I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 240: Fujiwara Manho’S Emotion, Yokozuki Luna Is Confused (Please Subscribe~)

Some people in Fujiwara Chika did not add any extravagance or talk nonsense. They just said what happened. I don’t know if it is because she has a lover now, so the buff of the love brain was partially offset, and Fujiwara Chika unexpectedly recovered some of her IQ.

Fujiwara Manho nodded from time to time. After a long time, Fujiwara Manho said softly: "A foreign woman?"

"Yes, yes, I heard that he has a good figure and looks very beautiful, and that it will be helpful for Ye Jun's plan in the second half of the year, um...Mom, who do you think it will be.

After thinking for a while, Fujiwara Manho guessed that it was WGO. He was definitely from WGO. Mr. Ye didn't seem to be dead. At this time, it would be helpful to Ye Mu, or he would be targeted. It was nothing more than that. There are several choices, overseas, the only one is WGO.

"I didn't know. Okay, okay, hurry up and pack your things. If there's nothing else, hurry back and go back later. You should take care of your own marriage."

"I'm super serious!"

"That's alright, alright, alright, go pack your things and don't bother me to read the documents."


Looking at Fujiwara Chika who had disappeared, Fujiwara Manho breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "Sure enough, Uncle Ye definitely didn't just set his sights on Tōtsuki when he asked Xiao Mu to come to Tōtsuki.

Erina....could it be because of those two people..."

Fujiwara Manho suddenly thought of something. He picked up the phone and called. After the phone rang for a while, he finally got through.


"Uncle Nakiri, it's me. I want to confirm something with you."

"Hmm? What do you want to be sure of?"

Fujiwara Manho looked around and then said softly: "Are Uncle Nakiri, that kid Xiaomu, and Uncle Ye planning to take action against WGO?"

Nakiri Senzaemon was stunned for a moment and said: "Why do you say that? What do you know?"

"I don't know what happened. Qianhua just went home and talked about the summer vacation. Among them, she mentioned a foreign woman, a woman who will be helpful to Xiaomu's arrangements for the second half of the year, so I was wondering if Is it WGO?"

Nakiri Senzaemon thought for a moment and said: "Foreign woman? Are you sure?"

"Of course, Qianhua is still jealous. Just now she was very worried and asked me if I might know who it was, but I didn't say anything. Xiao Mu didn't seem to want Qianhua and the others to get involved."

Nakiri Senzaemon nodded and said: "Yes, that boy is indeed going to attack WGO. The most important thing is that this boy still doesn't know what he has prepared so far. This woman should be the executive officer of WGO.

"I think so... So, Uncle Nakiri, what I want to know is, Xiao Mu and Uncle Ye, are they going to deal with WGO because of the relationship between Erina and those two people?"

Nakiri Senzaemon sighed and said: "That boy is right, that old guy... I guess there are other reasons, but it seems that these two people have already taken action, Mansui, in this matter, the two of them You can handle it yourself, and we can just pretend we don’t know."

"Understood, by the way, Uncle Nakiri, Qianhua told me just now that they have designed the restaurant and hotel, and the design drawings are also being worked on. Construction should start soon, and Kirori is going to China this time. The main purpose is to discuss various arrangements for the future marriage."

"Hoho? This is good news, but that girl Qiluoli has a calm personality. She is much more reliable and far-sighted than Erina. So... in the words of the old guy, everything is fine. Just let the young people figure it out on their own.”

"Yes, then I won't disturb you."

After hanging up the phone, Fujiwara Manho said helplessly: "He is really a doting wife... However, it seems that Qianhua has no chance to experience such care. I don't know if it is luck or loss.

"Mom! I've packed it up! The gifts for you, dad, and grandpa are all placed in my room! I'm going to Tōtsuki to find Alice and the others first!"

Fujiwara Manho didn't even look up, just looked down at the document. After Fujiwara Chika left, Fujiwara Manho smiled and shook his head and said: "It seems that this child has grown up, and he still remembers to buy gifts... "

"Wansui? Have the documents been processed? I just saw Qianhua running out with her suitcase. They are back."

"Yes, it has been taken care of. This has been translated and corrected. Let me tell you, letting Qianhua get married is a wise choice."

Fujiwara Daichi put the suit aside and said with some confusion: "How do you say it?"

"That child really likes Xiao Mu. This is the most important thing. The other thing is... this child has become more sensible and calm after falling in love. Now he is busy with things in the future and it makes people less worried. If there are too many, you will bring us a gift."

Fujiwara Daichi was stunned for a moment and then smiled and said: "Well, it does seem to be a wise choice. The gift Qianhua brought, it should be some kind of souvenir, tea?"

"How did I know this? I didn't look at it. The documents are all ready. If nothing happens, I'll go out and buy something.

"You told me earlier, I will bring it back when I come back (Wang Dehao)."

"Can you buy meat?! Or vegetables?! Or do you know what kind of sugar cubes to buy?!"

"Uh...ma'am, walk slowly."

Fujiwara Manho rolled his eyes, took the car keys and left directly. Fujiwara Daichi breathed a sigh of relief before looking down at the document. Suddenly Fujiwara Daichi was stunned for a moment, huh? No, Fujiwara Chika brought back a gift. , what about Toyomi Fujiwara?

Fujiwara Daichi immediately put down the documents in his hand and walked towards Fujiwara Chika's room. On the other side, Yokozuki Luna, who was watching a movie, also received a message.

"Huh? What is this... President? This is... getting ready? What kind of preparation..."

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