I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 266: Tianyu Zhanzhan’S Suffering, The King Of Hundred Flowers Will Be Unlucky (Please Subscr

Ritsuka Kobayashi and others also knew what Hiratsuka Shizuka was going to say. They just wanted to have an environment where they could talk alone. There was no need to think about it.

Afterwards, Kobayashi Ritsou and the others learned about Shinomiya Kaguya's plan, and everyone expressed their intention to go. Not surprisingly, Fuyumi Mizuhara and Inui Hinako also chose to go during the autumn election.

And... Kaguya Shinomiya was deceived by Ai Hayasaka and really went to find Ye Mu again, and this time it can be said that it was completely done. Kaguya Shinomiya finally knew that she was in Yueyanshe before What exactly did he find? Fortunately, Hayasaka Ai is much bolder than Shinomiya Kaguya.

"Gendan...stop laughing!"

"Pfft... Kaguya, I really have you. It's really okay to just run over and shout something like "I will never lose", and then the whole person will panic."

"Then how did I know! Hey, stop laughing...help...help me..."

Minezaki Yaeko smiled and said: "That's great, you might as well rest at home for a day."

"No, after today's work, go and rest 987, and you can continue to stay with Mu tomorrow..."

Everyone smacked their lips. It was indeed very innocent. It was really the simplest and most honest thing to like. Xiaolin Ringtong took a report and said: "Hey, let's not talk about this for now. The next one is us. Who is it?" The first one?"

Kiroli thought for a moment and said: "It must be Kaguya. Kaguya, you and Xiao Ai should go back early to rest after the examination and recuperate."

"But...the result..."

"We are still here, and we will bring it back to you by the way. You don't have to worry about this. Just go back and take care of it. We will bring it back to you when the time comes."


"Next person."

"Kaguya, it's your turn, go quickly!"


Seeing Hayasaka Ai and Shinomiya Kaguya helping each other move into the room, Kobayashi Ringtong and others laughed unkindly. Senta Natsuya smiled and said: "Kaguya is really innocent sometimes. It’s cute, but Gentian, don’t you have to deal with the files?”

"It's okay, not a lot. I dealt with a lot yesterday with Xiao Taozi and the others. There's nothing particularly important to say today. Just deal with it slowly. If you can't deal with it, leave it to the next session."

"I think you have been spoiled by your husband, and you no longer have any self-consciousness about being in the third seat of Elite Ten.

Ringtong Kobayashi shouted with an unconvinced look on his face: "I'm going to come out and say it, this is a false accusation!"

"Yes, Xiao Taozi can testify that it is indeed a false accusation against Gentian."

"That's right, it has to be Little Taozi!"

Akanekubo Momo hugged Butch and said with a serious face: "I must make it clear that Ringtong is not aware of the work of Elite Ten. It has nothing to do with Mu. It is because Ringtong is like this."


Kobayashi Ringtong's eyes twitched, "Good guy, you are indeed your sister, you are really good at stabbing your own family members in the back."

Qi Luoli said with a straight face: "It's summer vacation. Every day passes and I will go back to Flower King soon. It really gives me a headache, Ah Hua..."

"It's okay...I've talked to my parents. They support my marriage very much, and they said...huh? Sister Qiluoli, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just want to ask you if there is any new news. I can't imagine not seeing Xiaomu for so long. I can't sleep alone..."

Tianyu Zhanzhan put down the Chinese textbook in his hand and said calmly: "Now you (cgfb) should know how miserable Xiezi and I were before we bought this villa."

Busujima Saeko sighed and said: "I don't want to recall that period of time. It can be said that it was torture, and...if I remember correctly, Zhanzhan and I both had insomnia and couldn't sleep at that time, and Zhanzhan was very direct. Just moved here.”

"Then what?"xn

Tianyu Zhanzhan covered his face and said: "It's no use, I can't sleep even if we chat. We are not in the mood to fight, otherwise we don't have enough rest. If we fight again, we probably won't be able to hold on."

Erina said blankly: "It's so miserable...So Sister Zhanzhan, what did you two do?"

"eat supper."


Busujima Saeko nodded and said: "Yes, I don't want to fight, and Zhan Zhan has become much gentler after becoming Mrs. Ye, and the girl's heart is constantly recovering, and there is also the reason Zhan Zhan said, so the two of us chatted. We just talked about the restaurants and hotels in the future! Then I got hungry.”

"Just get up and prepare a midnight snack. As you know, Zhanzhan is a pure carnivore. Although he is not picky about food, he also likes meat the most."

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning nodded and said: "Indeed, Sister Zhanzhan really likes to eat meat."

"No martial arts practitioner has a small appetite and doesn't like eating meat, unless he is a monk, such as a Buddhist disciple."

Alice tilted her head and said, "Yes, but isn't it nice, chatting while eating late night snacks?"

"What's good? After eating, it's getting late and we need to rest. But Zhanzhan is a carnivore, so our late-night snacks are mostly meat. So it's natural for us to gain weight... ...

"Staying up late will affect your condition, and you can easily gain weight, and then you also eat late-night snacks. I'm lucky not to have acne, but it will still have an impact on the skin and hair quality."

"Previously, when Zhanzhan got up, he found that his arms in his school uniform were a little crowded. After measuring his weight, his face turned dark. When he combed his hair, a few hairs fell out and the comb was broken."

Tianyu Zhanzhan gritted his teeth and said: "It's like a nightmare. I usually have no appetite and no energy. I eat late night snacks at night, go to bed after eating, and......"

Igarashi swallowed and said with some horror: "Sister Kiroli...we..."


"Mengzi, you..."

"No, Sister Qiluoli, why don't we just tie her up?"

"I think it's okay!"

"Ha?!" xn

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