interpretation?"

"So, Mengzi, now that we are all on the same plane and in the same camp, we can speak more intuitively.

Yumeko Snake thought for a moment and said: "How should I put it... Because of my sister's matter, before I came to Hyakuka King, I participated in many gambling games with high risk factors, but I enjoyed such risks very much. "

"Although I don't have narcissistic thoughts, I also know very well that in every gambling game, many people hope to get me after beating me, so I personally think I should be a very attractive beauty. Yeah, he should be in good shape too."

Qi Luoli nodded and said: "In terms of appearance in our family, we can't say it's self-confidence. It can be said to be arrogance, which is not too much. And Mengzi, you do look very charming. I believe no man will refuse. You come to be my wife, after all, after leaving the King of Flowers, there are not so many places where you can enjoy the craziness so unbridled."~.

"What's more, I know very well, Mengzi, you have a great personality, outstanding figure and appearance, and it is easy for people to have a desire to protect and conquer, and you are also very house-keeping, so there are many What a skill as a good wife, I am really lucky to marry you."

Snake Mengzi covered her mouth and chuckled and said: "Ah, President, I would be proud if you said that, but let's get down to business. Although those disgusting men hide it very well, some even simply You won’t hide your purpose.”

"But I'm still not afraid, because such a person can't beat me, but in the end I came to King of Flowers. Firstly, because President, you made King of Flowers so interesting and famous, so I Come here, secondly...Compared to those other schools, it is obvious that King of Flowers is a school more suitable for people like us with a surname like this."

"Just after this, I met Ye Jun. To be honest, I had a strange feeling when I saw Ye Jun for the first time. Of course, it was not an outrageous idea like love at first sight.

Yumeko Snake thought for a while and said: "The idea at the time was... This boy is tall and handsome. He looks very pleasing to the eye at first, and his eyes are very clean. He is completely different from those disgusting guys.

"Of course, Xiaomu is very pure."

Snake Mengzi sighed and said: "Maybe this is fate. My only good friend at the time, Xun, made me meet Ye Jun. When I knew that Ye Jun had cured Dong's terminal illness, my first thought was Maybe we can save my sister?"

"Obviously, he saw what I was thinking. Ye Jun told me that he can treat my sister, but he needs me to help him with some things. I know very well that Ye Jun is not that kind of person, so I am very curious. , the thing is very simple, just one sentence..."


"If you have fun at Baika King, you can share your thoughts with me."

"When I heard this sentence, I was stunned, but I immediately thought of something in school that Ye Jun was interested in. At this moment, I was really excited, just like making a movie. "Ye Jun, this mysterious man, just found me outside the school and wanted to have some fun. I'm really curious about what will happen."

Snake Mengzi said excitedly: "I have been in contact with Ye Jun until I came to the school. From the initial cooperative relationship of interest, to later I became more and more aware of Ye Jun's charm. In fact, It’s so attractive... It’s like a big bet with Ishima-san.”

"That kind of elegant feeling, unique elegance... made me feel that maybe I am just crazy, just crazy in a certain simple direction, and I can make more progress

More directions, ah...how can it be so exciting..."

Qi Luoli said with a straight face: "...Well, I understand you. As long as you are attracted to Xiao Mu, there is no turning back."

"That's right! Gradually, Ye Jun and I started talking about things at school and also about things outside school. I will never have a duel with anyone to hand over each other's life, because I feel scared inexplicably. If I lose, how can I have the dignity to stay by Ye Jun's side? Am I still qualified to serve and accompany Ye Jun in life? "

"I don't remember what day it was... Ye Jun said to me, Mengzi, you should also combine work and rest. After all, high school life is also worth recalling. After graduation, there will be no way to experience it. Woolen cloth."

Qiluoli nodded and said (Wang Zhao): "That's right. What did you say? I feel that this sentence is a good answer.

Snake Mengzi breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "President... That was the first time in my life that I felt nervous, so I replied..."

"I can experience it after I graduate, because my whole high school life has been with you, Jun Ye... After I graduate, Jun Ye, you won't want to leave me alone, right? As long as you are still there, I will I can always experience the feeling of being with you, Mr. Ye. It is forbidden to be a traitor. Be careful of me betraying you and going to the president if I am sad.

"Ah, the behavior of a heartless person is absolutely forbidden~"


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