I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 217 Hayasaka Ai’S Hangover Makeup, Himuro Iris Is A Little Anxious (Please Subscribe~)

"Ah! It hurts!"

"Sister Su! I want to complain to my husband!!"

Sister Su covered her mouth and smiled softly. Looking at Xiaolin Ringtong and the others, she couldn't help but grinning.

The reason was naturally because they went for scraping. Although the sha didn't break out, they were still a little red. Kobayashi Ryodan and the others couldn't help shouting~.

That scene was more interesting than the eye-washing and ear-picking sessions at that time. The female gua sha master couldn't help but laugh the whole time. Although she didn't understand, it was so fun.

But one thing is that this is the first time they have seen Erina and her skin is so good, it can be said that it is very delicate.

Sister Su said with a smile: "Okay, okay, that resentful look, this is good for the body, it can beautify the skin, clear away heat and eliminate internal heat, there are many benefits.

Erina blew on her arm twice, and then said with a look of resentment: "It hurts so much! Sister Su, why don't you feel anything?"

"It hurts too, okay, but it's still within the acceptable range. You don't know, in order to become beautiful and good for your health, there are many things that you have never thought about.

"For example?"

Sister Su crossed her legs and took a sip of Coke and said, "Look, some people will give themselves a face-slimming injection in order to have a better face shape. After the injection, they can basically drink porridge."

Kobayashi Ringtong rubbed his cheeks and said with a strange expression: "Is there really such a person? Isn't that torturing yourself?"

"Yes, there are, there are a lot of them. Do you think everyone is like you? With such a good skeleton, this is not bad. Face-slimming needles are not a big deal. Some people just use two for thin waists. The ribs were removed through surgery.”

"There are all kinds of liposuction, bone grinding, etc., so just be happy that you are naturally beautiful.

After saying this, Kobayashi Ryodan and the others suddenly found that they didn't seem to feel any pain anymore. This was really amazing.

Sister Su sighed and said: "What's more, I had two wisdom teeth pulled out. I was particularly envious of those who didn't have wisdom teeth and those whose teeth were particularly straight. It hurt me to death. 17

Xiaolin Rgentan thought for a moment and said, "Sister Su, you have had your teeth pulled out."

"Otherwise, I won't be able to eat hot pot, Malatang, or drink alcohol. It will be troublesome to death, and my face will be swollen. Have any of you had your teeth pulled?"

Everyone shook their heads neatly. Sister Su rolled her eyes and said, "Oh my God, why don't your family have their wisdom teeth removed? It's not fair! Ye Zi has not had it, so do you!"


Himuro Iris suddenly thought of something and said with some confusion: "Ye Jun, Ye Jun..."

"Sister Calamus, don't be anxious. If you have anything to do, please tell me slowly.

"I want to ask whether the woman Ye Jun met before has left. In that case, does Ye Jun have nothing to do during this time? In this case, will he have to go back early?"

Kobayashi Rgentan and others were stunned for a moment, Yu Ryoko also nodded and said: "Yes, it's possible, especially now that Miyoko is asked to go to Kawashima-san in advance, it is really possible that she will go back before, Acorus Sister, you..."

"I will seize the time..."

After saying that, she looked at Sister Su expectantly. Sister Su waved her hands and said: "I will definitely go back early, otherwise those of you who didn't come will probably go crazy, but it won't happen in these ten days." Maybe, about five days.

"I...I know, but Yanzi, what about you?"

Zi Anyan shook her head and said: "I still plan to talk to Ye Jun before coming to Heaven again. There will definitely be time, and I know what I think. It's just to find a suitable time to prepare well.

"Oh... Qianhua, Alice?"

"Me? I haven't figured out what to do yet, but I will definitely think of the most romantic plan!"

Alice thought for a moment and said: "I'm about the same, but it seems like my time is very tight, so I think it must be solved before my mother comes. If I remember correctly about the autumn election, there will be no classes for that month. Basically It’s a competition...well, it’s decided!”

Everyone looked at each other, looking at Alice who suddenly became angry. They didn't know what kind of plan this guy had thought of, but she and Fujiwara Chika had better solve it quickly. In this case, Fuyumi Mizuhara and the others would definitely set an anniversary. .


While they were chatting here, in the garden villa on the other side, Shinomiya Kaguya was combing Chocolate, and suddenly she heard someone calling on the landline on the other side.

Shinomiya Kaguya held the chocolate in one hand and the phone in the other and said, "Who is this?"

"Express delivery? Oh... there are people at home, there are always people."


Shinomiya Kaguya scratched her head and said strangely: "Huh? Who bought something online? Miyoko! Miyoko!"

Miyoko, wearing an apron, walked out of the kitchen and said with some confusion: "Kaguya-sensei, what's wrong?"

"Miyoko, did you buy anything?"

"No, but I plan to buy a new sunscreen recently. What's wrong? Has anyone bought anything?"

"Yes, a courier just called and said that he will be delivering the courier in a while. I don't know what it is, but I know there must be Miss Yaeko, because what he just said was, is this Miss Yaeko Minesaki's house? Is this right? Several couriers are all from the same place, but the rest are all written with online names."

Hōjō Miyoko shook his head and said: "I don't know, it should be Sister Xia Ya and the others. Aren't they usually very chatty? They probably bought something they liked out of nowhere."

"Also, let's ask Hayasaka. She always comes up with some weird things lately. I don't know where she bought them."

"weird stuff?"

"Yes, yesterday she was playing with a product called...what is it called...if I remember correctly, it seems to be...a special loose powder for hangover makeup. It's so strange. Why do you need to wear hangover makeup?" , might as well just get drunk.

"Um...maybe it's because...ah! My soup!"

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