I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 211 Qiluoli’S Routine And Lilixiang’S Frankness (Please Subscribe~)

After Yumeko Snake finished speaking, she looked at Kirori so quietly. She would definitely not tell everything, but this sentence was already very revealing.

Kiroli nodded and said, "Well, that's a good answer that makes people happy. So Mengzi, if you put it like that, she is still her sister."

"So, President, what do you want to say?"

"It's nothing. It's just that tomorrow is my date with Xiao Mu. I'm really looking forward to it. So, I really don't want to waste my precious time taking care of someone who is not sure of my thoughts."

Kiroli said with a straight face: "Although it sounds very ruthless to say this, it is indeed true, Mengzi..."


"These ten years...ten years of youth, these ten years have all appeared in Xiao Mu's life, but I still don't panic, because I know Xiao Mu still remembers me, Then I won't feel unhappy, because I will always be his, forever, and as long as he has me in his heart, I will be very happy."

"But...this is not the condition for me to accept that each of Rientan and the others are overtaking each other and walking in front of me. I am about to graduate. My work, the work I dedicated to Xiao Mu, is this. The King of Flowers."

"I want Xiao Mu to know that I didn't let him down. So, time, time, still time, I don't have time to be with him. Even if it's summer vacation, I still don't have enough time. I'm about to hand in this paper. After that I'm going to follow Xiao Mu obediently, so I have to hurry up.

"So... Mengzi, I need to quickly reorganize absolute power to form a complete victory. However, I don't believe in anyone except my own sisters. So, whether it is to cherish the precious During the summer vacation, or for the absolute advantage, I have to confirm your identity, Mengzi."

Snake Mengzi was stunned for a moment and said: "Huh? President, I seem to have caught a very incredible piece of information..."


"You just said...that you were unwilling?"

Kiroli's face turned red and she coughed lightly and said (cgae): "Um... So, Mengzi, I specifically asked about your position. You know, not long ago, Lian Haimeng This girl is already ahead of me, I feel envious just thinking about it."

Snake Mengzi's face suddenly turned red and she said strangely: "So, President, your plan is..."

"Ah, seeing your reaction, Mengzi, I knew you were serious. It's really good news. In that case, today's conversation ends here.

Snake Mengzi was stunned for a moment and then said with some resentment: "President, you told me this news specifically, and then you also told me your current thoughts. You are leaving me with no way out...

"I don't have any bad intentions. After all, as Xiao Mu's fiancée, I will always have to learn to compete for favor, but there is something I still want to tell you."

"What's up?"

After Kiroli came close to Yumeko Snake Ghoul and whispered something, Yumeko Snake Ghoul glanced at Kiroli with a strange look on her face and said, "President, are you serious?"

"Of course, and...I think I must talk to you about this matter. Don't you think it's reasonable? And...if you do what I say, I can I’ll give you a spot.”

Snake Mengzi was stunned for a moment before she smiled, nodded and turned around to leave. Kiroli glanced at the computer on the side and said softly: "So, my lovely sister, you have to behave well tomorrow. Woolen cloth."

Ririka, who was taking off her makeup on the other side of the screen, said softly: "I will not lose to Ringtong and the others!"

"Ah, as expected, my lovely sister is so serious only when it comes to matters related to Xiao Mu. She is really cute."

"Qiluoli, after graduation..."

"Huh? How do you say it?"

"After graduation, I...I'm not a student anyway, at least not a student of King of Flowers...so...so...can I go find Xiao Mu?"

Kiroli was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lilixiang, who had a rare look of obvious expectation in her eyes, and said softly with a smile: "You are my sister..."

"After the King of Flowers incident is over, I will also accompany Xiaomu. I will not be the president of King of Flowers by then, so you don't need to tell me, you can handle it according to your own ideas, and now you It works just as well.”

"Because you are my sister and we still love the same person. I trust you absolutely, so you will never let me lose. Do what you want. Xiaomu and I will always be there."

Lilixiang pursed her lips and looked at the screen with a rare smile and said softly: "I... will not lose to you either."

After saying that, she hung up the phone. Qiluoli was stunned for a moment, smiled and shook her head without saying anything. She had a hunch that the King of Flowers incident could be said to have reached a very critical turning point, and at this turning point, her camp , or rather... there are more and more people in the same camp as her.

"Luna...Yumeko...Ahua...Sheng Shima..."

Kiroli spoke for a while before whispering: "Saotome..."

I don't know if it was an illusion. She was watching a movie in front of the computer. It was obvious that she was planning to stay up late. A girl named Meari Saotome suddenly started to tremble, as if she was being targeted by some terrible being.

"What the hell? Why do you feel like you're going to be unlucky... Sure enough, it's going to be bad if you meet that woman from the president and this guy Snake Ghoul..."

"Damn! This male protagonist is a coward again! You should become a monk! Stop living!"

"Ha?! How did the heroine come up with such a retarded idea? What about the high emotional intelligence she promised?!"

"Oh my god...who would have thought..."

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