I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 185 The frightened Yaeko Minazaki is like an ordinary person (please subscribe~)

"Hey, I said Hyugako, why are you closing so late. 99

Inui Hinako said angrily: "I want to live! I'm already closed early.

Hu Ji Cai picked up while driving and said with a smile: "Hyugako, don't you plan to close the door early? After all, he is a family man now.

Inui Hinako nodded and said, "I have this plan, so I have planned to reduce the time appropriately in the future.

"That's not bad... eh! It's here! Is that the main house, eh? Is that Zanzhan and Saeko?"

"Yes! It's the two of them! Eh? Who is this one on the side?"

As soon as the car stopped, a few people came over, and Saeko Toujima said with a smile: "It's finally here, if you guys don't come, Alice "837" will starve to death. 99

Chihua Fujiwara said tentatively: "That guy Chiroli really didn't come.

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan tilted his head and said, "She didn't come, they will come next week, but what are you holding?"

"Keyboard and mouse, and comic books! I just read it all the time, and finally I can buy it and take it home! Have a bookshelf.

Dushima Saeko said with a smile: "There are ordinary dwellings, let alone this mansion. Come with us, dinner is about to start, let's take you to put your luggage first."

"Good!" x4

Hu Ji Cai picked up and said with a smile: "Let me park the car first, where should I park it?"

"I'll park the car for you, and you go back to the villa first."

Huji Caizhe looked at the very good and beautiful woman on the side and said, "Huh? Who are you? I haven't seen you before. 39

Yaeko Minezaki said with a smile: "Hello, I am Yaeko Minezaki, one of the managers of the development company of this villa area. Now it is the main house, which is your family's private property. Please take care of me."

Inui Hinako said suddenly: "Oh! You are that Minezaki-san, we finally met, I am Inui Hinako! Please take care of me!

Yaeko Minezaki was also relieved. All the people who came here seemed to talk very well, including Erina, the tongue of God, she was still a little nervous when she saw these people.

Tōtsuki Elite Ten is already very proud. Tōtsuki is still an aristocratic school. Basically, those who can come are from rich families. No one can guarantee that ordinary students will be difficult to mess with in the future.

As for the Tōtsuki Elite Ten, even the commander-in-chief can forcibly step down, and now everyone basically has a good family background, and now, the Tōtsuki Elite Ten's network is not small, as the most popular among the students Strong, Tōtsuki Elite Ten is not your usual arrogance.

What's more, one of them is Nakiri Erina, the tongue of God, not to mention the tongue of God, even the surname Nakiri is scary enough.

In the end, I didn't expect it to be so easy to get along with. The two little princesses of Nakiri's family are actually very good at talking. Erina is quite polite, but she didn't say much, probably because she didn't know each other well, but Alice was very enthusiastic about this and that.

Now these are the same, which made Yaeko Minazaki a good sigh of relief, but Yaeko Minazaki was stunned quickly because she seemed to have heard a terrible name.

Yaeko Minazaki said with a stiff smile: "That.... this lady, what's your name?"

Inui Hinako was also stunned for a moment, was called Mrs.? How cool! Sure enough, it is good to have love!

Inui Hinako smiled and said, "Inui Hinako!"

Yaeko Minezaki said in disbelief: "That Queen of Mist of Tōtsuki! The super-strong graduate who graduated in the second seat back then, the current chef of Mist House?!

Saeko Toujima nodded and said, "Sister Hyuga, you are so famous, that Kanozaki-senpai still doesn't worship you."

Inui Hinako said with a look of grief and indignation: "That washboard! I... um... hum!

Yaeko Minezaki was also stunned. She took a closer look just now. My good guy, it's really him. Ye Mu is a bit powerful, but this is not the key. The key is that the calm in this magazine is occasionally a little serious or gentle. Who is this boyish guy?!

But think about it, Erina is not so arrogant, Alice is the same very enthusiastic, Xiaolin Rentan and the others are the same, Xiaolin Rentan and Akkubo Tao are actually okay, Ji Zhiguo Ningning is a little cold, but also very good Polite, if you think so, it's quite normal and acceptable...

Yaeko Minezaki sighed and said, "I didn't expect to be fortunate enough to meet so many famous people. I'm really excited. These three are..."

"Hello Minezaki-san! I'm Chika Fujiwara! Please take care of me!"

"I'm Toumi Fujiwara, hello, it's the first time we meet, please take care of me, it's Qianhua's sister."

"I'm a household vegetable picker, please take care of me. 99

Yaeko Minazaki was stunned for a moment before he said in disbelief, "Fujiwara?! Is that the Fujiwara I thought?!

Fujiwara Toyomi tilted his head and said, "If you're talking about the Fujiwara family who is in politics, then it's our family."

Yaeko Minezaki swallowed his saliva and said, "That...although it's a bit presumptuous, but I'm still more curious, as a member of the Fujiwara family..."

Fujiwara Tomomi said with a smile: "You are talking about a family that is engaged in politics, why do you share a man with many people and live together, right?


Fujiwara Tomomi said with a smile: "Because Mu and I have been engaged since childhood, and we will marry Mu in the future."

Yaeko Minezaki was stunned for a moment, 4.3 good guy, what kind of background is this Ye Mu, and he still got married, this is a political family, get married?! Good guy... This Ye Mu is hidden.

Fortunately, this household vegetable picking is relatively common, so it is still acceptable, but this ordinary household vegetable picking also made Yaeko Minazaki's eyes shine, and his heart was relieved.

"Ordinary people... There are still ordinary people..."

"Hmm? What did you just say?"

"Nothing! Madam, let me park your car for you. Just give me the car key."

"Okay! Thank you!"

"It's okay~"

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