I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 290: Tianyu Zhanzhan’S Dissatisfaction, Fuyumi Mizuhara’S Invitation (Please Subscribe~)

Generally speaking, Alice and the other girls had to catch up on their sleep when they needed to, and those who needed to go to work and school went to work and school, some went shopping, and others played games at home.

As for Fuyumi Mizuhara, she was chatting with Ye Mu. The topics they talked about were nothing more than trivial matters, but in any case, the two of them gradually deepened their understanding of each other and became familiar with each other. .

Naturally, Inui Hinako was listening on the sidelines, saying a few words from time to time to increase her presence.

There were not many people at home until lunch time. Ye Mu held the bowl and said with a smile: "Ahua, Qiluoli probably didn't tell you how to go back."

"No...no, Lord Ye Mu, is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

Ye Mu thought for a while and said: "When you go back to "907" later, go to a dessert shop and buy three Black Forest cakes or Montblanc. It depends on your preference, and then just walk back. That's it.

"that's all?"

"Yes, if you meet anyone and ask you where you have been, just say that you went to help Qiluoli with errands. On the way back, Qiluoli will ask you to bring some snacks for afternoon tea or supper. It depends on the time of day. I met someone.”

"I understand. In addition, Mr. Ye Mu, the president has also been very concerned about Zhimowan recently."

"I know this. We have talked about it, and I can probably guess that there will be some interesting changes. Let's eat quickly, and there are you two, Kaguya and Xiao Ai...


Ye Mu thought for a while and said: "If you want, you can also choose to stay overnight today and go to school with Zhan Zhan and the others tomorrow. You don't have to worry about this. Of course, if you feel there is something wrong, you can also choose to go back after dinner. You don’t have to worry about this.”

"Um...I don't know, Erina said yes..."

"Then you can stay, just think of it as a holiday for yourself. If you are worried about how big a deal it is, you can go back with me and Hisako this afternoon. You can bring your luggage over. If you want to come and play later, Just come."

"This... Hayasaka, what do you think?"

"Miss, if it's possible, I think there should be no problem with this matter."

"All right...…"

Hisako said a little strangely: "Looking at it this way...it seems that all members of the student council of Hideo Chiwon are here.

Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned for a moment and said: "Huh? It seems like it's true... Shuchiin's student council is really all together, but it's time to step down in another month."

Erina waved her hand and said: "With your strength, it doesn't matter even if you don't have the gold-plated title of Shuchiin's student union. You don't have to worry about so many things. If you don't resign, you will not only have to bring new people, but also handle a lot of work by yourself. It’s only the neurotics who stay.”

"Yes...but having said that, I always feel that Sister Suiyuan and Ye Jun are much closer."

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Fuyumi Mizuhara, who was also holding a bowl next to Ye Mu, and nodded silently. Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded without denying it and said: "Yes, after spending the whole morning together, I feel that my choice has not been made." Yes, he is indeed my favorite type, so it’s easy to talk to him.”

Inui Hinako said helplessly: "Senior Mizuhara, if you can be a little more straightforward, the relationship between you two will be better now."

"Huh? I'm already very straightforward."

"But the problem is, you just...forget it, just take your time, everyone has a different rhythm. Suwon-senpai, what time will you go to the store in the afternoon?"

Fuyumi Mizuhara thought for a moment and said: "It's still early, around two o'clock in the afternoon, and I'll be back around eight o'clock in the evening. How about you?"

"As for me, that's about it. We can go along."

"Okay, I can take you for a while. Do you want to go to my store?"

Inui Hinako tilted her head and said, "What should I do in your store?"

"I didn't ask you.

Fuyumi Mizuhara said and turned to look at Ye Mu. Ye Mu thought for a moment and said: "Okay [but won't it disturb you when opening the store?"

"In a sense... No, you are really my boyfriend, so it's okay if you come, and there is no appointment today..."


Fortunately, this damn girl Alice was not here, otherwise she would have been clamoring to go there together. In that case, Fuyumi Mizuhara would probably be a little resentful.

Fortunately, the remaining people either had their own things to do or were not stupid, and none of them expressed their intention to follow, which also made Fuyumi Mizuhara breathe a sigh of relief.

Akanekubo Momo held up her face and said: "Rentan and the others are going shopping. If you all leave too, Ning Ning, where are you going this afternoon?"

"Me? I plan to practice at home..."

"You'd better save it, Xiao Taozi feels a little bored listening to it, Erina, where are you going this afternoon?"

"I don't know, Sister Xiaotao, do you have any plans?"

Akanekubo Momo thought for a while and said: "Little Taozi has thought of it. You can follow Xiao Taozi in the afternoon."

"Eh? Although Sister Xiaotao, you are very reliable, I don't know why at the time, but I always felt that when you said this, there should be something remarkable about it.

"No, don't worry. Little Taozi is much more reliable than Gentian."

"Oh...Sister Zhanzhan, what about you? You don't plan to start practicing today..."

Tianyu Zhanzhan thought for a moment and said: "No, I have some concerns, so I'll let's talk about it in a few days on May 5. After all, I haven't resigned yet."

"Then come out with us. It will be absolutely safe with Sister Zhanzhan here."

"You...forget it, okay, we can set off as soon as we have dinner. Xiaotao, just leave the stupid cat at home. 11

"Zhanzhan, Chocolate is not stupid, you just keep calling it stupid and that's why it always ignores you.

"This guy is trying to steal from me. If it weren't for his own cat, he would have been stewed long ago.

"Little Taozi has heard Zhanzhan's words no less than ten times, but you still give her cat food..."


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