I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 228: The Girls Gathered Together, Himuro Iris’ Secret Joy (Please Subscribe~)

It is now almost the end of the summer vacation, and many students have begun to return to school and report for new students' enrollment.

At this time, the university is like this. It can be said to be very lively. There are parents who have come to see off their children, some who have returned to school to receive their diplomas, and some who are here to visit, and members of the student union who have returned to school to prepare for military training. Let's wait.

The entry of a luxury car is bound to attract attention. When they saw Himuro Iris and Ye Mu getting out of the car, the students were all a little emotional. The style of painting is different!

It turns out that there really is someone who is tall, rich and handsome. She is really tall, handsome and elegant. And that girl is also very elegant, very delicate, and has a very attractive figure. She has the appearance of a talented man and a beautiful woman. It really makes people jealous. stand up. "590"

"Have you got the number yet?"

"Well, I should be called soon, Ye Jun, thank you.

"It's okay, by the way, I've got your student ID card for you, keep it well.

Himuro Iris was stunned for a moment and said, "Huh? So it turns out that I don't need to go there myself?"

"Generally speaking, it is necessary, but I am familiar with the teacher over there. This can save time. What are you going to do later, Acorus? It's only noon now."

"For a while... I haven't thought about it yet, so I'll look around the school. I don't know what it's like..."

"That's good, it will save you a lot of things then. Well, your number has been called, let's go.


Himuro Iris really had something to do, but this matter did not have to be dealt with today. She just found a reason to let Ye Mu be alone with herself.

The matter was not complicated, but it took me several trips to get it done. Himuro Iris breathed a sigh of relief after collecting various documents. Now everything was completed.

"Want to go get something to eat?"

Himuro Iris thought for a moment and nodded and said: "Okay, although I'm not very hungry, I have worked hard for Ye Jun today.

"Most of the time you'll be sitting down, and there's nothing hard to do, so you're planning to visit the school in the afternoon?"

"Well, just stay at school. In this case, we will save Sister Su and Ye Jun a few troubles.

"You don't have to be so polite. If you have any questions, just come to us anytime."

"But I still feel that this is not good. Ye Jun, where should we go to eat? In the university?"

"Although as the best school, the cafeteria must be rich, but we still go out to eat and take a stroll.


This time, the two of them did not drive, but chose to walk. The return rate on campus can be said to be very high. Himuro Iris didn't care, but she still felt a little happy in her heart, but naturally she was not because of being beaten by someone. Attentive and happy.

On the other side, Kobayashi Ritsuan and others are also very relieved about Himuro Iris. After all, very rational guys like Himuro Iris and Fuyumi Mizuhara, some things may be easy to say, especially after making up their minds.

"Well... Sister Acorus will be fine, right? Even though Sister Acorus and Sister Fuyumi are the same kind of people,... in the end I'm still worried."

"Don't worry so much, Sister Changpu is still very reliable. Erina, you bought so much tea for the chief engineer.

Erina was stunned for a moment and said, "Eh? Grandpa? No, this is for Mu."


You are such a good granddaughter. You really forgot about grandpa when you had a husband. Erina picked it up and said matter-of-factly: "Grandpa is not short of tea, and I have already bought the gift for grandpa."

"But, Mu is a tea, wine and coffee lover. In Japan, coffee and wine are easy to talk about, but when it comes to tea, Mu definitely prefers local tea, and there are indeed many quality and varieties."

"In addition, there are still many people in the family, and parents may come as guests in the future, so there is no problem in making more preparations.

Tianyu Zhanzhan glanced at Erina, nodded and said, "Erina, it turns out that you have made great progress recently."

"Of course, especially now that everything has been decided, I must be more serious. Speaking of which... Sister Zhanzhan, Sister Saeko, who are you going to give the gifts you two bought... ..."

The two people looked at each other and then said neatly: "This is not a gift."


"This is something I keep at home, not a gift. I have already bought the gifts for my family. There are many people Rgentian and the others want to give to, and we don't have anyone to give to.

Tianyu Zhanzhan nodded without saying anything. Kitagawa Kaimeng sighed and said, "I'd better send more people. There are quite a few of them, including Senior Sister Xun."

"By the way, speaking of Xun, how are Xun and the others doing lately."

Kitagawami dreamed for a while and said: "Xun-senpai and the others... are all very good, especially Kaoru-senpai, she is much more active now.

"Hey, we know this. What we are talking about is, how are they doing recently?"

Kitagawa Uimeng didn't quite understand. He scratched his head and thought for a moment before suddenly saying: "Oh! Sister Rindou, are you asking about the recent contact with Lin?"

"Bingo! Or maybe it's my family, basically no one is really stupid!"

"Eh? This basically excludes who."

Everyone's eyes twitched, and they silently glanced at Chika Fujiwara who asked this question without realizing it. Forget it, this girl will be treated as if she doesn't exist in 5.8 for the time being.

"Senior Xun...it's still the same as before, but it seems that Senior Sister Xun is planning to take some time to chat with Mu. It's probably because more and more people are showing up, and Senior Sister Xun is also a little bit sitting there." Can’t stay any longer.”

"Sigh... After all, Xun and Mu's relationship is very special. I think she is very powerful if she can hold it back. What about them?"

Kitagawa Kaimeng shook his head and said: "I don't know about this, but... they seem to hang out together a lot recently, they are not stupid, right?

"Oh?" xn

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