I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 239 Chika Fujiwara Is Looking Forward To It, Chika Fujiwara’S Plan (Please Subscribe~)

While the dishes were being prepared here, Chika Fujiwara on the other side also rushed home. As soon as she got home, she saw Manho Fujiwara reading a document that had just been translated on the sofa.


"Hmm? Qianhua? Are you back?"

Chika Fujiwara leaned over and said with a smile: "Yes, I ran back just after I came back today. How about it, it has to be me!"

Fujiwara Manho said angrily: "How are you and Xiaomu's child doing?"

Chika Fujiwara's face turned red but she still smiled and said: "It's okay, but now that I have this identity, I can safely contact Ye Jun!"

"From what you say, you have liked that kid Xiaomu a long time ago?"

Chika Fujiwara whispered: "Before... I asked you at home if you still have an engagement, just the same as Ye Jun... I liked Ye Jun quite a lot at that time. 11

Fujiwara Manho rolled his eyes and said: "You girl, you are really... Forget it, I won't talk about you anymore. There is no problem with your identity now, but having said that, Qianhua, there is something I have to discuss with you. Making sure."

"Huh? What's the matter? Is it because I really like Ye Jun? It's really true!"

"What, I want to ask you, are you sure you are going to get married the year after next?"

Fujiwara Chika's face turned red but she still nodded without saying anything. Fujiwara Manho breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Fujiwara Chika, who rarely looked like a lady. It seemed that this daughter who was the most troubled made her sincere choice.

Fujiwara Manho breathed a sigh of relief and said: "So, you are the only one, where is Xiaomu? Where is Toyomi?"

After Fujiwara Chika's eyes twitched and she whispered something into Fujiwara Manho's ear, Fujiwara Manho said with a strange look on her face: "Have Fuyumi and the others gone back too?"


"That's really unexpected... But Qianhua, why are you back? Don't you like Xiaomu very much?"

"That's right! But I haven't confessed my love yet... I think I should confess my love in a romantic and unforgettable scene! Only in this way can I be worthy of my love!"

"It makes sense. Although it is redundant for your current status, it is indeed an unforgettable memory, and it will not make you regret your youth. It is not bad, but ah

Qianhua, you are now the fiancée of Xiaomu's child, so you can't be so careless.

Chika Fujiwara nodded and said, "Don't worry! I understand everything! I'm working hard to learn Chinese now! Mom, when my sister and I marry abroad, will you miss us both?"

Fujiwara Manho said that it was impossible not to think about it. After all, they were his own flesh and blood. Although neither of these two guys made anyone worry, it did not prevent him from missing his own children. Forget about other cities, this It's overseas, it's really too far away.

Fujiwara Manho breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Just thinking about you two will not make people worry. What do you two have to miss?"

"Hey... don't worry, it's an absolute daily problem! The president and I have resigned. We will apply for suspension of study in the second half of the year and prepare to study abroad.

"I know about this. Fengshi seems to be leaving next year. What are you planning to do?"

"Well...we plan to leave next year or the year after. If we leave next year, we will go to school directly. If we leave the year after, we will go after getting married."

"Then the year after next, you can study Chinese well and cultivate more relationships. By the way, I almost forgot to mention it. Qianhua, you and Fengshi are different. She is about to graduate. From now on, Work is okay, when do you plan to have a child?"

Chika Fujiwara's face turned red and she whispered: "I haven't thought about it yet... However, Ye Jun said that you can study and go to class from time to time. There are ways to arrange class time.

"As expected of my uncle, this really makes a lot of things easier. Qianhua, what are your plans? Do you want it? Where's Fengshi?"

"My sister wants it so much! I can be 100% sure that I...I also want to have a child, and I will never let her have the same hard work as me!"

"Are you still working hard? What are you working hard for?"

"You just have to learn this and that. There are a lot of things to do, and there are also a lot of constraints."

"That's not for your own good, but you have the final say over your own child. But if you are too indulgent, be careful to develop a young lady's temper, and you will have a headache during the rebellious period.

"Well... well, let's talk about it. Anyway, I'm just thinking about how to confess my love to Ye Jun!"

Fujiwara Manho thought for a while and said: "That's what I said, but Qianhua, you must think clearly. Since you choose to confess your love first, then talk about your relationship with Xiao Mu.

Then you can't say it too casually, otherwise it will be meaningless. "

"I know, so I'm looking for opportunities, but Ye Jun seems to be very busy in the second half of the year. He has to go abroad for business and prepare for various activities in Tōtsuki. It seems that restaurants and hotels have been planned and designed. Ye Jun also needs to take a look from time to time."

"Alas...Xiao Mu is a good boy, so you should all be more trustworthy. He has a lot of burdens on his shoulders. You can't just say that he is helping to share the burden, and don't cause trouble.

"No, don't worry, mom, do you think Ye Kan will like me?"

"Does the kid hate you?"

"No, he takes good care of me, and he also plays with me, and..."

"If you don't hate me, then you have a good impression. What are you afraid of if you have a good impression? This doesn't seem to be your way of thinking. Aren't you a very courageous girl?"

Fujiwara Chika hugged Fujiwara Manho's arm and said: "That's not because it's my first love! However, if it wasn't my first love, I would regret it to death! That's not right... I wouldn't have a chance to fall in love!"

Fujiwara Manho chuckled and said: "You really don't have much chance to fall in love. Tell me what you did during the summer vacation. Just tell me what you and Toyoshi have seen and experienced."



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