I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 244 Ye Mu’S Suggestions, Ye Mu’S Methods (Please Subscribe~)

In this way, Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai were chatting while eating lunch, and ran to continue shopping after eating, while Fujiwara Chika and the others were wandering around Tōtsuki.

By the way, Ye Mu's photo is really not between the moon and the sky, but! An empty photo frame was hung up, probably for Ye Mu, which made Alice and the others laugh out loud. I'm thinking about what kind of photo I would put on it.

Time passed by so leisurely. It was almost dusk from when they just came back. Alice and the others didn't feel that they had been shopping for so long, and in the villa on the other side

It was also peaceful.

Qianhe Zhihui, still wearing a nightgown, pinched Ye Mu's shoulders and said with a smile: "Dear, did you miss me during the summer vacation?"

Ye Mu sighed and said: "Although I make video calls every day, I feel that there should be some serious consequences if I say this, so I might as well do it."

Qianhe Zhihui laughed, leaned towards Ye Mu's face and kissed her, saying: "Pfft...yes! Super serious consequences! Just wait and coax me! Besides, video calls are of no use. Dear, do you know what the current market and sales situation of HUB is like?"

"It probably works very well."

Chitota Natsuya on the side said with a smile: "Not only that, the effect is very good, it can almost be said that it has driven other curries to a dead end."

Minezaki Yaeko just rested her head on Ye Mu's legs and said lazily: "Not only that, I have basically squeezed out all my previous products. Especially in the past half month, HUB has launched a new activity, summer promotion, which is completely It makes other companies unable to resist."

Inui Hinako said with a smile: "Just a few days ago, a curry manufacturer added some garlic powder and shredded cheese to the old instant curry and treated it as a new model to compete.

In the end, it turned out that they were trying to fool customers, saying, "Do you really think you don't read the ingredient list when you buy it?" Now I'm a little overwhelmed. "

Fuyumi Mizuhara gently blew her waist and blew her hair with a hair dryer. She said with a rare smile: "The most outrageous thing is that the publicity department of Xia Ya and her company went to the bottom of the news and said something besides The old style curry looks more like curry and not like curry, but it’s pretty good.”


Erina smiled and said: "Isn't this a last-ditch attack? It doesn't look like curry, so what the hell!"

Qianhe Zhihui said with a smile: "That is to say, these other competitors are still one step away from surrendering! We will make up for it when school starts!"

Ye Mu just leaned next to Ah Hua and chuckled without saying anything. Ah Hua lowered his head and said with some confusion: "Master Ye Mu, why are you laughing? Is it because Sister Xia Ya and the others succeeded?"

"I'm just laughing, Xia Ya and Zhi give you two, they are surprisingly kind."

Hisako said blankly: "This is already aimed at completely monopolizing the market. Is this still kind? Oh...Sister Xia Ya..."

Qian Hao Xia Ya said angrily: "What are you talking about? Zhi Hui and I are very good-natured, right? It's just that we are just doing business without treachery, so we must have some skills.'


"But, Darling, what do you think? At this level, we are relatively gentle?"

Ye Mu smiled and said, "Ask a question."

Hearing this word, Erina and others all trembled. Every time Ye Mu asked a question, they felt like they were being betrayed. Qianhao Zhihui and Qianhao Xiaya were just like good students, honest and honest. He knelt and sat down and looked at Ye Mu.

They absolutely believe in their husbands, not to mention Ye Mu's business ability is really terrifying. Ye Mu said softly: "Ask a question, what are you targeting now? Products? Or the market?"

"Of course we have it all! Use products to stimulate and suppress the market, thereby eliminating all opponents. What's wrong?"

"Very good, you are right, but you have to think clearly. The dominance now lies entirely with HUB. In other words, it is clear in the market that there is no way to compete with HUB's curry, even if it is an old version. Curry doesn’t necessarily lose, not to mention that due to various fan effects, they will also feel that the old version of curry is completely superior to other previous brands.”

"You have stabilized the price through activities and price control. The activities have also left other manufacturers with no way out. If you continue to think about curry at this time, they can withdraw, but they will not die."

Ye Mu narrowed his eyes and said: "Environment, if we need to make these guys completely submissive at this time, environment, this is the simplest and best way."


Fuyumi Mizuhara stopped drying her hair and sat down as if listening to the lecture. Ye Mu nodded and said: "Yes, environment, production and processing environment and food ingredients environment.

Qian Tu Xia Ya bit her nails and squinted her eyes and said, "Darling, what do you mean..."

"If you continue to launch new activities, it will not have a big impact on the almost saturated environment. On the contrary, it will affect income to a certain extent. After all, the product has been interviewed for a while and it is not considered a new product. It cannot be said that it is launched every day. If you want to maintain a stable customer base when eating curry, you need to make them feel that other curries are incomparable in all aspects."

"So, the new activity is not for products but for HUB and customer groups. If it were me, I would choose to add lottery tickets to the curry. The 100 to 500 people who win the lottery can go to HUB's food processing workshop in person. Take a tour and personally observe the freshness, selection and screening of the ingredients throughout the process.”

027" And shoot a new advertisement, not for curry, but for HUB, to show that you are sincere and responsible for customers' bodies, taste experience and the market. When you visit, you can make a short video and send it to Online, it is best if there are media or internet celebrities among the hundreds of people.”

Ye Mu chuckled and said: "At this time, all customers will feel that HUB's products are healthy and can be eaten with confidence, while other curry companies will face pressure. In the already sluggish environment, regardless of Whether it’s updating equipment or ingredients, few companies can guarantee that they can beat HUB, and their advertising intensity may not be comparable, so the result..."

Qian Tu, Xia Ya and others all took a breath of air-conditioning. Good guy, this is going to completely turn into a deficit! Ah Hua said blankly: "As expected of Lord Ye Mu, but aren't you afraid of being taught away?"

"Of course I'm not afraid, because the recipe won't be introduced during the visit. Even if you know the legal affairs, you won't be idle, and you will invite people to visit. The most important thing is at the end... we can announce that we will launch a new curry in the near future. , the taste will never be lost.

"Economy, market, psychology, plus pressure...this is the real blow that hits the critical point."

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