I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 186 Watching the lively squad, Alice is a little cowardly (please subscribe~)

As soon as Inui Hinako and others entered the villa, their eyes lit up. This was not ordinary luxury, and Fujiwara Chika and Toji Nazai also exclaimed.

Toji Nanazai and Fujiwara Chika both felt that they were dreaming, and Inui Hinako was also surprised. They all knew that it was a luxury house. When they saw the whole thing just now, they felt that it was not simple, but when they actually walked in, they were still luxurious. .

It is a luxurious mansion like a dream, there is always a feeling of lightness when walking, and it is not until you put your luggage in your room that you feel at ease.

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan and Po Island Saeko also took these people around in the villa, and Fujiwara Qianhua was all excited, and the future life is hopeful! Inui Hinako and others are also a little excited.

But time is limited, so I didn't see much and went to eat.

The dinner can be said to be very luxurious. Yaeko Minezaki and Chika Fujiwara are both eye-catching. This is not an ordinary dish, the dishes of Tōtsuki Elite Ten! There is also an outrageously strong Ye Mu.

"Oh! Senior Ye! Too much! Too much!

Ye Mu was stunned for a moment, and Xiaolin Rentan said angrily: "Ehhh, Alice, think about it before you talk, we're a family, be careful to attack!

The corners of Alice's eyes jumped, and she turned her head to see Tian Yu Zhan Zhan who was wiping his hands with a wet towel. Alice quickly said, "Sister Zhan Zhan! Forgive your life!"

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan was stunned for a moment and said: "Huh? I just ate mussels, so I just wiped my hands, why do you spare your life?

"Uh.... it's alright, sister Rendian! I just wanted to say that Senior Ye definitely didn't use all his strength during the final cooking! Right!

Ye Mu nodded and said, "This is true, it's quite troublesome after all.

Inui Hinako smiled and said, "Mu, you haven't used all your strength.

"No, I was very serious when I played with Ningning."

Ji Zhiguo Ningning sighed and said, "Mu, do you think I'm stupid? You can be a little more serious at most. If you can face me seriously, I'm already very happy. 99

Xiaolin Rentan held the bowl and said, "Ning Ning, you don't have to be too modest, your strength is absolutely enough, and finally there is a breakthrough, and the most important thing is that your current strength has improved again, Saito can now than you?"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning thought for a moment and said, "I don't know, if it's better than sushi, I'm sure I can give it a try. 35

Inui Hinako said with a smile: "Sushi? I'm good at this, but I was famous for making sushi when I was in school! I'll teach you later? It's not that easy to make sushi.

"Oh....Is that so? When I was training on the ground at the sushi restaurant of the gatekeeper-senpai, I thought it was quite simple.

"It's not that simple, Ningning, can you tell me how you make sushi?"

After Ji Zhiguo Ningning gestured for a while, Kobayashi Rentan and the others also nodded, that's true, Inui Hinako waved his hand and said, "It's totally wrong, this is at most ordinary sushi, as Tōtsuki Elite Ten this sushi Ah, naturally there must be a more advanced technique.

"Huh?" xn

The group of people in Tōtsuki were studying cooking, and Chihua Fujiwara said with a smile, "Hehe... Ye Jun, look at the computer..."

"Don't worry, it has been prepared for you, the game has been downloaded, and the absolute performance of the game book is no problem."

"Okay! That's great! By the way... Ye Jun, you can play games with me later!"

Ye Mu shook his head and said: "I'm going to practice for a while today, so let's go, I'll take you to play games when school is over tomorrow, and I'll prepare some desktop computers in the past two days, and then I can form a team.

"Okay! Eh? Practice? Ye Jun, what do you want to practice?"

Inui Hinako and others were also curious, Xiaolin Rindan said with a smile: "You should also see how your husband practices cooking, chop."


"To be honest, you can't do this kind of training.

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan was stunned for a moment and said, "Huh? Why can't I practice cooking?

Erina nodded and said, "Sister Zhan Zhan, you really can't do it, it's very cruel.

Tian Yu Zhan Zhan was stunned for a moment and said, "Cruel? Is this word really used in cooking?"

Yaeko Minezaki, who was chatting with Nazai Toji and the others, also said curiously: "Yes, the practice of cooking should not be cruel enough."

Akakubo Tao sighed and said: "You can see it today, just arrange the task.

"Huh?" xn

Xiaolin Longdan said with a smile: "Sister Hyuga, you have a good rest, but you are working very hard. So do you, Sister Caizhai, and Sister Fengshi, you can rest well today as you run back and forth."

Inui Hinako shook his head and said, "It's alright, I can let Cai Picking take me to the city tomorrow, and I can rest for a long time."9

Hu Ji Cai Zhe also nodded and said: "Yes, I've been in the office all the time, and I always drive when I go out, so I'm not tired. 35

Fujiwara Toyomi also said 837 indifferently: "Yes, there is no professional class tomorrow, so I can skip class.

Several people silently gave a thumbs up, Tian Yu Zhan Zhan glanced at Alice, and Alice quickly said: "I said I would definitely watch it.

So the pressure came to Chika Fujiwara, Chika Fujiwara swallowed and said, "Actually, I originally planned to go and see it, and I was also very curious, and the most important thing is... It's a bit overwhelming. ..."

Everyone laughed, and when they were about to speak, they saw Yaeko Minazaki saying tentatively, "That....I..."

Xiaolin Rentan said casually: "You are also your own. If you want to go, we can go together, but you are quite busy."5

"No! I've been busy all this time, and I'm a private property here!"

Xiaolin Rentan said with a smile: "This lineup has suddenly become powerful, so it's time to assign tasks."

Ye Mu sighed and said, "I think..."

"You don't think so! xn

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