I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 251 Field training begins, you go quietly (please subscribe~)

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning directly found his name and Ye Mu's name in the list, and Ye Mu said angrily after searching for a long time: "Ning Ning, you are not looking for the first character of your name, right? …”

Ye Mu smiled and said, "I really convinced you two.

Even so, Ningning of Ji Zhiguo was pulled away by Ye Mu, and Ningning of Ji Zhiguo also skipped class for the first time in her life.

"Hey, my husband won't be here tomorrow, I'm really sad just thinking about it.""

Ye Mu looked at Xiaolin Rentan, who was sighing while eating, and said angrily, "How can it be so serious."

"Yes! There must be! It feels like the expected life plan is messed up immediately!""

"It's so bad for both of us! Just stop talking....I don't even know what's going to happen tomorrow!"

Up to now, there are still three-digit students, but there may only be dozens of students left after the field training. a hundred....

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning pushed his glasses aside and said softly, "It's okay.... I just feel that the relationship between you and this senior sister is too good..."

Akakubo Tao also nodded, Ye Mu smacked his lips and said: "That's good, the two of you, go to work normally, if you want to come to me, you can come to have a meal at noon or at night, and you can stop by when the door closes. visit.

Sticking together every day from morning to night has become something that must be planned every day, and now suddenly my husband is going out, the whole life seems to be missing a piece, and there is no motivation for work.

"No... eh! Mu! Mu! Wait!

Ji Zhiguo Ningning nodded and said, "Sure, we need to clean the store and prepare ingredients, so the staff should arrive at the place around 8:30.

"Hmm.... I'm already out of Tokyo.... Next door to Kanagawa, there is an udon noodle shop opened by a 15th-year-old senpai. It's not bad. I'm good at soba, so it shouldn't be a problem... Mu, how about you?"

"Otherwise, I'll definitely be reluctant!""

However, Kobayashi Rentan and Akakubo Momo were still attached to Ye Mu, they watched TV together until after eleven o'clock and didn't fall asleep until after four o'clock in the morning.

Kobayashi Rentan and Akakubo Tao both look like they have no spirit. Who can stand this?


"Huh? 35

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Akane Kubo Tao said softly: "Mu not feel sure I can't sleep well, this is a big crisis..."

Ye Mu was also very helpless about this, but unfortunately he is not an Elite Ten now, otherwise he would not have to participate in any field training.

"Let's go a little earlier, these two girls are worried again..."

"Turn...Turn?! It's class now!"9


Ye Mu was stunned and said, "Huh? Why is there such an evaluation? Although it is true..."

"Isn't it alright?"

"That's right! Then there's the morning, and there's no good morning kiss! There's one less person for lunch, one less person for shopping, and it's boring to watch TV! And...and...in short... Big Crisis! 35

"That's the only way... ah... hubby, can you go quietly tomorrow?

Ye Mu didn't sleep either, it was almost five o'clock, and he didn't need to sleep anymore, so he took a shower, changed his clothes, and took the luggage that Kobayashi Rentan and Akkubo Momo packed for him downstairs.

Ji Zhiguo Ningning nodded and said, "That's right, Mu, I suddenly remembered something, that fog house seems to have very short working hours, and there is an appointment system."

"Ah? Huh?! Isn't it according to the name?!"

Ye Mu made his own breakfast. After eating, he prepared a breakfast for Xiaolin Rentian and the others, left a note and left quietly.

"Huh? Insomnia?"

"We're the same, where did you go for the first time?"

"Huh? What's wrong? It's a screenshot, not a file, so it's definitely not necessary to search."

Ye Mu shook his head with a smile and didn't speak, Akakubo Tao said softly: "Rentan is right, today I know that tomorrow is the field training time, Xiao Taozi's whole person has no motivation!

"It's alright, it's good to be a senior, but it's a pity that there is only an allocation for the first game. It would be nice if there was a second game."

"Huh? Is it? I haven't paid attention to it, I checked.... From ten to two thirty in the morning, from four thirty to nine thirty in the evening... It's okay, but the staff should be earlier Some. 99

In the evening, when Kobayashi Rentan and Akakubo Tao came back, they talked about the field training, but they were more reluctant. After all, they were only roommates before, what is the relationship now?

Xiaolin Rentan said with a dissatisfied face: "It's just a meal! It's definitely not enough! And it's definitely insomnia!

But Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning actually had a vague feeling, as if it was a little exciting...

Ye Mu said angrily: "So, what about the two of you when you go on a business trip?"

"All right.

"So Ning Ning is really a little idiot... After all, he is in the top eight.""

Ye Mu sighed and said, "What a little idiot. 35


"It sounds good, Ning Ning, let's go for a walk.

Ye Mu glanced at it before raising his brows and said, "I'm lucky...

Ji Zhiguo Ningning puffed her face and said angrily, "You say I'm stupid again! I'm not stupid! Mu, I'm the first single and the second double.

"Hmm.... let me see... huh?! That fog house pretending to be a nun senpai?!"

"Look who the first and the second are..."

Ye Mu tilted his head and said, "It's only half a month, besides, isn't it the privilege of you two to come to the store I go to find me at any time?"

Compared with the six-day residential training, the field training time is indeed a bit longer, and this is also the way the school finally eliminates redundant students in the first year of high school.

"Go on a business trip with you!" x2

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