I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 269 Fuyumi Mizuhara’S Doubts, Hiratsuka Shizuka’S Worries (Please Subscribe~)

Hiratsuka Shizuka rushed to the airport almost immediately after class. If Hiratsuka Shizuka's mother hadn't still had some sense, she would have simply asked Hiratsuka Shizuka to take leave.


"How is it?! How is it?! Where is the child?"

Hiratsuka breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Mom, why are you in a hurry? Ye Jun can't run away. Ye Jun has something to do today. He won't be free until tomorrow. Didn't I tell you?"

"Oh! Yes, yes, I almost forgot, Xiaojing, I must win it!"

"I understand. I'm fully prepared. Mom, let's discuss it today. I'll call Ye Jun over tomorrow morning and ask Ye Jun to cook in person.

"Okay, I also want to try this kid's cooking. After MasterChef, this is a rare opportunity. Is this...are you buying a car again?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka shook his head and said: "No, my car was taken for maintenance. This is my friend's car, you know Huji.

"Oh...but it turns out that in love, taking the initiative and not caring about shy words is really effective. Just look at that girl. You still want me to help."

Shizuka Hiratsuka puffed up her face and said nothing. She really couldn't refute it in front of her mother. The most important thing was that her mother was right. She really succeeded in picking vegetables for Huji. She had known it earlier. When I first met Ye Mu, I didn't think so much and took the initiative.

Even though her figure is not as exaggerated as that of Totsugami, she is tall, and she is much more stable and reliable. She is also a beauty, so her success rate is definitely higher.

"Mom, I decided that I will pick up Ye Jun tomorrow, and then you can just wait at home. We will buy some groceries first, and then prepare something else along the way. We will be back around noon or afternoon."

"Then I will be responsible..."

Hiratsuka Shizu's face turned red, and she said softly while driving: "That... is mom... Just take the opportunity to speak for me, that's it..."

"Oh! It means that you are such a good kid. You have been single before and you don't have anyone you like."

"That's right! And, mom, you'd better just... I will definitely tell Jun Ye that you are urging me to go on a blind date again, and then I will ask Jun Ye to accompany me on a fake blind date."

"Then I will treat you as if you are dating and match you, right?"

"Well...it depends on your freedom. Mom, you have to take it seriously. This is a lifelong event for me."

Shizuka Hiratsuka's mother said angrily: "Now that I know it's a lifelong event, you didn't take it seriously when I urged you to find a boyfriend before."

"It turns out that some fate has to wait. Didn't I just wait for the person I like?"

"That's right...this kid is really good after hearing what you said. However, even so, I still have to ask him some questions. After all, it's just you who are talking, and I have to confirm some things."

Hiratsuka's heart skipped a beat, and she said with some worry: "Mom, Ye Jun is really good. He far exceeds everything you have been asking for! And Ye Jun...

"Pfft... Are you anxious now? Are you protecting me now? Sure enough, my daughter, it's all water thrown away. It hasn't succeeded yet, but you have protected it. If it succeeds, what's the point?"

Hiratsuka Shizu's face turned red and she whispered: "Aren't I worried...Mom, what question do you want to ask, please tell me first.

"Then you go tell that kid? What do you think? Do you think I will embarrass him? I'm just asking about some attitude matters. It's useless if you tell him. This is not a standard answer. The standard answer is Sincerity means speaking directly from the heart, so don't worry. If you really want to help, just be quiet."

"I won't cheat you. Your father and I also agree with your vision, but there are still procedures that should be followed. After all, she is my daughter. If you really like him, then you should trust him. Do you understand? ?”

"Oh...Ye Jun will be absolutely fine!"

"That's enough for you to say, okay, let's go find a place to have dinner tonight and let's have a good chat.

Hiratsuka Shizuka thought for a moment. He definitely couldn't go to his sister's store, otherwise it would be bad.

If it were normal, Hiratsuka Shizuka would probably find a ramen shop or some barbecue, but now...

"I really can't think of what to eat at the moment. Mom [what do you want to eat?"

"Tomorrow is a very important day for you, so you have to pay attention to your diet and don't eat anything that irritates your skin or stomach. Otherwise, if I don't teach you a lesson, you will regret it to death.

"It makes sense, so..."

"It's too late to leave the palace. Let's go to Ginza and find a French restaurant. Let's talk while eating.


When Hiratsuka Shizuka and her mother were heading towards Ginza, Totsugi Nasaki on the other side also ran to the Fuyumi Mizuhara store. After knowing what happened with 440, Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded and said: "Xiao Shizu, there should be nothing wrong. So, why are you so calm?"

"I'm so excited, but I don't know how excited Xiaojing will be. Fuyumi, when will you call that Tsunozaki Taki?"

"Well... just these few days, why are you all so concerned about this girl Taki?"

"Mainly because you said she is quite bad, so I am very curious about what this girl will be like if she really falls in love. It would be bad if she is difficult to get along with."

Fuyumi Mizuhara waved her hand and said: "I've thought too much, there's no problem. Taki is quite reliable, but she's just too Tsundere. Tsundere's defense is still low, so she has the ability to have a poisonous tongue. In fact, the dress is quite girly." There are quite a few.”

"Is that so... By the way, Mu seems to have gone to find that Mujiuzhiyuanguo. Do you know what to talk about?"

"Who are you looking for? Yuan Guo?"

"Ah, yes, what's wrong?"

"Why are you looking for that girl Yuan Guo at this time..."

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