I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 216 Himuro Iris’ Plan, Fujiwara Chika Is Very Heartbroken (Please Subscribe~)

Kirori directly adopted Minezaki Yaeko's method, which proved to be very effective, but Igarashi was completely dumbfounded.

In a bathing center on the other side, Kobayashi Ringtong and others were all surprised. Are you kidding me, is this really a bathing center? This is too luxurious.

"Don't be too nervous. I'll take a look. I'll go for a spa treatment first. Let me tell you, it's good for your skin. Then I'll go for Sha Sha. Don't worry, it won't cause Sha Sha. Let's have a foot massage. Then go take a bath and feel absolutely refreshed.”

Kobayashi Gendan said with a weird look on his face: "Gua sha, it won't be very painful."

"Yes, I can, but if you don't get Sha, it's fine. Don't worry, I'll be with you right now.


I don't know why, they always feel that something is wrong, but Sister Su has come in person, so there is nothing to say.

There was nothing wrong with the spa treatment, I quite enjoyed it. Kobayashi Ryodan smiled and said, "Hey, what do you think Kirori and the others are doing now?"

Akanekubo Momo chuckled and said: "This is simple, Qianhua, you can just make another call and find out."


Hearing this, Kitagawa Kaimu immediately said with a red face: "Sister Kahua! I'm so embarrassed when I talk about this! Sister Zihua!"

Chika Fujiwara also said with an embarrassed look: "Well...I don't know...but, it shouldn't be possible! Ahua is still there!"

After hearing this, everyone was silent for a moment. The problem lies in this. They are not sure about Igarashi's situation at all.

But one thing is certain for now, that is, no matter how Igarashi is teased by Kirori, she currently has no intention of denying or resisting.

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning sighed and said: "I can only hope that Sister Qiluoli and Mengzi can be kinder."


Alice snorted and said, "Compared with those, I'm still more concerned about the special rules for the autumn election that Senior Ye mentioned. Hisako, what do you think?"

"I don't know, and I really may not be able to make it to the end. It's better to ask Ryoko about this."

"Huh? But, Hisako, you are better than me, right?"

"Although this is the case, but... you are more famous than me. After all, you are Lord Ye Mu's first secretary, and your name is also very early. I feel that you should be more in line with the requirements."

Ryoko Sakaki said helplessly: "I would rather not be famous. Alas... I don't know what the rules will be like, but I don't care about the autumn election at all now."

Zi Anyan chuckled softly and said: "Liangzi, you can't blame others for this. You have the opportunity to have two people in the world every day. Even if you were replaced by Qianhua, you would already be Mrs. Ye. You are forced to become Mrs. Ye." I'm just a secretary.

"Stop talking, it gives me a headache just thinking about it, but I will seize the opportunity! Sister Yanzi, what are you and Sister Qianhua going to do?"

Zi Anyan shook her head and said: "I don't know, we'll talk about it then, but we must tell Jun Ye before coming to Heaven, otherwise the opportunity will really just happen.

Himuro Iris said a little weirdly: "Swallow, how are you going to express your love?"

"Sister Calamus...how do I put this, and I haven't thought about it yet, but Sister Calamus, you seem to be the most difficult one.

Himuro Airi shook his head and said: "I have a plan, but this plan should be of no use to you (cgfh)."

Erina yawned and said: "No matter what, as long as you have a goal, it is a good thing. If you have a goal and a plan, then two-thirds of the way to success."

Alice said curiously: "What is the remaining third? Is it Senior Ye's answer?"

"You're overthinking. Mu values ​​feelings very much. Wouldn't he be able to tell if you have a good impression of her? The remaining one-third is just about how to muster up the courage to go to Mu."

Kobayashi Gendan nodded and said: "As expected of Erina, she didn't cling to her husband in vain.

"Of course, if you ask me, I think the first step is the most difficult. The last step is not that difficult, right, Hai Meng.

Kitagawa Hai dreamed for a while and nodded and said: "Yes, all plans and arrangements are based on clearing one's own mind. This step is the most important. Without this step, everything is in vain. Even at the last step, it is possible I’ll be in a trance.”

After looking at it for a while, Fujiwara Toyomi glanced at Fujiwara Chika and said softly: "Qianhua, since I was a child, sister, although I haven't been optimistic about anything about you, I am still willing to believe you only in the matter of love brain. Yes, so if you solve the first step and the last step, your character will definitely be fine.

Fujiwara Chika's eyes twitched. She didn't feel this was encouragement at all! Instead, she felt her heart hurt. What was going on?! Are these biological sisters?!

Kobayashi Ringtong nodded and said: "Yes, Qianhua, you should solve it quickly. Otherwise, it is not impossible that Sister Fuyumi will be killed by you one day. You have made Sister Tumi very resentful." ah."

"Not only that, Zhan Zhan and Sister Xia Ya are also there! Oh! And Hisako, Hisako's mentality is completely broken."

Hisako's face turned red and he whispered: "What I was saying...I was all prepared, but when I got home and saw Sister Qianhua playing with the cat, I almost cried..."

Erina smiled and said: "I testify, Hisako has been reading it for an hour."

"Um...I...I didn't know I had such an identity at the time. Otherwise, I would have taken the initiative long ago!"

Tianyu Zhanzhan said softly: "I hope you can keep this idea. Otherwise, Sister Dongmei, who is in the advanced stage of husband control, may really not be able to control herself." What's more, Mu will be on a business trip in the second half of the year.


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