I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 265: Hiratsuka Shizuka On Fire, Lilixiang’S Memories (Please Subscribe~)

Fujiwara Chika and others are truly envious. This memory is so precious. Not to mention having so many beautiful memories with my beloved childhood sweetheart, just meeting the parents is very enviable.

Until dinner, Xia Ya and others were still talking about this matter. After learning about it, Ringtong Kobayashi and others looked envious.

Ye Mu said helplessly: "Indeed, I felt a headache because of this incident at the time, but now that I think about it, the old man also has ideas to reassure you."

"Yes, but I was still a little worried at the time. Xiao Mu, you were punished by Grandpa Ye. Once or twice is okay, but if it happens many times, will you hate or alienate me and my sister?

The result was nothing at all. I had just come here and was not familiar with anything, so I was really nervous. "

Lilixiang nodded, it seemed that because she and her lover were already married, or because they were both sisters, or because they talked about topics that made her happy, she talked more today.

"Well, when Xiao Mu was punished, Qiluoli and I didn't know Chinese yet, so we were still panicking and explaining to grandpa..."

Fuyumi Mizuhara said with a straight face: "It's really an enviable childhood, but Grandpa Ye seems to be very amiable when he looks at it this way.

Qiluoli was stunned for a moment and said: "Who gave you the wrong impression that Grandpa Ye is very cold? Grandpa Ye is very easy to talk to!"

"Indeed, especially with his own people, he is very playful, likes food and wine, and will quarrel with Xiao Mu. Well... Xiao Mu and Grandpa Ye are quite similar in many things.

Ye Mu sighed and said: "To be honest, what I admire the most about the old man is that every time he tries to reason with me, but he can't reason with me, he just asks me to practice more."


Qiluoli said with a smile: "Indeed, my sister and I will still be with each other. At that time, I felt that Xiao Mu's training was very hard, and it would definitely be very tiring if he practiced more, so Xiao Mu's current cooking skills If the art is so good, it probably has something to do with the extra practice.

"It's okay. Actually, there aren't many such reasons. After all... there are only a few types of training in total. It's not of much use no matter how much you add. It's just because the old man has an excuse."

Snake Mengzi thought for a while and said: "In this case, Sister Qiluoli, how do you know that Grandpa Ye is not like this to outsiders? Have you ever seen Grandpa Ye angry?"

"Seen..." x2

Erina quickly said: "So, what does grandpa look like when he is angry?"

Qi Luoli pursed her lips and said: "How should I put it... Grandpa Ye tapped the ground with his toes, and then the floor tiles cracked. Although his face was very cold and scary, it seemed that it was because the partner wanted to Bargaining, and seems to have touched some interests..."

"What's the end?"

"In the end, Grandpa Ye just tore up the contract. A week later, the other party went bankrupt and couldn't even appeal. It seems that he is still squatting in jail... I don't know where he is. Grandpa Ye just said at the time .... It’s okay to talk about business, but if it’s related to politics, don’t use some methods to deal with enemies.”

Fujiwara Chika nodded and said: "It's true... It's really like this. Anything that can be negotiated with money can have room for maneuver, but as long as this is attached, then it's not right, right? When it comes to business, everything must give way, and the purpose is definitely no longer money.”

Fujiwara Toyomi also nodded and said: "That's right, and Grandpa Ye still works for the country... I don't think Grandpa Ye needs to do anything, just report it casually, and everything will be checked.

Kobayashi Rgentan waved his hand and said: "There is no point in talking about these things. Kaguya, what were you talking about just now?"

"We...well...we'll talk to you later, forget it, Hayasaka, just post it to the group.

"Well, in addition, Mr. Ye Mu, I have something to do tomorrow, so I am extremely sorry that I will not be able to serve Mr. Ye Mu tomorrow."

The corners of Ryoko Sakaki's eyes twitched. She didn't know why, but she always felt that Hayasaka was in love with Ye Mu and particularly liked to fight wits and courage.

Fuyumi Mizuhara and the others don't know about this yet, but even if they knew it, it wouldn't be of much use. Kobayashi Ringtong and others now feel that life is becoming more and more interesting, mainly because their previous worries are disappearing one by one. Maybe the only My only regret is that I don’t know what happened to Himuro Iris, after all, these are the only ten sisters of the Qu family who are alone outside.

Although Himuro Iris acted quite calmly and said there was no problem in life, no matter how you looked at it, the envy and uneasiness in Himuro Iris's eyes could not be hidden.

"... Phew... It's been a long time since I've had a steam bath at home, but our steam room is really suitable for talking about some things. It's quite uncomfortable to suddenly have nothing to talk about."

Ji Zhiguo Ningning took off the towel on his head and sighed and said: "It can't be said that we have nothing to talk about. The main thing is that there is nothing emotionally involved...Huh? Sister Jing, what's wrong with your expression...?" "

"I'm so angry when I talk about this! Girls like Xun! Yumeko!"

"Not really. I'm too thin to hold up my clothes. (How is Wang?)...Huh? Sister Jing, what's the matter?"

"Did you meet Xun today? Xun also said that he would never lose to me?!"

Kobayashi Ryodan and the others, who were worried about the world being in chaos, looked over directly, good guys, is there such a thing?

Snake Mengzi was stunned for two seconds and then remembered what she said to deceive Hiratsuka Shizuka today. She nodded seriously and said, "Yes, so, Sister Jing, do you have anything to say?"

"I will never lose to these girls! I have been planning to find Ye Jun in the past two days...Well...if there is nothing wrong with you, can you...

"No problem!"xn

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