I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 184 Then you beg me, the outrageous Fujiwara Toyoshi (please subscribe~)

While the dishes are being prepared here, the fog house on the other side is also very lively at this time.

Fujiwara Tomomi said with a smile: "Sister Cai Zhai, it's strange that you don't wear Lolita."

Hu Ji Cai picked up his face and said, "I don't have the heart to be so lively, but then again, what are these that you bought, Qianhua? 39

Fujiwara Toumi nodded and said, "This... This is a comic book bought by Qianhua, as well as a keyboard and mouse."

Fujiwara Chika said with a smile: "Hehe....Ye Jun said that the computer thing is left to him, so I must take care of the keyboard and so on."

Hu Ji Caizhe thought for a moment and said, "According to what I have to understand, it should be a laptop computer, and a desktop computer will be arranged in the next two days, so it is not wrong to say that you have prepared a keyboard or something. 99

Fujiwara Chika said with a smile, "That's what Ye Jun said, so today I'm going to practice my game skills first!"

Fujiwara Fengmi tilted his head and said, "Don't play too late, otherwise the next day will kill you. After all, you still have class."

"Uh.... I know, I'm being measured, right, right, what time does Miss Hyuga get off work~ I'm a little hungry."

Hu Ji Cai Zhe nodded and said: "Indeed, it is a bit tortuous to wait in the restaurant, but it should be fast, I feel that there are still more than half an hour left, it's fine, I'll drive everyone in a while. back-go. 35

Fujiwara Toyoumi sighed and said, "I didn't expect that the only car in the family at the moment is yours, Sister Caizhao.

"Huh? I'm doing it for the convenience of going to work. It seems that my dear has no plans to buy a car now, there's no need, so that's all it takes.

Fujiwara Toyomi said helplessly: "Sister Cai Zhai, it's strange that you are so normal."

"Huh? I've always been normal, I just need to be enthusiastic and express my emotions. 35

"It's also... By the way, Qianhua, can you speak Chinese?"

Chika Fujiwara thought for a moment and said, "Chinese? Uh...that's about it, sister, what do you want to say?"

Fujiwara Toyomi tilted his head and said, "Well...it's nothing, Qianhua, I'll give you a task. 35


"Well...you usually take time to learn Chinese, and then you can teach everyone at that time. You can speak five languages, so you must have a talent for languages, so I'll leave it to you. .

Fujiwara Chika nodded suddenly and said, "That's it, yes, but Chinese is so difficult..."

Fujiwara Toyoshi held his face and said, "I originally wanted to say that I would go to the Celestial Dynasty to develop in the future. If you come to the Celestial Dynasty, Qianhua, maybe you can..."

"I mean, such a difficult language makes me more eager to challenge!""

Fujiwara Toyosu glanced at Fujiwara Chika and said, "But will you embarrass you like this? You are my sister, so it's better not to embarrass you."

"Sister! Please make it difficult for me!

"What did you say? 35

"I said.""

"You voluntarily?"

“I absolutely volunteer! Helping the family can also improve yourself!”

Fujiwara Toyosu nodded and then held his face and said indifferently: "Then please beg me. 35

"Cough cough!"

Hu Ji Cai Picking, who had been on the sidelines, almost choked to death. What was the turning point? Why did he suddenly change positions?

Fujiwara Chika also looked at Fujiwara Toyomi with a look of disbelief, and Fujiwara Toyumi just said seriously: "You do it voluntarily and you want to improve yourself, then you beg me.

"Sister...Sister, so is there any inevitable relationship?"

"No, I just want to see you beg me."


Hu Jicai picked up a sigh and said, "Fengshi, don't make fun of Qianhua.

"Okay... Qianhua, your relationship with your sister has become estranged."

"I do not have!"

"Then I let you beg me and you still need to hesitate. 35

"What?! This is also?!

"Huh? Because I wanted to see it, I said, Qianhua, you've changed."

Chika Fujiwara swallowed her saliva and her whole body froze. Huji Caichoi said angrily, "You two are like children, no, you two are children."

...for flowers ·

Fujiwara Fengmi tilted his head and said, "Sister Cai Zhai, I am an adult.

"Then you must be mature!

"Huh? Sister Cai Zhai, when I hear you say this, I feel a little relieved in addition to being strange..."

Hu Ji Cai picked up a sigh and said: "That's what I said, but now I feel that I may gradually forget my side business.

Fujiwara Chika said curiously: "Sister Cai Zhai, what is your sideline?

"Huh? I used to be an idol.

"oh, I see...."

"Huh?!" x2

Huji Cai Zhai tilted his head and said, "I don't look like an idol?"

"Not like." x2

"Hey, you two give me some thought! It's very heart-wrenching to say it directly! But... it doesn't matter anymore, I don't feel like I have a chance to manage a side business.

Fujiwara Chika said with a look of surprise: "My God, Sister Cai Zhai, you have really been an idol!

Huji Caizai nodded and said, "Of course, and, my dear, also said that I sing well, and I have no problem dancing!"

Fujiwara Toyomi tilted his head and said, "So, should it be said that you have delayed the development of idols because you became a teacher, or is it because you have been an idol that you are so close to the people as a teacher?"

Huji Caizhe thought for a while and said, "Actually, it's not a big deal, I just think it's fun, ah, it seems that the guests have all left, so do you have to get off work? 95

"Really?! That's great! I'm starving! By the way, Cheroli won't come today. 39

As soon as Chika Fujiwara finished speaking, Inui Hinako came out and said with a smile: "She won't come today, don't worry, alright, just wait a moment, you can get off work after cleaning up the store, I made tea, Noriko !"


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