I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 8 Erina's mentality is broken, Erina is calm (please subscribe~)

After getting off the plane, two figures rushed over as soon as they exited the station. Saeko Dushima hugged Ye Mu and said, "Mu! You are finally back!"

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan didn't say anything but heaved a sigh of relief. Obviously, she couldn't hold it any longer these days.

Ye Mu smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be like this. 35

"I've been insomnia for days.... go home.

"Well, let's go, let's go back, Rentan and the others brought you souvenirs."

"Hmm!" x2

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan suddenly felt that he had become a lot weaker in front of Ye Mu since he fell in love.

On the other side, Nakiri Senzaemon also looked at the time before saying in a deep voice: "Well, the schedule is almost fixed. 35

"Yes, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, classmate Ji Zhiguo will be in charge of handling the venue. Commander-in-chief, you can prepare the manuscript in addition to handling the documents."

"As a freshman representative, Miss Erina should also be ready to take the stage to accept the award, and the teacher in charge is no problem."

"The assessment for transfer students this time is scheduled for March 31, which is the last day before the semester begins. This assessment is still divided into several test sites, the largest of which is...

Nakiri647 Senzaemon said in a deep voice, "Leave it to Erina.

"Yes, but... Commander, your phone number."

Nakiri Senzaemon was stunned for a moment and then answered in a deep voice: "What are you doing with this old man?"

"Huh? Are you in charge of the transfer student assessment?"

"Heh...do you really want to see the competition of transfer students? Well, that's it, you can go to the biggest bakery."

Nakiri Senzaemon hung up the phone and said with a smile, "This brat, Erina and Ye Mu are in charge of this assessment, but you can tell Erina the day before the transfer student assessment.

"Yes, other than that, Ye's speech is..."

"That kid won't come, the old man will inform him to prepare a copy of what he wants to say, and give it to someone else to read on his behalf.


When Nakiri Senzaemon's secret technique was about to print a new procedure sheet, he heard Nakiri Senzaemon say in a deep voice: "Tell Erina to wait for the old man tomorrow, and the old man has something to tell her."



Nakiri Senzaemon laughed and made a phone call and said, "Old guy, that kid Toyosu has already said it. 35

"Of course, Feng Shi's child is very happy, the relationship between the two has also been cultivated very well, and they make video calls every day.

"Now you can rest assured."9

"Of course, but when are you going to say, you Tōtsuki will start school soon.

Nakiri Senzaemon said with a smile, "I'm going to tell her tomorrow, I'll know it's fine just by looking at her, I don't know how happy she will be.

"Isn't that a good thing? Well, I didn't expect that, in the end we became a family.

"Hahaha! Who said no, so the old guy didn't know if he found something, so this stinky boy suddenly appeared!

"Who said no, that old fellow is a lion and a fox, half a lion and half a fox. 35

Nakiri Senzaemon breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Who said that's not true? Otherwise, how could that old guy be so handsome.

"But Senzaemon, what are you going to do with Tōtsuki?

"This matter, the old man has already arranged, you don't have to worry about it, okay, the old man has to review the documents."

"Hmm. 55

After hanging up the phone, Nakiri Senzaemon let out a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I don't know how happy that girl will be, it's a sudden surprise.

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan them obviously didn't care about the affairs here, they were all (bfed) in Saeko's house on Po Island.

It wasn't until night fell that Erina returned to the house and said with a sigh of relief, "Hisako, what's going on tomorrow?"

"There will be four tastings tomorrow, one in the morning, one at noon, and one in the afternoon and evening.

After thinking about it for a while, Erina nodded and said, "Well, if you say that...I have time to find Mu tomorrow!"

Seeing the excited look of his young lady, Hisako said with a sigh of relief: "Yes, but Erina-sama, there is only a little more time in the morning.

"Then go in the morning! Hisako, ask the driver to take me to Sister Saeko's house tomorrow, and then leave from Sister Saeko's house to try it!"

"Yes! 35

As soon as Hisako finished speaking, a woman walked in, one of Nakiri Senzaemon's secretaries, the woman said in a deep voice: "Miss Erina, the commander has something to ask you.

"Huh? What's wrong with Grandpa? Now?

"No, the commander-in-chief said, let you wait for him at home tomorrow morning. He has something very important to tell you."

55 eh?! Ming.... tomorrow morning?! Alas.... Got it.

The secretary saluted and turned to leave, while Erina puffed up her face and looked unhappy. Is it easy for her? Tomorrow, I can finally see my lover I haven't seen for a long time, and suddenly told you to work overtime. Hold on.

Hisako said quickly: "Mr. Erina, what the commander-in-chief discussed with you is nothing more than the opening ceremony in a few days. Personally, I don't think it will take a long time, and you may not be asked to do it on the spot!"

Erina thought for a moment and said, "It makes sense. After all, the opening ceremony is about to begin, so there really is nothing to deal with."

"Hmm! Lord Erina, have you thought about the future?"

"After? After what?

"Hmm... That means, Miss Alice seems to be very interested in your affairs with Lord Ye Mu, and many of the students in this year's third year are fans of Lord Ye Mu, so they will surely find out.

Erina said casually: "If you find it, you will find it. It's not impossible for me to fall in love, and Mu is also very good. Whether it is a match or strength, I have nothing to say. Besides, who dares to say anything?"

"Hmm! 35

"Go get dinner ready, Hisako! I'm just researching a new recipe, try it for me! 55

"Eh?! Really?!

"Of course, let's go."


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