I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 264: Everyone Is Envious, Hayasaka Ai’S Emotion (Please Subscribe~)

When Kobayashi Ringtong and others returned home, they saw Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai, with their hair tied up and wearing slippers, helping Ye Mu handle the ingredients in the kitchen.

Hayasaka Ai is still better, and Shinomiya Kaguya asks Ye Mu from time to time what else she needs to do, how is the vegetable picking at this level, and so on.

"Hey, Kaguya, why did you come to the kitchen today?"

Shinomiya Kaguya's face turned red, not only because she was now a veritable Mrs. Ye, but also because of the truth that Hayasaka Ai had confessed to her before. These guys were really too courageous. The problem was that she had already decided that she would never lose. Give it to them, so.

Shinomiya Kaguya said angrily while washing the lettuce: "As a good wife, how can I leave nothing to my husband without doing anything, even though I can't cook?"

But it's okay to start off. "

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning took off her glasses and sighed and said: "Although it is strange for you to say this, Sister Kaguya, your words are correct.

"Ah?! Ning Ning! Why did I say this? It's strange! Don't I look like a good wife?!"

"That's what I said, but... 26... I always feel that Sister Kaguya, you are not very clear about many things."

"I...I will learn slowly! Hiss..."

Shinomiya Kaguya rubbed her waist before she finished speaking, and her facial expression changed somewhat.

"Pfft" xn

"That's enough for you! I won't tell you anymore...Huh? Where are the carrots I washed? Huh? Gentian!"

Kobayashi Gentian waved his hand and said: "Calm down, it's just a carrot. I'll wash another carrot for you later. I also have to prepare some food. Okay, okay, the wounded just go and rest."

Shinomiya Kaguya wanted to say something but was pulled away by Hayasaka Ai, so she had no choice but to give up. Busujima Saeko smiled and said: "Kaguya, let me interview you, how are you feeling now?

Shinomiya Kaguya hugged the pillow and said in a low voice with a slight blush on her face: "What's your mood... I'm not in any mood... I just feel very happy and at ease, and then I feel like I want to try many things. ..."

"As expected... But having said that, everyone in the family is basically like this. Xiao Ai, what about you?"

Hayasaka Ai was stunned for a moment, and then with a rare smile in the eyes of everyone, she said with a rare smile: "Well... I feel... the so-called happiness is almost like this..."

"As expected of you, I've never heard this answer before, but the meaning is similar. I..."


"Huh? Kaguya, what's wrong with you? Did you think of something?"

Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head and said: "No, no, it was when Hayasaka and I were washing up before that we talked about our children in the future..."

Minezaki Yaeko smiled and said: "What's the point? We often talk about these things, and we even talked about it with my dear. It's normal for you to think so. Don't be surprised."

"I don't think it's strange. What I want to say is that when the two of us talked about this matter, we mentioned the infertile constitution and infertility. We felt that since Mu had been supplemented by Grandpa Ye since he was a child, he still There will definitely be no problem with a medicinal bath, so..."

Qian Tu Xia Ya suddenly said: "Oh, so, you two want to"

"Well, Hayasaka and I plan to go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow. I think this won't happen. By the way, you can also ask the doctor what he should pay attention to.

Hayasaka Ai nodded and said: "Yes, I will definitely not ask Mr. Ye Mu for such a matter. Just say it casually, we plan to make an appointment with a doctor. If any of you have time tomorrow, you can go together. We think this is a very important matter. .”

Lilixiang looked at Kiroli impatiently, and Kiroli nodded and said: "Well, although this will definitely not happen, it's a good idea. I just have nothing to do tomorrow. Mengzi, let's go there. ?”


Kitagawa Umume, Fujiwara Toyomi and others also said that they could go together if they had time. Even Fujiwara Chika and others who had not yet made it or even confessed their feelings planned to go and have a look.

But Inui Hinako and the others don't have to think about it to know that they don't have time. After all, they have to open a store, but the autumn election will be held in a while, and they will definitely look for these graduates, and they will have time by then.

It’s only a few days apart, so there’s not much of a psychological gap.

After Hayasaka Ai finally determined the time and number of people, everyone started chatting about this matter, and it was very lively for a while. Of course, they did not forget Himuro Iris and made a video call.

Himuro Iris was with Sister Su at this time. When he heard this, Himuro Iris also nodded and said: "Yes, this matter has a high probability, and this possibility is not ruled out. Su Sister, I..."

"Okay, okay, I know you think so too, don't worry, leave this matter to me, but you girls really thought of some interesting things, you really don't have to worry about Ye Zi, Grandpa Ye As I said before, let Ye Zi get married and start a business in the future, and then find himself two great-grandchildren and a great-granddaughter to raise. How could he ignore this matter? You 173 don’t have to think too much."

"Is that so...Grandpa Ye likes children very much?"

Sister Su sighed and said: "Not only that, if nothing else, the average old man basically likes his grandchildren, not to mention Grandpa Ye who really hopes for Ye Zi's cooking skills, martial arts, and music theory." People who carry on the inheritance like this and pay great attention to bloodline will definitely like their own children, if nothing else."

"When we were young, when we went to play, Grandpa Ye was very strict with Ye Zi, but he was also very proud of him privately. He also really liked us to play at home. He would be happy no matter how much fun and chaos he had, and he would also Cook it yourself, and then...it's all made of leaves, you two know this Qiluoli, right."

Qi Luoli said with a smile: "Indeed, Grandpa Ye was very kind to us when we were young, and so were Sister Su and the others. But after the trouble, he just said Xiao Mu in the evening, he knew how to play with everything, and he even took us to play together. Don't teach us bad things, pfft... I really miss you, right, sister."

"Hmm...huh? What's that expression on your face?"

"I'm envious!"xn

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