I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 250 Field training is here, you are going on vacation (please subscribe~)

In the end, the conclusion was that Ye Mu went back to visit the site on New Year's Day, and went to the Celestial Dynasty after the spring break. After the Elite Ten was ranked, he applied for research to go to the Celestial Dynasty on New Year's Eve.

"Chef, what's the matter?"

"In other words, it's already October, and it's time for field training. It's really meaningless to stay in school..."5

"Okay, but! Mr. Chappelle, I'm a former Elite Ten, and my restaurant is one of the most famous restaurants in Tokyo, so I think it would be a waste of time for ordinary students to come. .""

"The lottery.... Whether this kid Ye Mu can relax or be a little serious depends on his luck..."

"Oh... Mu, what did you say just now?"

Ye Mu naturally didn't know what store he was selected for. If he knew, he would probably have laughed out loud with his mentality.

"Huh? For us, the field training is equivalent to a vacation? But then again, I hope it will be a relaxed shop...


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"I am Chappelle. 35

Ji Zhiguo Ningning froze for a moment and said, "Senior guard? Mu, why are you going to guard senior's shop?

"Mosimoxi, do you want to make an appointment?

"Huh?! Teacher Chapelle?! Why did you call me? 35

Ye Mu smiled and said, "Tomorrow, you can relax a little, Ning Ning, I have a hunch that maybe I might meet you."

"I don't want to fight, eh, Ningning, it's October..."

"That's it, I hope Wuwu can get new dishes because of this, ah! That's right! Master Chef! The Leng Yu Shouxi Pot on the sixth table, and the lotus steaming on the fourth table are all dishes you handle!"

"Mu, you... Sister Xiao Tao sent a message!" 55

"Ah? Oh! It's alright, it's just a few days after Tōtsuki's field training, and a student is coming to the fog house, I'll ask the school to send a student to send an Elite Ten candidate, so that it won't be a hindrance.

"Commander, the arrangements have been made, the shop has been selected, and the next step is to draw lots. I will send it to you immediately."5


"it is good."

"Kiko! I heard you!"

Ye Mu glanced at it before he curled his lips and said, "Sure enough, there are two Elite Tens that make it easier for me to feel at ease.

"I also feel the same way. After all, I heard from Sister Rendian that there seems to be a shop with Elite Ten and graduates, up to Tōtsuki leaving the palace. There should be a separate random channel for our results."

"Hmmmm! Oh! It's already this time, so what?

"Hmm... Field training, what is field training?"

Although the number of people is getting smaller and smaller, but it has nothing to do with him, Ji Zhiguo Ningning looked at Ye Mu who was watching while holding the basketball and said, "Mu, aren't you going to play?

After Inui Hinako was stunned for two seconds, he stepped on the clogs and ran to the kitchen. The waiter sighed and said, "Alas.... It doesn't look like a chef..."

Today is a Friday. What's even better is that there is a culture class in the morning and a physical education class in the afternoon. It's not too easy.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning's eyes jumped and he said, "Uh... Mu, I feel like your idea, senior gatekeeper will cry when he finds out about it... You're totally on vacation."

After hanging up the phone, Inui Hinako breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Really, I have to come to the field for training or something... I have a headache..."

Time passed by so quietly, Ye Mu's life was still the same as before, others were nervous to death, but he was just as calm as a vacation.

"Hmm.... that's it! Let me draw one from the first four. After all, isn't there only four positions in this Elite Ten? Just those four, just give me any one."

At this time, Chapelle had a bit of a headache, just as Ye Mu thought, in Tokyo, there are really not many restaurants that have some connection with Tōtsuki.

"Ugh! I get it! I get it! It's been so long before I graduated that I can't remember the fact that I was an Elite Ten "460". Is my galvanic doll coming for the field training? 55

In the end, Ji Zhiguo Ningning didn't buy anything. After another afternoon of shopping, he bought a bottle of essential oil and two shirts. Compared with the fashionable Xiaolin Gentian and the cute Akakubo Tao, Ji Zhiguo Ning bought a bottle of essential oil and two shirts. Ning still prefers simple and serious clothes.

"It's like a movie, and it seems to be the confirmed time of the field training. It will be tomorrow. It is estimated that the announcement will be posted after class. Sister Xiao Tao said that the list should be released in the afternoon, and it will be posted to the group.

Ye Mu was stunned and said, "News? What news?"

After Ye Mu threw the ball back, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Be careful.

Looking at the final list, Nakiri Senzaemon can probably guess that there are only a few excellent shops, and the most outrageous one is Tōtsuki Li Palace.

"In 4.3 Ginza, you can have a good time. I like the opening hours of sushi restaurants, it's easy and not tired, and then.... I feel that as far as restaurants are concerned, it must be a sushi restaurant, a sashimi restaurant and other stores with more seafood. Be fresher.

"Okay, then I'm looking forward to going to the sushi restaurant of the gatekeeper!

I couldn't find many Elite Tens in Tokyo. The graduates arranged a batch, which was already quite reluctant.

"Huh? This is.... there is a note label? Hope to pick one from the top four... This Inui Hinako, but no problem. 35

"Hmm... The message that Sister Longdan sent in Yueyanshe's group, I told you about it during lunch, you don't seem to care.

Ye Mu stopped before he finished speaking, Ji Zhiguo Ningning was about to speak when he saw Ye Mu stretched out his hand and caught a basketball that bounced on the ground.

After graduating, Elite Ten either went abroad like Shinomiya Kojiro, or left Tokyo to develop in other cities, or went back to inherit the family's restaurant and flourished.

"This... Mu, didn't you read the news?"

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