I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 268: Excited Shizuka Hiratsuka, Everyone Takes Action (Please Subscribe)

At this time, Shizuka Hiratsuka naturally had no chance to go to the hospital for a check-up. She received news from Ryoko Sakaki just after class.

The content of the message was very simple, just one sentence: "Senior Ye has no arrangements for tomorrow."

Just such a sentence made Hiratsuka Shizu's heart beat faster. This sentence meant that she should take action and she could finally end her single time!

"Huh? Xiaojing, what's wrong with you? I feel like you're very excited now."

Shizuka Hiratsuka swallowed and didn't say anything. She just picked up her phone, found a number and dialed it. The call was answered quickly.

"Mom...um...can you come over tomorrow?"

The woman on the other side of the phone who was looking at a document in front of the computer was stunned for a moment, then stood up with a sharp "517", and said with a look of surprise: "Xiao Jing! What do you mean... ..."

Huji Nazhi also knew what was going on, and immediately became excited. Hiratsuka Shizu's face turned red and nodded, saying: "Well... well... Mr. Ye will have time tomorrow, and then... I plan to... …"

"Okay, okay! I know! I...I...I'll call the driver now...No, I'll book the flight now!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone directly. He didn't care how much the ticket was. He took a look at the time and rushed home with the car keys.


"Put off all the work for today and tomorrow to me first. If it's not too big, don't contact me in advance. I'll be back at noon the day after tomorrow. Those who can get out will be dealt with first, and those who can't be dealt with will wait until I come back."


After Shizuka Hiratsuka's mother got in the car, she made a phone call and said, "I'll go home in a while, and then I'll go find Xiaojing. If you have anything to do, just leave it alone."

"Huh? It's so urgent. What's wrong with Xiao Jing? Is she sick? Or..."

"Can you hope that your daughter will do well?! Besides, our daughter's physical condition is such that she can't even fall down if she gets sick. It's Ye Jun, you know."

"Huh? It's just that Xiaojing likes it... Oh! Is Xiaojing finally taking action?!"

"That's right, it's the plan that Xiaojing said before. Xiaojing will talk to Ye Jun tomorrow, so it should be taken action. Xiaojing's tone before also meant the same. She just told me a few days ago that she would take action. Action, I have already booked my flight, I will go back and pack before setting off.

"Okay, whether our daughter can get married depends entirely on you."

"Don't worry, this assist is definitely for sure. It's hard for Xiaojing to find a man that she likes and is really good. She can't let her miss it. If I don't tell you, I will leave in a moment. "

After hanging up the phone, Shizuka Hiratsuka's mother ran home as fast as she could. "Shizuka Hiratsuka on the other side could already think of her mother's state.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the next moment he turned red and covered his face. Huji Nazaki said excitedly: "Xiao Jing! That's great! You are finally taking action!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka covered her face and said, "I need to calm down. My heart is beating very fast now. What should I do? What should I say?"

"What are you talking about! Don't go home today! Go directly to the apartment you lived in before and clean it up quickly! Then have a good discussion with your aunt at night. I won't come back to see you later."

Shizuka Hiratsuka swallowed and nodded and said: "Let's see... I have one more class today and then I can go back. I won't go back. I'll pick up Ye Jun tomorrow morning.

"Okay, I'll tell Mu for you. Don't worry, I'll make it clear to you."

"What did you say?"

"Liangzi and the others will definitely not say what you are here for. They must say that they want to see you for something. So, I said, Xiaojing has something to do tomorrow, so she didn't come back. I will pick you up tomorrow morning. , I have to prepare some food by the way, so don’t worry, I won’t explain it to you.”

Hiratsuka Jing nodded and then said with some worry: "Then if Mr. Ye doesn't want to after knowing what's going on..."

"How many times have I talked to you about this matter? Don't worry. It's okay. Just take a deep breath. Take a deep breath. Relax. It's okay..

"Huh...how can I not be excited! You can be single soon! And it's not a relationship, it's...getting married.

Looking at Hiratsuka Shizu who became very cute when talking about things like marriage and dating, Totsuka Nana smiled and said: "Xiao Shizu, you are really super cute now.

"I'll hit you!"

"Okay, okay, let's not say it, but...Xiao Jing, you must pay attention, your purpose this time is to confess your love, not to go on a blind date! You must remember! This is the most essential gap!"

"What do you mean?"

"Confessing your love is to show that you like Mu and have made a choice. This is an expression of your heart. A blind date is too casual, and it will appear that you are not here to make up for it! So you must focus on it!"

Hiratsuka Shizuka nodded and said, "I know, but..."

"I can't help it! Go to class quickly! The bell is ready! I haven't seen you driving in the past few days. Is your car at school?"

"No... sent for maintenance."

"Then you can drive my car. I'll go find Fuyumi and the others later to get the car keys."

Ping 1.2 Tsuka Shizu nodded, took the car keys, quickly put his things into his bag, and walked towards the classroom with the lesson plan and the bag. This class was probably not going to be a drag, and it was also Taira Shizu. The weirdest class ever.

If there are really students who challenge her patience, Juntiquan will probably be used.

Huji Nazhi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Huh... Xiaojing doesn't know how far it will go, but it will definitely happen... It will definitely happen... But... what will Auntie say? Auntie seems very confident..."

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