I'm in Comprehensive Comics: Start Enrolling in Tōtsuki Academy

Chapter 291 Fuyumi Mizuhara’S Willfulness, Wanting To Be Picked Up Fuyumi Mizuhara (Please Subscribe

As soon as they finished eating, everyone retreated at the speed of light. Without hesitation at all, they ran away without a trace. Fuyumi Mizuhara looked at the car in front of her and before she could speak, she heard Ye Mu say with a smile: "I'll drive."

"You? You can drive? Do you have a driver's license? No...it's weird that you have a driver's license."

Ye Mu smiled and took out an ID from his pocket and said, "I'm sorry, maybe this is really weird."

"This is...eh? An international driver's license?! How do you have an international driver's license? Your age..."

Ye Mu said with a smile: "The age requirements in some countries are lower, and as long as you have the money and connections, you can get it. Don't worry, I have already notarized it. I just don't think there is a need to buy a car here." That’s all.”

"It's really notarized and stamped...it's really yours..."

Inui Hinako waved her hand and said: "I'll be in the back row. One of you can drive and the other will be a co-pilot. Anyway, you two will finish the same 26th stop."

Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded without saying a word, and sat in the passenger seat as a matter of course. When Ye Mu sat next to her, Fuyumi Mizuhara was suddenly stunned.

For some reason, she just felt like she had achieved some kind of achievement in her life, that is, her lover was driving, and she was sitting in the passenger seat, taking her to work, and then picking her up when she got off work. Fuyumi Mizuhara felt as if she had achieved something. A kind of success in life.

Ye Mu turned around and said with a smile: "What's wrong? Don't worry, I will get you to the store on time.


Inui Hinako was stunned for a moment and stuck her head out and said: "Senior Mizuhara, I feel like you are very happy."

"I'm sure I won't be unhappy. Having said that, this is the first time I've been sent off to work by someone, and it's still my boyfriend. I find it a bit interesting..."

Ye Mu smiled and said: "As long as I have time, I don't mind sending you to work often."

"Um... Where are you after get off work?"

"If I have time, I will pick you up on time.

"Hmm...sounds pretty good."

Inui Hinako said with a look of resentment: "Mu...that's too much. You haven't even taken me to and from get off work! That's too much!"

Ye Mu smiled and said while driving the car: "Because you always said that you can come back by yourself, you can ask Dongmei. Anyway, I don't have a car. You have to ask Dongmei whether I can pick you up."

Inui Hinako said expectantly: "Suwon-senpai! Mizuhara-senpai! We are good friends! And we are still sisters now, you see..."

Fuyumi Mizuhara turned her head and glanced at Inui Hinako and said softly: "I don't want to look."

"Eh?! Suwon-senpai!"

"I don't listen."

"why is it like this!"

"I do not want to say."

"Eh?! If you don't look, don't listen, and don't speak, are you a three-part monkey?!"

Fuyumi Mizuhara said softly: "I heard this sentence, so I decided not to take you.

"Ah?! How can it be like this?! Senior Suwon! Can you bear to see me come back alone?"

"I can't bear it."


Inui Hinako felt her blood pressure rising. Ye Mu smiled and said, "You better stop teasing Hinata, she will take it seriously."

"Eh?! Senior Suwon, it turns out you were teasing me! You scared me..."

"Don't make any noise.


Fuyumi Mizuhara turned her head and glanced at Ye Mu and said softly: "Do you have any plans for this afternoon?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"Then you can stay with me in the store, okay?"

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said, "If you are in charge of food, you can think about it."

"No matter, then you stay with me."

"Let me tell you first, I don't cook.


Inui Hinako originally thought it was quite boring, but suddenly she noticed that Fuyumi Mizuhara's eyes seemed to be looking at Ye Mu all the time. Inui Hinako's mouth curled up. It seemed that the original plan was to make Fuyumi Mizuhara really fall in love. .

The car drove along peacefully, with Ye Mu and the other two chatting from time to time. It wasn't until they reached the city center that Inui Hinako breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Mu, we're here, I'll get off first."

"Well, don't be distracted by your work."

"Shouldn't you say you should go home from get off work early?"

"You wouldn't do that."

"You really do understand me...Then I'll get off the car and won't disturb your two-person world. Suwon-senpai, please remember to pick me up."

Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded and said nothing, but soon she was stunned because she saw Inui Hinako approaching to kiss goodbye. Fuyumi Mizuhara suddenly felt that the life achievements she had just achieved seemed to be suddenly not complete. .

After Inui Hinako left, Fuyumi Mizuhara turned around and said, "What was Hinata like at that time?"

"What was it like? What was it like?"

"Just what was it like when I was with you?"

Ye Mu thought for a moment and said: "Probably... it's the same as usual, but a lot more gentle. I guess he has learned that he should mature a bit."

"Is it the same as usual? What is it like usually?"

"Usually... I'm usually pretty childish, with a bit of a sinister streak, and what you see now is what you see now. To be honest, you guys probably know how childish I am."

Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded and said: "I know this, it is indeed true, but I always feel that she has changed a bit."

"A little big? Maybe it's because I started to have a different understanding of life."

"Another understanding, although I don't understand it very well, you can probably see some results by looking at her appearance, but she is really clinging to you, it seems that the same is true for Rendan and others.

"Well... to be honest, it's something to be proud of, but you just have to ask them about the specifics."

"Is that so? What will they say?"

"Why can't you tell me?"



"Let's have dinner in the store.


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