I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 215 Kiroli’S Date, Igarashi Froze (Please Subscribe~)

Although Ringtong Kobayashi and the others felt something was not right, if their husbands said they were enjoying life, then there should be no problem.

Kobayashi Ringtong and the others are not worried that Kirori will really just go shopping. Just kidding, Kirori is in a love-crazy state, how could she miss this rare opportunity?

After Kobayashi Rgentan and the others left, Kiroli sat on the sofa combing her hair and said with a smile: "Ahua, are you full?"

"Hiccup...well...President, I'm a little nervous..."

Qi Luoli laughed and said: "Ah, that's it. Then Ah Hua, you have to walk around more today. This will also help with digestion."


"By the way, Ah Hua, do me a favor."

Upon hearing this, Igarashi turned his head and said seriously: "President, you just tell me what you want me to do.

"Go to my room and help me find my hair tie."


Watching Igarashi leave, Kiroli curled her lips, took out two headbands from the pocket of her jeans and threw them aside casually.

Then I stopped combing my hair and just crossed my legs and looked at the time on my phone.

After Ye Mu came over and looked at Qiluoli like this, he said with some confusion: "Qiluoli, are you going to let your hair down today?"

"Hmm? Isn't this beautiful? Doesn't it look more like my sister?"

Ye Mu sat next to Qiluoli and said helplessly: "But it's still easy to recognize.

"Because you are familiar with us, Rendan and the others didn't recognize you. I'm so happy, Xiaomu, there are only two of us here now. Today is still my date. Are you reluctant to give me a good morning kiss?"

Qiluoli felt herself being hugged as soon as she finished speaking. A smile flashed in her eyes, and she accepted the good morning kiss as a matter of course.

After a kiss, Qi Luoli leaned on Ye Mu's shoulder and said with a smile: "Xiao Mu, do you know what kind of date I want today~"?


"I'm really happy to keep it secret for the time being. Xiao Mu, I have been deliberately choosing a perfume for a long time. By the way, there is something I want to talk to you about.'

"Is it about the King of Flowers?"

Kiroli nodded and said: "Yes, the current situation is that Mengzi is yours, and Sheng Zhimo is also yours. I have sister and Ahua under my command, so now there are only two people left, these two people. ..."

"Yomi Yuzuki Luna, and Saotome Meari, they must be the two of them."

Qiluoli nodded and said: "Sure enough, Mengzi is yours. I have told you everything, Xiao Mu. Mengzi is very infatuated."

"Mengzi did tell me a lot of things. Huangquanyue Luna is the most special person in the entire Hundred Flowers King. She has a lot of privileges. The most important thing is that she is the most special person in the entire Hundred Flowers King in this situation. , the only one who can deal with dealers and referees in any situation, and she is now starting to organize her own members."

Qiluoli nodded and said: "Yes, this matter is reasonable and unexpected. There is one thing that I am quite concerned about, that is, Luna seems to have some plans now, she is outside the school, so , Xiaomu, I suspect it has something to do with you."

"Really? That's pretty good. What can she do? As for Meari Saotome...she has been favored by many forces before, and her strength and personality are also very interesting. Sometimes he looks like a madman, and sometimes he just looks like a normal person among madmen."

Kiroli nodded and said: "That's right, so this matter still needs to be carefully considered. Meari Saotome still looks very promising. It's time to do something with her."

"That's really strange. With her personality, she won't join any party."

Kiroli chuckled. It was obvious that this guy already had a plan, and the success rate might be very high, but it was really not that difficult to get someone like Meari Saotome to help him.

"Let's not talk about it for now, why are you the only one? Where are Lixiang and the others?"

"Ah, Xiao Mu, are you really not afraid that I will be jealous? When you were with me, you were talking about other girls. Come on, forget it, I'm confused too. I asked Ahua to help me find a headband. We went, why haven’t we found them yet, Xiao Mu, let’s go look for them.”

"That's fine."

Qi Luoli pursed her lips and a trace of expectation flashed in her eyes, then she held Ye Mu's arm and walked upstairs. At this time, Igarashi was still looking for her headband very seriously.

Lilixiang came over at some point, and after knowing what happened, she also helped to search for him. However, Lilixiang always found her in a leisurely manner, while Yumeko Snake Ghoul disappeared somewhere.

"Eh? Ah Hua? Haven't you found it yet?"

Igarashi was stunned for a moment and quickly turned around and said: "President! I can find it soon! I only found a leather case."

"Eh? This one is too small. I want to tie a ponytail today, but this one is not enough, sister..."

Lilyxiang's face turned red when she saw Ye Mu, but she still turned away and said: "Qiluoli, I haven't tied my hair since I was a child..."

"Oh! Yes, that's true. It's really difficult to handle. It's so hot wearing it like this."

Kiroli said and walked to Igarashi. After searching for a while, she sighed (hao wang, hello). Igarashi hurriedly followed her to search. At this moment, she suddenly heard a very loud sound. The magnetic voice said: "Ah, they are all here.

"Mengzi? Where have you been? Why are you still in pajamas?"

The corner of Yumeko Snake's mouth curled up, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she turned around and closed the door silently. Kiroli suddenly stopped searching. Igarashi was about to speak when he suddenly found himself being hugged by Kirori.

"Eh? President?"


There was a sound of locking, Igarashi blinked and then seemed to suddenly think of something, and looked at Qiluo in disbelief.

"Ah...Xiao Mu, Sister Xia Ya and their methods seem to work very well."

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