I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 243: What Else Can We Talk About, Nakano Yotsuba’S Friend (Please Subscribe~)

While the four sisters were chatting, they saw a girl with short hair walking over and said with some confusion: "What's wrong? What are you talking about?"

"Ichika Ikka! How about we go to Tōtsuki's school festival? Go to that awesome transfer student's shop!"

Ichika was stunned for a moment and said, "Transfer student? Is it that classmate Ye?"

"Yes, yes! Ichika, how did you know?"

"From last year to this year, the entire Tōtsuki was in a state of excitement because of this student Ye. He is the strongest in history, easily defeating ten Elite Ten. At the same time, it is said that he is a person with a good personality and character, and he is also very handsome. He is also good at martial arts and music, he is very rich, and he is very good at basketball and so on. I feel like he is a perfect person.

Nino's eyes twitched and he said: ""Nine Seven Seven" is the template for the protagonist of some kind of novel. This is too exaggerated, but since it is the information that can be found, it shouldn't be too far off. It's too outrageous.

"That's right. The problem is that each item has corresponding evidence and photos. The basketball game is very friendly and can be played cooperatively. There is also a photo of a dunk. I don't know the music at the moment, but he said he will bring some when he comes. He plays a guitar, and many people are familiar with martial arts. During the previous autumn election, he used Tai Chi in Chinese Kung Fu to knead his face and so on."

Wuyue swallowed her saliva and said, "I feel like the reason why he's really great is that he's such a person. He surprisingly has no airs and is easy to talk to."

"Yes, I also said during the interview that I hope to use the status and power of Elite Ten to cultivate more excellent cooks. If so, he is definitely a very good person. Tōtsuki doesn't know him more than he doesn't know Elite Ten. It’s outrageous, it’s Tōtsuki’s new legend, and the fan club can be said to have a terrifying number of people.”

On the other side, Hayasaka Ai and Shinomiya Kaguya raised the corners of their mouths slightly. They were happier when they praised their fiancés than when they praised themselves. Moreover, they are indeed their own men, they are so awesome.

Yotsuba thought for a moment and said, "Ichika, so let's go and have a look.

"Hmm? Okay, I think it would be good to go and have a look, and doesn't he have several Elite Ten girlfriends? The most important thing is that Tōtsuki seems to have a very capable first-year high school student as his secretary, and he will follow up They will recruit helpers, so they are probably not weak at all. They must be the most powerful restaurant.

"Right, right? I think so too, but I don't know if he will open a store. He probably will. After all, he is already a sophomore in high school and hasn't opened one since his freshman year. He won't open it this year. Elite Ten seniors are basically not in school. How long does it take? I go out for research often."

"Yes, but you won't understand the thoughts of such a person. Just take a guess, but it's definitely not a bad idea to go to the school festival."

"Well... Sanjiu, you look very silent. What's wrong?"

Nakano Miku tilted her head and said: "It's okay... I'm just watching public social channels. Yotsuba, do you plan to continue studying in law next semester?"


"But what about your basketball and volleyball?"

"You can do both! And there are Aoi and Fukumi in the track and field club!"

Nino sighed and said: "You guys... I think it's better to just leave one behind. Aoi and the others are all here, so just keep track and field, and you can get some more rest." 1

"I am not tired!"

"Alas" x4

Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned for a moment, good guy, it turned out to be the friend of Hinami Aoi and Nanami Fukami. In this case, it turned out to be Katagiri? Is this Katagiri going to a beauty pageant? There are too many beautiful girls.

Hayasaka Ai said softly: "Miss, do you think it is possible that they are very familiar friends with Xun and the others?"

"It's possible. I heard they have very good personalities, and isn't Katagiri just good at school spirit? We should be able to get along well if we get to know each other. What's wrong?"

Hayasaka Ai glanced around and then leaned over and whispered: "Miss, do you think they might come with Bo and the others this year?"

"Hmm?! It's possible, but then why weren't we together last year?"

"Last year, Xun probably acted alone before, or maybe they didn't have time. After all, the girl named Yotsuba just said it was deep and real. I heard that it was only for good friends to call it that. Another possibility is The five sisters acted together..."

"Um...so what?"

"So, I think it is necessary to talk to Mr. Ye Mu about this matter when I go back. Maybe he knows? Sister Cai Zhai and Sister Jing should also talk about it. After all, they are both Katagiri's teachers."

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded and said: "That makes sense. By the way, Hayasaka, what do you think Kaoru and the others are going to do? I heard from Umi Meng that they had some plan.

Hayasaka Ai said casually: "At most, it's just a confession, and at most, it's just a heart-to-heart talk. Anyway, it's an acceptable thing. Compared with that, it's better to care about what Sister Jing and the others will do.

"Didn't Sister Jing have a well-planned plan? I suddenly sympathized with that Kadozaki-senpai. She still doesn't know what happened. I feel like her heart would hurt if she knew.

"It's possible, but... Miss, with all due respect... what does this have to do with us? And it's not a trap, after all, it's not forced to get the certificate. You must be here if you like it too. It’s the last step.”

Shinomiya 3.9 Kaguya thought for a moment and said, "That's right, Hayasaka, what kind of dish did you order? Why hasn't it been served yet?"

"Hmm...I don't know why, but Ling Dan and Ning Ning said that this restaurant is delicious, and there is nothing to do. Just wait and see. Miss, tomorrow, everything will depend on your mound."

"Ah? What are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, I just want to say, young lady, the topics you talk about don't have to be limited to life and relationships at all."

"Ah? What else can we talk about?"

"Don't you have a lot on your mind?"


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