I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 9 Excited Erina, the fate destined by God (please subscribe~)

Today's Erina got up very early, took a shower early in the morning, put on a light makeup and waited for Nakiri Senzaemon. The driver made arrangements. After talking about things, he went straight to Ye Mu. The day's itinerary has been determined. .

"Hisako, is grandpa back?"

"Mr. Erina, you only asked five minutes ago. There is still time. There are still four hours before the tasting. Sister Zhan Zhan and the others are still up early, and they have never woken up before eight o'clock."

"Yes, after all, Sister Zhan Zhan and the others have been insomnia for many days. Then again, why is Grandpa still~no..."

Before Erina could finish speaking, she saw Nakiri Senzaemon walk in, and Erina was stunned when she saw that although she was wearing a school uniform, her makeup was obviously exquisite.

Nakiri Senzaemon said with some doubts: "Erina, you - makeup..."

Erina coughed lightly and said, "Grandpa, let's get down to business, you asked me to wait for you, is there something important? The opening ceremony?"

Nakiri Senzaemon sat on a chair, closed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Have you had breakfast?

"No, I'll eat in a while.


Nakiri Senzaemon stopped talking again, Erina pursed her lips, she was very anxious! After struggling for a while, Erina said directly: "Grandpa, what's the matter? 99

Nakiri Senzaemon said with a sigh of relief: "Erina, this news is very exciting, I hope you can prepare yourself mentally.

"Eh? Oh, tell me.""

Erina was also a little nervous, what was the news, Hisako was also a little curious, it was rare for Nakiri Senzaemon to be so serious in front of Erina.

Nakiri Senzaemon said with a sigh of relief: "Erina, actually, before you were born, the Nakiri family had a marriage, and for various reasons, it finally fell on your head, which means you have a fiancé.

Erina was stunned, Hisako's eyes widened, Erina was in a relationship with Ye Mu, and they were almost married. Say this at this time, Erina.

Erina came back to her senses and said seriously: "Grandpa! In any case, I will not agree to this marriage!"

"Huh?! Do you know who that person is?

"No matter what it is, I will never marry a stranger! And my Erina's husband must be stronger than me! I will never approve!


Nakiri Senzaemon said in a deep voice, "And what?

"And I already have someone I like! I'm already dating! I want to be with him in the future! I will never accept such a marriage that I don't like! I don't want to marry someone I don't like!

Hisako looked at Erina, whose eyes were a little red, and said quickly, "Yes, Commander-in-chief, Mr. Erina has someone he likes."

Nakiri Senzaemon sighed and said, "Okay... If that's the case, I thought you would have a crush on that kid Ye Mu, so it seems like..."

"Huh?" x2

Erina and Hisako are stupid, what the hell? Ye Mu? Erina quickly said: "Grandpa! Who are you talking about?! Who is my fiancé?!

"It's that kid Ye Mu, I was going to tell you after you go to school. Seeing that you like him very much, it seems that you are just respecting him, and you don't want to force it. This marriage between you and him is just over. .

"Huh?! He....he's my fiancé?!"

"That's right, the old man will go and tell the old man Fujiwara, so it's fine. 35


Nakiri Senzaemon froze for a moment and said, "Huh? Don't you already have someone you like? Take him to see the old man when you have time! 35

Hisako also came back to his senses and said quickly: "Commander! The person Erina-sama likes, the person he is dating is Ye Mu-sama!

"Huh?! Erina! Is this true?!

Erina blushed and nodded and said, "Well, I confessed to Mu on Valentine's Day, and we were together for almost a month..."

Nakiri Senzaemon was stunned for two seconds before he said with a smile, "Hahaha! Good! Good! I thought you were being petty or shy, but I didn't expect it! Erina! 35

Erina also wiped the corner of her eyes and said resentfully: "Grandpa! You are the one! You just said Mu's name! It shocked me! But.... What's going on? Why am I and Mu? Is there a marriage contract? 55

...for flowers...

Nakiri Senzaemon said with a smile, "You know what that kid's grandpa is..."

"God of Cooking, and he still serves the country well..."

"It seems Toumi also said it, yes, the old man and old man Fujiwara were friends with old man Ye when they were young... (thousands of words are omitted here) So it falls on your head.

Erina said dumbly: "There's still such a thing, that's what you guys talked about at the annual meeting... If you say that... I... Am I originally Mu's fiancee?! Nian

"Yeah! If it wasn't for the name that sounded familiar, if it wasn't for the girl Qiluoli who came looking for him, if it wasn't for the reaction of the child Qianhua, I really wouldn't have thought of it, after all, it's been decades, I didn't expect it, Erina, You are also destined for fate.

Erina was stunned for two seconds before she nodded heavily, her eyes were full of surprises, she actually had a marriage contract with Ye Mu, and she could marry the person she liked! Great!

Hisako also said quickly, "Sir Erina! That's great!"

"Yes, you have to tell Mu and the others! By the way, Grandpa! Mu said he planned to graduate..."

Nakiri Senzaemon said with a smile: "I know, get married after graduation, and go to the Celestial Dynasty. That girl, Qiluoli, said, I have no opinion. After you get married, Erina, you can handle the rest of your studies, and then go with you. Your wife can't. leave the husband.""

Erina's eyes lit up, she was worried about this, Erina said quickly: "But.... What about Tōtsuki, if I leave..."

"This old man has already considered it, so you don't need to worry."

"Grandpa, you'd better talk to me. If I tell Mu, he will definitely care about this matter, so he can ask you again. 95

"Alright! It's not as complicated as you think..."

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