I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 233: Himuro Iris’ Sensibility, Snake Ghoul Yumeko’S Idea (Please Subscribe~)

"Sister Calamus, if you need anything, just send us a message or go find Sister Su.

"Sister Chang Pu, I will come to Heaven in a while, you don't have to feel lonely."

"Yes! We will also come here during winter vacation and Chinese New Year!"

Today, no matter how calm and sane Himuro Iris is, he is not in a particularly good mood. After all, he just got divorced yesterday, and his fiancé is leaving today, and he is the only one left. Kobayashi Ringtong and the others are also all gone.

Himuro Iris breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It's okay, I can do it, you don't have to worry too much about me, Mu... don't worry, I won't show off, I will contact you if I encounter any problems."

At this time, the airport was full of farewells, but only Himuro Iris and Sister Su saw off the "1,410" group of people.

Sister Su didn't care, but Himuro Iris felt a little bad. Kobayashi Ryoden coughed lightly and said: "What...Xiao Taozi, Kiroli, let's go to the lounge first and see what we have to eat." Yes, the airplane food is terrible.”


Not all of them are stupid, they all know that they should give Himuro Iris some opportunities and some opportunities to be alone with Ye Mu.

In fact, even if they are all here, Himuro Iris doesn't care much. However, it is a good thing to be so discerning. No one wants to be surrounded by many people when they are with their lover.

As soon as Kobayashi Gendan and the others left, Himuro Iris walked over and hugged Ye Mu gently and said, "Mu, will you come over during the winter vacation?"

"Yes, even if I don't come during the winter vacation, I should come during the New Year, the Chinese New Year.

"Well...then I will wait well, don't worry about me, I can take care of myself and I will do my research well.

"That's good. Try not to eat fast food. You can check out a few restaurants that also offer takeout. I will send you the contact information and address later. You can also learn to make some simple dishes."

Himuro Iris nodded and said: "Well, I understand, Mu..."

Himuro Iris's two kisses were both proactive, but the first time was to express love, and the second time was a kiss goodbye [they stayed at home for more than ten years because they wanted to spend more time with Himuro Iris.

Therefore, time is not very abundant. Himuro Airi, a science madman, also calculates time accurately, especially the last time she spent with her lover, so her calculations are naturally more accurate.

"Huh... Mu, remember to call me."

Ye Mu rubbed Himuro Iris's long hair and said with a smile: "Well, I won't forget it, after all, the golden house hides the beauty.

Himuro Iris's face turned red without saying anything. Ye Mu kissed Himuro Iris' forehead gently and said softly: "Take care of yourself, someone will be with you after a while. If you have any questions, you can come to me." And Sister Su."


After Ye Mu left, Sister Su appeared out of nowhere, tilted her head and glanced at Himuro Iris with a faint smile, but her eyes were slightly red, and said with a smile: "Acorus, you are really outstanding. It’s getting richer and richer.”

"Eh? It's getting... richer?"

Sister Su scratched Himuro Iris's cheek with her fingers, handed it to Himuro Iris and said, "Well, the tears I didn't cry when Ye Zi left have their reasons now.

"Eh? Tears...I cried?"

"This is caused by the reluctance and inexplicable sadness and loneliness when parting from your lover. Congratulations, the definition of like has been proved very well, and it has enriched your perceptual thinking."

Himuro Iris raised the corners of his mouth and wiped the corners of his eyes and said softly: "Sister Su, what are we going to do?"

Sister Su hooked Himuro Airiam's neck and said, "Hey, sister, it's not like your husband doesn't want you anymore. Just treat it as a business trip. I'll take you to have a big dinner."


When Ye Mu came over from the other side, Xiaolin Gentian and others were already waiting in the VIP channel. Xiaolin Gentian sighed and said: "Hubby, Sister Calamus is too difficult.

"But there really is nothing you can do. Don't worry, "Calamus can take care of himself."

"Sister Yanzi, just come when the time comes and you can accompany Calamus."

Zi Anyan nodded and said: "Well, I think so too, and Sister Changpu doesn't know how to cook. I can still cook a little bit, and I will be able to come over by the end of the year. Sister Fengshi, what about you?"

"I... I'll give it to next year. I still have reports and the like this year, which is quite troublesome. I can finish it this year and get the credits. Then I can come here. I won't have to replace the same major by then. Learned it again..."

"Well... I'm only a freshman, so I don't have to think about it that much. There are no reports or anything. There is an exam, but I feel like it's unnecessary. Are you just planning to come back the year after next?"

"That's not true. When you have nothing to do, you can take a plane to take a look. Isn't it the same with Ringtong and others? You can take a look at the construction status of their own hotels and restaurants."

Zi Anyan nodded and then breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I always feel that the next six months will be very complicated..."

"Same feeling..." xn

Snake Mengzi said calmly: "I don't think it will be complicated, but... I feel like I might encounter something interesting. Sister Kiroli, let me tell you something."

"Huh? What's the matter? I'm not interested in things outside my own home. It will also occupy my precious brain capacity."

Yumeko Snake came to Kiroli and whispered something. Kiroli raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you sure?"

4.9 "Of course, in one sentence, what do you think?"

Qi Luoli thought for a moment before nodding and saying: "It works, then we'll do it when we go back to school. Just hold on tight, I'll take Ah Hua there."

"No problem! However, I think we should call Senior Huang Quanyue?"


“There’s a Chinese saying, isn’t it...killing chickens to scare monkeys?”

"Hoo? Mengzi, I really belong to you."

"After all, if you lose, Sister Qiluoli, Mu may also have a headache, so I will help you.

“It sounds very heartbreaking, but it’s also inexplicably reassuring~”

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