I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 289 Weird Fuyumi Mizuhara, Is This A Date? (Please Subscribe~)

Everyone was still in a state of unconsciousness. Kobayashi Ringtong said blankly: "Why do I feel like I have experienced all kinds of life in just a few dozen minutes?"


Huji Nazhai said curiously: "So, doesn't it feel weird that you just changed the name?"

"Fortunately, I mainly wanted to try it out to see if there would be any kind of psychological activity.

"Then what?"

"Then, I feel okay, a little hard to say, but overall it doesn't feel bad, well, that's pretty much it."

Kobayashi Rgentan sighed and said: "You are too strange, but you still have some reasonable meanings, and you don't react at all."

"It feels okay, I didn't say it was a very strange feeling... But then again, what should couples do?"


Fuyumi Mizuhara tilted her head and said: "Aren't you a couple? No, it should be said that you are an unmarried couple? I don't know?"

Akanekubo Momo held Butch in one hand and chocolate in the other and said blankly: "No, the main thing is... you suddenly asked, we don't know what else to say.

"Huh? What can't be said? Erina, tell me."

"Ah? I... just... just... have breakfast together in the morning, and then... eh, how can I sum it up, we will be together whenever we have time.


Fuyumi Mizuhara thought for a moment and said: "Huh? It feels..."


"I feel like you guys are weird.

"Hey! What's weird is that you're okay!"xn

Even Shinomiya Kaguya clearly felt Fuyumi Mizuhara's strangeness. Ye Mu thought for a moment and said: "Water... Fuyumi, when do you have time? I'm talking about except today, after all, you usually I want to open a store."

Fuyumi Mizuhara thought for a while and said: "At the beginning of next month, the store will be cleaned and reorganized normally, and it will be closed for one day. I am the store manager, so there is no need to go to the store, I just go to check."

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said: "At the beginning of the month... OK, I understand."

"Hmm? What are you going to do?"

"Since it's a relationship based on dating, then naturally you can't just do nothing. If you have time, let's go out together.

"Turning around? Is this a date?"

"Well...you are right to go, right?"

"Go, I don't have any medicine yet."

"Then I have to plan carefully."

Fuyumi Mizuhara glanced at Ye Mu and said nothing more. Kobayashi Ringtong sighed and said, "It always seems strange that things are going well, Ms. Minesaki, aren't you going to work?"

"Hey, I forgot about it. Fortunately, it's not too late. I'm leaving first. Ye Jun, just send me a message if you need anything.

"Hey! Miss Minesaki! You're very partial. Is your husband the only one who can come to you if you have something to do?"

Minezaki Yaeko rolled her eyes and said, "When have you ever been polite when something happened? I won't tell you anymore. I'm leaving first, Caizhai, aren't you going to school?"

"Ah, I have to leave too, Fengshi, are you going to school? If you go, I will give you a ride."


After these people disappeared, Erina said tentatively: "Um... Sister Suihara, aren't you going to the store?"

"Huh? I can just go in the afternoon. I didn't plan to be open for a long time today, and I didn't make any reservations. But I didn't expect this relationship."

Alice said blankly: "You didn't expect it yourself... So, Sister Suihara, you...

"Huh? By the way, shouldn't it be better for me to come and live here occasionally?"

Inui Hinako sighed and said: "It's up to you. Come if you like it. Anyway, you will definitely be welcome, and it will be very lively."

"Well... then just leave all your luggage and we'll talk about it later.

"Um...I feel like you are very calm."

"Why do you need to be nervous?"

"This..." xn

Ye Mu smiled and said, "It feels like we can make Rong Dan and the others a little more honest."

Kobayashi Gendan said angrily: "We are ladies, okay!"

…Please give me flowers…

"Let's not talk about it for now, Zhanzhan, your training content is divided into two time periods: morning and afternoon, but before the fatigue period is over, you can just choose the time yourself."

"Hmm...So, the fatigue period means..."

"First do the exercises separately. Today's exercise is all about running. I've told you the specific effects of the exercise. Now I'll tell you about the training content for the next few days.


Others were also very curious. Ye Mu thought for a moment and said: "The first is the weight-bearing elbow strike. This also exercises strength and lower back..."

Ye Mu just said this, everyone's eyes twitched slightly, good guys, are you going to train a humanoid weapon?


"The last step is to practice against beatings..."


Tianyu Zhanzhan nodded and said: "I thought of this. Shangchiliu can only be practiced by being cruel enough to yourself. How far do you need to practice?"

"Zhanzhan... To be honest, I feel that it is not necessary for you to

"I know what you're thinking. I'm not one of those weak little girls. How can I practice?"



"After Zhanzhan's fatigue period is over, eh? I suddenly thought of something...Zezi, if you fight Zhanzhan normally, you have to use a wooden sword. Zhanzhan, you can't fight back. In addition to hiding, you just have to resist. That's it.

"Eh?! Mu...this..."

"Don't worry. On the premise of keeping your hand, Zhanzhan, you don't have to say anything for now. I have considered it, so don't worry.'

Tianyu Zhanzhan nodded and said, "I understand, so we're going to start practicing today?"

"You can set your own time. It's up to you when to start. I will prepare the potion. If you are afraid that not being able to adapt will affect your work and class tomorrow, you can also choose next Saturday or summer vacation, the same thing."

"Well...I see..."

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