I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 232 The Reliable Hayasaka Ai, The Tacit Understanding Between Sisters (Please Subscribe~)

In the manor at this time, not only because Kobayashi Ritsuan and the others were leaving, this was the last dinner together during the summer vacation, but also because this summer vacation ended perfectly, and even more because it was to celebrate the fact that Himuro Iris confirmed his identity before leaving.

On the other side, Fuyumi Mizuhara and others were already overly excited, well... except for Hōjō Miyoko, because she was going to meet her boss. The most important thing was that, knowing so much, the road ahead was at a loss...

Minezaki Yaeko said with a smile: "It's not easy, everyone finally got through it!"

"That's right! I finally got through it, but this time during the summer vacation I am even more sure that I must improve myself, otherwise I really won't be able to keep up with the rhythm at home.

Huji Nazhi thought for a while and said: "Ah... Xiaojing and I can just learn Chinese a little bit. After all, this will also help our future work."

"You idiot! Don't think that learning Chinese is easy! Especially if you think clearly! You are going to be a foreign teacher in university! The language level you need must not be just enough! The more proficient the better!"

"I know! But the problem is that Erina and the others still need to improve on other things, but we can just learn the language. This way it will be much easier."

"This is because I still don't know what I should do to quickly improve my Chinese level in one year."

"No one should know this, that is, Mu knows it, because doesn't he know many foreign languages? He must have some learning skills~"

"So? Are you sure his method is suitable for ordinary people like us?! Think about his cooking training method!"

"But...it makes sense...Fuyumi, do you have any ideas?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara was stunned for a moment and said: "Thinking? If I think about one more thing now, it will be a stimulus to my poor sleep quality recently. I also want to take a good rest and be in better condition tomorrow."

"As expected of you..."xn

While they were chatting, they saw Qiantou Xiaya suddenly receiving a call. Qiantou Xiaya pressed her hand to signal for silence. Qiantou Xiaya held up her face and said calmly: "What's the matter?"

"It exploded? What exploded?"

"Hmm? This month's income and expenditure accounts are over the top? How many points higher?"

"Okay, I understand. Let the Finance and Planning Department make a form. Zhihui and I won't be at work tomorrow. We have things to deal with. The day after tomorrow, I need to hear a meeting full of good news. If there is bad news! Finally It's better to give me a solution! Otherwise, those who deserve a salary cut will have their salaries reduced, and those who deserve to leave will be let go!"

"Now is the period of growth, and there will be more and more powerful recipes in the future, so if you don't have the ability and want to fish, leave as soon as possible!"

After hanging up the phone, Shinomiya Kaguya said with some surprise: "Sister Xia Ya, your working state is really scary."

"As a boss, if you are too friendly to your employees, they will definitely not work hard. After all, if there is no pressure at all, some people will definitely be lazy. I'm not bad here, but Ori and Yaeko are even more scary."

Qianhe Zhihui waved his hand and said: "It's trivial and trivial, sometimes it can really make people angry. Sure enough, my dear is the most reliable!"

Minesaki Yaeko also curled up her hair, which had been loosened since returning home, and said with a smile: "As a woman and a boss, it is easy for your subordinates to take you seriously. If you don't be stronger, it will not work."

Hutsuna said with a smile: "Hey... So, every time Yaeko takes his men to buy shops and houses, it's like being a member of the club."

"What...it's not that serious."

Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded and said, "Yes, very much, otherwise you wouldn't have met Mu in front of Saiba-senpai's restaurant."

"Why are you still talking about this! I failed once! It turned out that it was opened by a very famous chef in the world! How did I know! It's not easy for me, either! I was even frightened by Zhanzhan! "

It can be said that the more they chatted, the happier they became. They didn’t have to go to work tomorrow and could definitely see their husbands. That was so exciting.

……Please give me flowers…………

Hayasaka Ai thought for a moment and leaned over to Kaguya Shinomiya, who was still concentrating on eating while sipping a beer, and whispered: "Miss, after meeting Lord Ye Mu tomorrow, I will take you to a place."

"Huh? Where to go? Didn't Mu just come back?"


After a quick reaction in Hayasaka Ai's mind, she said softly: "Go and prepare some gifts. After all, Lord Ye Mu was not around when we became Lord Ye Mu's fiancee.

"And Mr. Ye Mu himself has been a great help. In a sense, this is the first time for us to officially meet our fiancé. We definitely need to prepare something. Have you prepared the meeting ceremony?"

Shinomiya Kaguya blinked and then said suddenly: "That makes sense...then...are you going to buy gifts?"

"Moreover, if you want to chat with Lord Ye Mu, you definitely don't want there to be so many people, but tomorrow is unrealistic. Besides, Miss, can't you say something about the gift?"

"Oh...that makes sense, shall we just pick up Mu and go?"

"Yes, this is the best thing. Just say that something happened, then go buy a gift and give it to Mu when you get home. In this case, it will be a surprise."

"Well! Then it's decided!"

"Huh? What did you two say? What has been decided?"

Shinomiya Kaguya was about to speak when she saw Hayasaka Ai said seriously: "It's nothing, I just think... We plan to buy some things tomorrow, so we plan to go after picking up Mr. Ye. "

After saying that, they nodded and gave a thumbs up. Fuyumi Mizuhara and the others also felt the strength of the team and nodded tacitly. For a time, the invisible tacit understanding between the sisters was reflected.

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