I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 227: I Approve Of Himuro Iris’ Determination (Please Subscribe~)

Hōjō Miyoko was completely dumbfounded. Did her father and mother say what she thought that day? Did she really think that she and Ye Mu were lovers?

Although she said she doesn't hate it, it's not true at the moment! The most important thing is that she can't ask yet! If she asks, there will probably be a series of various chain effects!

Hōjō Miyoko herself didn't know how she finished her meal, but compared to the excited Fuyumi Mizuhara and others, she remained silent. Sure enough, people's joys and sorrows are different.

Snake Mengzi is still secretly living in the world of two people, and her acting skills are adequate without being discovered. However, Ye Mu is going back the day after tomorrow, so he also seizes the time to process these drawings.

However, it's time to take care of things, so you should remember to go to work with Himuro Iris, and he didn't forget, that's right.

Himuro Iris considered that it would be strange for her and Ye Mu to be dating, so what she said to Ye Mu was that she hoped to accompany her to do something, and Ye Mu naturally agreed.

Today is the last day of summer vacation here. During breakfast, everyone was still the same as usual, but they all looked at Himuro Iris, as if they were very concerned about Himuro Iris' condition today.

Facts have proved that Himuro Iris is still the same Himuro Iris, always so calm, but it can be seen that Himuro Iris dressed up well today, which makes him look extra good.

"Sister Calamus, you have to hurry up today. You have to leave tomorrow. If you can't do it, you have to ask Sister Su to help you. She might become evil at some point."

"Hey! I'm very reliable, okay! Gentian, you girl really gave me a useless reminder."

"Why is it useless? You said you were helping Sister Yanzi before, but then what happened to Sister Yanzi?"

Zi Anyan's face turned red, as if she remembered being threatened by Sister Su to get the certificate soon. This matter was indeed very psychologically disturbing.

Sister Su's eyes twitched but she didn't say anything. Himuro Iris did understand what Kobayashi Gentian meant, that is, if you can't solve it today, you'll have to leave tomorrow. It will be very difficult for you to have another chance.

Himuro Iris nodded and said: "It's not a difficult matter, don't worry."

"Husband, Sister Changpu will leave it to you, you have to take care of things properly."

"Don't worry, as long as it doesn't take many days, it can basically be solved quickly. Chang Pu, you don't have to worry. Most institutions, whether it's schools, they all start working at nine o'clock. , although students will have early morning classes."

"Well, that's true. You'll be leaving tomorrow, so I'll take you to buy souvenirs and stuff today. I've done some shopping in the past few days, but I haven't found anything yet. Anyway, you'll still be here when you get married and start a family. Here, there is plenty of time for shopping.

Everyone nodded, and without saying anything else, they simply prepared some souvenirs for Fuyumi Mizuhara and the others to take back.

Although one day was enough to buy a lot of things, everyone still set out early, but Himuro Airiam and Ye Mu were not in a hurry.

"Calamus, where are you going to do business today?"


Ye Mu nodded and said: "Looking at it this way...it should be after enrolling in school. Do you know who your tutor is?"

"Well, I formed a group before, and the instructor was very good-tempered, but now he is still doing research. He will come back in ten days, and he will start researching the topic after he comes back."

Ye Mu nodded and said, "It's indeed time for school to start soon. Are you looking forward to life in the new semester?"

Himuro Iris thought for a moment and nodded, "Fortunately, as long as there is a place to study, it's fine. Besides... I personally hope that I won't be disturbed."

Ye Mu said with a smile: "Indeed, Chang Pu, your height is considered acceptable among boys, not to mention that you are also very beautiful and have a good figure. It is estimated that many boys will pursue you.

With. "

"So, I don't want to be disturbed, I'm not interested in others, Ye Jun, let's go.

"That's fine. If we go there now, there won't be many people there. Do you have your documents ready?"

……Please give me flowers………………

"Well, everything is ready, and it seems that you can also pick up your student ID card by the way. I don't know if it's ready."

"It should be pretty fast. After all, you are an exchange student. I sent the information a long time ago and you have successfully enrolled. It has been a month, so there should be no problem.


Himuro Iris just made a quiet noise, and I don’t know if Ye Mu felt it. She just said she was not interested in other people, not not interested in falling in love. Who was this other person referring to? Ye Mu was the only one present. People, naturally speak for themselves.


However, thinking about having a frank talk with Ye Mu today, even if he was noticed, there would be no problem. Although Himuro Airi looks very calm, he is still a little nervous.

After all, this is her first love, and it seems that this first love can be fast-forwarded to marriage. The most important thing is that she doesn't hate it, and even looks forward to it.

Himuro Iris has just confirmed again that although it is normal to be pursued by other boys, she doesn't like it and will definitely not be tempted.

"Ye Jun..."


After Airiam Himuro fastened his seat belt, he looked out the window and said softly: "Mr. Ye, from the very beginning to the last day, and being in the passenger seat again, this should be considered a beginning and an end."

"Heh... forget it, but you can also say such elegant words, Acorus."

"Because, I found that many things cannot be replaced by numbers and formulas."

"Then your life will gradually become richer."

Himuro Iris glanced at Ye Mu and then said softly: "Well, I agree with this..."

But what Ye Mu didn't know was that Himuro Iris said in his heart: "Since the summer camp many years ago..."

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