I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 229 Himuro Iris Is About To Take Action, The Heart-Beating Himuro Iris (Please Subscribe~)

Kobayashi Ryo and the others don’t know what Miyazono Kaoru and the others are talking about when they get together, but one thing is certain, that is, Miyazono Kaoru definitely likes Ye Mu, so it would be interesting for these girls to get together. .

On the other side, Ye Mu and Himuro Iris didn't find any very luxurious restaurant, but just an ordinary home-cooked restaurant. By the way, this home-cooked restaurant was also frequented by Sister Su and the others, and there were a lot of students.

"Ye Jun, do you know that you need to have physical education classes in normal times?"

"Graduate students probably don't need it, especially exchange students like you, who are still majoring in science, so you should already know all the topics.

"Yes, it's a very interesting conjecture. I've heard about it before, but I haven't seen it yet."

Ye Mu sighed and said: "I guess it is another theory that is not easy to prove or has too many differences to prove, but it is not bad, at least there is a bid.

"Well...Ye Jun, you probably won't be returning to China in a short time."

"Well, that's true. What's wrong? If anything happens, you can call 26 me or ask Sister Su and the others."

Himuro Iris shook her head and said nothing. She was still not panicking, because her plan was actually very simple. It could even be said that it was not a plan. She just wanted to find a quiet time, and it was just the two of them in a quiet place. .

After all, there were only two of us, and Ye Mu didn’t order many dishes, but the taste made Himuro Airiam’s eyes light up. As expected, if you follow Ye Mu, you won’t have to worry about finding something delicious. If you follow Sister Su, that guy will sometimes eat It's so weird.

"Jun Ye, do you think it would be strange for me to choose science?"

"Why is it weird? It's normal. Why don't I still learn cooking? People's hobbies are different. So many physicists, chemists, and mathematicians in the world are women. It's not weird."

"Hmm...I don't know why it's like this, but...Isn't it weird that I usually digitize everything?"

"It's indeed quite strange."

Himuro Iris was also stunned for a moment. Something was wrong. Logically speaking, shouldn't Ye Mu say it's not strange and comfort her not to think too much? Why did he admit it directly?

Ye Mu put some vegetables for Himuro Iris and said with a smile: "Yes, it's just very strange. Normal people don't look at the world like this."

"However, it does not make people bored. Although you always regard many things as numbers, you are still a human being, a normal person, so you will always have emotions and desires, and sometimes you will show them subconsciously. The emotional side.”

"This side of you just makes you look cute and more real, so there's nothing strange about you, and nothing to be surprised about. In the final analysis..."

"It's strange because you are a person. It's not strange because you are Himuro Iris. It's that simple."

Himuro Iris pursed her lips and looked at Ye Mu. She felt her heartbeat speeding up again, but this time she knew it was because she liked it.

"What's wrong? Eat quickly. After eating, you still have to visit the school. This school is quite big.

"Well....Ye Jun."


“Choosing to sign up for summer camp at that time seems to be a very correct decision now.

"Really? But there won't be another summer camp."

Himuro Iris' heart tightened, she pursed her lips and said softly: "Is it because you, Mr. Ye, and Sister Su don't have time?"

"No, it's the tourism agency that held the summer camp that closed down."

Himuro Airiam was stunned for a moment, blinked, and then laughed softly. Sure enough, chatting with Ye Mu always had inexplicable turns, which were completely unexpected.

But just because it was completely unexpected, there was only one of him, and it was more like a living person.

"Acorus, do you really want to go to summer camp again?"

"Fortunately, it's just that...Ye Jun, you left very early, so I feel sorry for you that time."

Ye Mu thought for a while and said: "In that case... Then if you have time in the future, everyone can go on a trip. Although it is not a summer camp, we are all adults. Summer camp is not much different from traveling. Bar."


Himuro Iris also has some expectations. She must have succeeded by then. If she travels by then, it should be more reassuring than the summer camp back then.

The two of them were just chatting and eating, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious. What? Why was it just harmonious? Just kidding, this is Himuro Iris, do you expect her to be like Kitagawa Umimu and Kobayashi Ritsou?

"Ye Jun, if this school is so big, I will have to walk a long way to attend classes."

"It's okay. You can take the subway or take a taxi to the door I took you to before. After walking there, you'll be in your laboratory in a few minutes. Don't be too anxious. You don't have that many classes to attend. , don’t worry."

"Hmm? Soldier?"

Ye Mu took one look and smiled and said: "No, they are members of the student union, or seniors in the department. Sometimes the school will ask them to come back early to take the freshmen to military training, armed police and the like. We train freshmen with other people in the military, and sometimes we just don’t need the people in the student union. It seems like this is the arrangement this year.”

"Oh...military training...it feels like it will be very hard. Will you train till late?"

"Calamus, you seem to be very interested?"

"No, I'm just worried that if they start the military training early and end it late, they might make a lot of noise and I don't know if it will affect the research.

"Pfft... As expected, it's you. Don't worry, I won't go to your place. Are you tired?"


"The front is a place similar to a small park. There shouldn't be many people there now. Do you want to take a rest?"

Himuro Iris blinked, there was no one there, and it was a small park, which seemed to suit his requirements.


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