I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 230: Himuro Iris’S Simple Confession Is Indeed The Beauty Hidden In The Golden House (Please

When Himuro Airiam followed Ye Mu to the park, Himuro Airiam's eyes lit up. Good guy, it was exactly what he thought. Rather than saying that there was no one, it would be better to say that there was no one.

"This place is similar to a park, but it's actually not. The new students won't come here at this time, and the old students haven't returned to school yet. No one is surprised."

Himuro Iris nodded, and the two of them walked to a bench. As soon as they sat down, Ye Mu breathed a sigh of relief. From the moment he came to this world to now, he already has his own family and career.

Now he finally feels that he is alive and truly exists in this world. That sense of belonging is finally no longer illusory.

Himuro Iris looked at Ye Mu who was slightly stunned and was a little confused, because in her and their knowledge, Ye Mu rarely looked like this, rarely behaved like this.

I don't know why, Himuro Iris suddenly felt a little distressed. There must be a lot of things in his heart that he can't say and won't say, but

The leader of the Tōtsuki Elite Ten? After the God of Cooking? Martial arts master? Super cashier? The top rich and handsome man? A maniac who dotes on his wife? Apart from these... he is just such a young person who has not even completed his studies.

Family, career, and many unknown things are all on his shoulders. Although his ability can solve them easily, but... these are also heavy weights.

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment when he was about to speak. He was hugged. Ye Mu raised his head and saw Himuro Iris with a rare smile and said: "Ye Jun, will this make you feel better?"

"Calamus, what are you..."

"Since I was a child, I have known that Mr. Ye is a very reliable person, and it has proven to be true.

"That was a really good first impression."

"Of course, after all, Ye Jun is my first friend no matter what, and he is also someone I have never forgotten since I was a child...".

"Will your memory ever forget?"

"Yes, because they are all useless data. I will never forget it and remember it well. You are the only one who can remember it well, Ye Jun, because... I will keep those numbers in my head. There is only one person, me." Always keep it in mind."

Himuro Iris lowered her head and looked at Ye Mu who was held in her arms and said softly: "Ye Junqi Luoli asked me a few questions..."

"Besides my parents, has any other man walked into my heart? If Ye Jun proposed to me, or married Ye Jun, would I refuse or be entangled? And...if Ye Jun, you confess your love to me , will I feel surprised and happy?”

"I answered the answer very decisively. Only Ye Jun has entered my heart. Only by marrying Ye Jun, I will not struggle and resist. Only when Ye Jun confesses to me will I feel the surprise..."

"They say this is enough. Maybe this is the simplest definition of love. You are willing to marry the person you like, you will be happy because of the attitude of the person you like, and you will open your heart to him and only him. open.

"It's not a scary thing to form a family with this person and have a common future. On the contrary, I will have some expectations and think about these things from time to time."

"I still don't know what the definition of like is, but... I also think it's enough, very enough, especially when Qi Luoli and the others gave them a deadline, are they going to miss you? "

"Do you want to slowly think about the so-called definition, and then miss you just because of it? Only Ye Jun has entered my heart. I would rather be single for the rest of my life than marry someone else.

"But... the premise of being single for a lifetime is because I missed you... I don't want to miss you, so definitions are not important anymore. Ye Jun, you are not a number, and neither is this relationship, so..."

Ye Mu looked at the nearby eyes with a bit of joy and gently hugged Himuro Iris' willow waist. Some students also came to the park.

What Himuro Iris didn't know was that she was chosen as the school beauty not long after the school started. What she didn't even know was that on that day, she confessed her love to the man she liked and the photos of her kissing broke the hearts of many people. At the same time, I felt that it was indeed incomparable.

Himuro Iris looked at Ye Mu with a slightly red face and said with a smile: "So, please take good care of Ye Junshan for the rest of his life."

"I didn't expect you would be like this, Calamus."

"Because this is the method with the highest success rate. You guys will leave tomorrow, Mr. Ye, and it will be a few months before we meet again. I...I don't want to wait that long, and after I made the decision, I didn't I feel regretful, but now I am very happy and relieved.”

Ye Mu was about to say something when he saw Himuro Iris holding his hand and standing up, saying, "Let's go, Ye Jun, we will be separated tomorrow. This afternoon is still very important to me."

"Have you thought about where to go?"

"We agreed to take me around the school."

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment and then stood up with a chuckle. Himuro Iris took advantage of the situation and hugged Ye Mu's arm, and the two intertwined their fingers.

"Ye Jun... no... Mu... I still don't know what the definition of like is, but... if it were now, I think this is my answer, and it will not change."

"Heh... suddenly I thought of something."


Ye Mu said with a smile: "Now it seems that (Li's) is really like a hidden beauty in the golden house."

Himuro Iris was stunned for a moment, then his face turned red and he said softly: "Well, it's true... By the way, Feng Shi and Yan Zi will also come by then, Mu, we will take care of ourselves, so don't worry about us .”

"About this... you three are relatively reliable.

"Why comparison?"

"Because the three of you together can't cook a reliable dish."


"So, the restaurant needs to implement it quickly."

Himuro Iris curled up the corner of his mouth, and without saying a word, he just held Ye Mu's arm and the two of them continued to walk in the school where there were gradually more and more people.

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